If you Voted for Bernie Sanders or wrote him in or

That's the conventional wisdom, but even massively outspending her opponent didn't win Hillary the election.

The idea that only by taking corporate campaign donations can we install politicians who will outlaw campaign contributions is utterly bankrupt, logically, ethically and morally.

Such thinking is exactly how we got into this mess. It is neurotic at best to think that doing the same while expecting different results is the only way out.

YOU did everything in your power to damage Clinton up until the election and even afterward. YOU parroted the disinformation that the Russians were giving the Trumpbots. YOU told people to stay home YOU told people to write Sanders.

YOU could of gotten most of what you wished with Clinton. But that wasn't good enough for you shitbags. You had to go and burn the whole house down. Some of you even proclaimed that if Sanders didn't get in the best guy would Be Trump.

And as to Sanders chances of winning? Fucking Zero. A self Proclaimed socialist has zero chance of winning in the USA.
Half of sanders votes came from republicans in open primary states that wanted the weakest candidate to win. If CLinton had won we would probably be talking about Universal Healthcare. Instead we are talking about nuking North Korea.

You know how many nukes it takes to wreck world economy? 1. And it doesn't even have to destroy anything of significance. But this is what you berniebabies brought us. Take ownership of it. This is your mess.
Let me ask you all this...If Sanders would of somehow beat the system and miraculously got the super delegates and won the Democratic nomination...do you think he could of beat Trump in the general election?
Bernie was a weaker candidate than Clinton by virtue of losing to her by a whopping large margin due to the fact that the black and brown vote didn't like him. If he couldn't get the black and brown vote, he couldn't beat Trump.
YOU did everything in your power to damage Clinton up until the election and even afterward. YOU parroted the disinformation that the Russians were giving the Trumpbots. YOU told people to stay home YOU told people to write Sanders.

YOU could of gotten most of what you wished with Clinton. But that wasn't good enough for you shitbags. You had to go and burn the whole house down. Some of you even proclaimed that if Sanders didn't get in the best guy would Be Trump.

And as to Sanders chances of winning? Fucking Zero. A self Proclaimed socialist has zero chance of winning in the USA.
Half of sanders votes came from republicans in open primary states that wanted the weakest candidate to win. If CLinton had won we would probably be talking about Universal Healthcare. Instead we are talking about nuking North Korea.

You know how many nukes it takes to wreck world economy? 1. And it doesn't even have to destroy anything of significance. But this is what you berniebabies brought us. Take ownership of it. This is your mess.
Even without the support of bernies crew...dont you think a strong candidate like Clinton should of dusted a douche like Trump? Especailly with the crap he was saying on tje campaign trail? Lets be honest...most Americans are neither GOP or Dems. They will vote for whoever (for the most part) sways them. I mean...cmon. HILLARY CLINTON VS. DONALD THE TRUMP???? AND SHE LOST. When everyone was saying easy win or close to it. What was it about Clinton that made alot of people in states the "experts" thought she had...vote for Donald fukin Trump???
Even without the support of bernies crew...dont you think a strong candidate like Clinton should of dusted a douche like Trump? Especailly with the crap he was saying on tje campaign trail? Lets be honest...most Americans are neither GOP or Dems. They will vote for whoever (for the most part) sways them. I mean...cmon. HILLARY CLINTON VS. DONALD THE TRUMP???? AND SHE LOST. When everyone was saying easy win or close to it. What was it about Clinton that made alot of people in states the "experts" thought she had...vote for Donald fukin Trump???

The electorate is largely uneducated, gullible, not up on current events and not exposed to real news.

Or at least 46.1% of it was last November
Lets play what ifs one more time. Say Joe Biden would of listened to his dying son and ran for the nomination. Upsetting the cart if you will. And it probably would of pushed Bernie and his tunnel vision crew out the way and likely been a race between Clinton and Biden. And say Biden grips the nomination. Do you all think HE would of beaten Trump in the general???
Lets play what ifs one more time. Say Joe Biden would of listened to his dying son and ran for the nomination. Upsetting the cart if you will. And it probably would of pushed Bernie and his tunnel vision crew out the way and likely been a race between Clinton and Biden. And say Biden grips the nomination. Do you all think HE would of beaten Trump in the general???

Maybe. People always want 'change'. Without knowing what that means in advance.

We were more respected around the globe when Obama was president.

