That's the conventional wisdom, but even massively outspending her opponent didn't win Hillary the election.
The idea that only by taking corporate campaign donations can we install politicians who will outlaw campaign contributions is utterly bankrupt, logically, ethically and morally.
Such thinking is exactly how we got into this mess. It is neurotic at best to think that doing the same while expecting different results is the only way out.
YOU did everything in your power to damage Clinton up until the election and even afterward. YOU parroted the disinformation that the Russians were giving the Trumpbots. YOU told people to stay home YOU told people to write Sanders.
YOU could of gotten most of what you wished with Clinton. But that wasn't good enough for you shitbags. You had to go and burn the whole house down. Some of you even proclaimed that if Sanders didn't get in the best guy would Be Trump.
And as to Sanders chances of winning? Fucking Zero. A self Proclaimed socialist has zero chance of winning in the USA.
Half of sanders votes came from republicans in open primary states that wanted the weakest candidate to win. If CLinton had won we would probably be talking about Universal Healthcare. Instead we are talking about nuking North Korea.
You know how many nukes it takes to wreck world economy? 1. And it doesn't even have to destroy anything of significance. But this is what you berniebabies brought us. Take ownership of it. This is your mess.