Fucking laughing stock now. A joke.
The electorate is largely uneducated, gullible, not up on current events and not exposed to real news.
the stated belief that anybody who didn't vote for X was unable to decide what is best for them is patronizing, racist, sexist, privileged thinking. In fact, beyond racist in that it dismisses everybody else who doesn't agree. It's about you, babe
Clinton couldnt beat Donald fukin Trump. Wow. Let that sink in for all of you for a moment. If it were Biden...what do yall think? Cmon. Play along for a minute. Devils advocate sort of thing. In a hypothetical...could Biden of beat Trump???
bernie's large to small donor ratio was about 40% large to 60% small. hillary had 40% small donors and 60% large donors.

the whole fucking story about small donor support was mainly a myth.
You are such a revisionist. If that's so, let's hear what Hillary's average contribution was?

Bet it's a lot more than $27!

You really need to stop lying so much.
YOU did everything in your power to damage Clinton up until the election and even afterward. YOU parroted the disinformation that the Russians were giving the Trumpbots. YOU told people to stay home YOU told people to write Sanders.

YOU could of gotten most of what you wished with Clinton. But that wasn't good enough for you shitbags. You had to go and burn the whole house down. Some of you even proclaimed that if Sanders didn't get in the best guy would Be Trump.

And as to Sanders chances of winning? Fucking Zero. A self Proclaimed socialist has zero chance of winning in the USA.
Half of sanders votes came from republicans in open primary states that wanted the weakest candidate to win. If CLinton had won we would probably be talking about Universal Healthcare. Instead we are talking about nuking North Korea.

You know how many nukes it takes to wreck world economy? 1. And it doesn't even have to destroy anything of significance. But this is what you berniebabies brought us. Take ownership of it. This is your mess.
YOU are absolutely refusing to take responsibility for a terrible candidate who cheated, got caught and was punished accordingly.
Pad has difficulty understanding complex social situations. People always vote in their own self interest. They can decide for themselves what's important to them too.

AC explained the difference between objective interests and self interest better than I so, ask him if you can't understand this.
Pad has difficulty understanding complex social situations. People always vote in their own self interest. They can decide for themselves what's important to them too.

AC explained the difference between objective interests and self interest better than I so, ask him if you can't understand this.
It stems from the belief that black people are incapable of knowing what is in their interests.
Wrong. It stems from the belief that all people, black, white, red, brown, green, blue, can be incapable of knowing what is in their best interest
we all know there are plenty of reasons some people do vote against their own interests.
Yet somehow it's considered racist when we say the same thing
However, it is not subject to racial generalizations. there are reasons, such as propaganda and familial ties which might motivate someone to vote against their objective interests but that such people believe they are voting in accordance with their own best interests.
Again, we're saying the exact same thing, yet we're labeled 'racist' for it
[Sanders supporters] would have us believe that black people rejected Bernard because they have a herd mentality
Black people don't reject Sanders, they support him higher than any of his other constituencies at more than 70% approval

To reiterate, black people, like all people, because all people are animals, have a herd like mentality. Animals generally have a herd like mentality, to deny the idea that black people do too on the basis that it's somehow "racist" to state as much is pure idiocy. Why don't you single out the fact that I said white people have a herd like mentality, too? Why do you and your ilk try to misconstrue what I said to make me seem racist?

We all know why. Because you can't argue the substance of the points being made. You have to assign labels to us in order to discredit us because our arguments are sound. Can't beat em, call em a racist. It might work with those you associate with, but it doesn't work with anyone else.
Wrong. It stems from the belief that all people, black, white, red, brown, green, blue, can be incapable of knowing what is in their best interest

Yet somehow it's considered racist when we say the same thing

Again, we're saying the exact same thing, yet we're labeled 'racist' for it

Black people don't reject Sanders, they support him higher than any of his other constituencies at more than 70% approval

To reiterate, black people, like all people, because all people are animals, have a herd like mentality. Animals generally have a herd like mentality, to deny the idea that black people do too on the basis that it's somehow "racist" to state as much is pure idiocy. Why don't you single out the fact that I said white people have a herd like mentality, too? Why do you and your ilk try to misconstrue what I said to make me seem racist?

We all know why. Because you can't argue the substance of the points being made. You have to assign labels to us in order to discredit us because our arguments are sound. Can't beat em, call em a racist. It might work with those you associate with, but it doesn't work with anyone else.

That's a bigger stretch than I usually see starting flowering.

The electorate is largely uneducated, gullible, not up on current events and not exposed to real news.

That is not exactly what you said.

You referred to one specific segment of voters which changes the entire thought.
The polls suggested otherwise, and he had much higher favorability than Clinton. She was the most disliked candidate for potus (next to Trump) in the modern era of politics.

I don't know what you're basing your emphatic answer on.
Is that why she won the vote by miles?

You idiots keep repeating the same lines and keep getting tbe same answer but your ears are too full of Russian dick schmeg.