thats not you, it's the cookie monster in your I want cookies.. thanx.. lol..
LMFAO..thats not you, it's the cookie monster in your stomach.
Yes, if abortion is legal in Kentucky then crossing state lines would be the way to me out...if tennessee outlawed abortion and kentucky did not, a person could cross state line and get an abortion?
yea either that or i work my ass of all day and she works a few hours iv the evening some nights... you know, same thing.While your "woman is at work?" Typical fucking socialist ... living off of your woman's teat.
where did you get that? wikipedia??Neo-Marxism
Neo-Marxism is a loose term for various twentieth-century approaches in Marxism and Marxist theory. As with many uses of the prefix neo-, many theorists and groups designated "neo-Marxist" attempted to supplement the perceived deficiencies of orthodox Marxism or dialectical materialism.One such approach might be a 20th century school that harkened back to the early writings of Marx before the influence of Engels which focused on dialectical idealism rather than dialectical materialism, and thus rejected the perceived economic determinism of the late Marx, focusing instead on a non-physical, psychological revolution. It was thus far more libertarian and related to strains of anarchism. It also put more of an emphasis on the evils of global capitalism. Many prominent Neo-Marxists such as Marcuse were sociologists and psychologists. It was bound up with the student movements of the 1960s. Neo-Marxism comes under the broader heading of New Left thinking. Neo-Marxism is also used frequently to describe the opposition to inequalities experienced by Lesser Developed Countries in a globalized world. In a sociological sense, neo-Marxism adds Max Weber's broader understanding of social inequality, such as status and power, to Marxist philosophy.
So, you hate the view that people should be valued, no matter their monetary status. You hate that I want every citizen to have access to medical services regardless of their wealth. You hate that I think the workers should be treated with dignity and their jobs valued as much as some investors profit. You hate that I think CEOs are way over compensated when the workers get 1/1000th the pay, and they get bonuses for running the company into the ground. You hate the fact that I'm Retired and drawing SS, something I actually paid into for 55+ years. BTW when I worked, I always drew a good paycheck, I was a union worker, except when I owned My own businesses, 3. Mellow out man, I'm not the devil. I just think people are more important than someones financial status. I also invested in the market, made some, lost some. It's called gambling. Look at where it is now, and people like you want to put SS money into the market, I'd guess you're second thinking that one, eh? I mean now that all of us are going to bail out those investors. I say fuck them, they got there making all the profit, they should pay the debt or go belly up. Maybe if we put some of those high paid crooks on the unemployement line and cut their benefits after 6 mos., they may get an awakening, although I highly doubt it. As Pol Pot said, they need retraining, ~LOL~.Medman, I hate your views, but I wish you could get a good paying job, and have to pay the kind of taxes that I am stuck paying. I wish you could drive a vehicle like mine, and see why the gas taxes suck so badly. I wish you had as much invested in the market as I do (which isn't really that much) or even a lot more, so you could see that capital gains and corporate income tax suck. I wish that you were successful, so you wouldn't hate those that are so much.
wow, if you need a definition for the word equality you are even dumber than i thought.chucky-Bunns sez:
"just like i am a "neo-marxis" because i want equality"
OK, let's disperse with the personal attacks, Chucky. Let's get down to the nitty gritty here. Please define what you mean by "equality," and state how you would attain this "equality" if you were in charge. Thanks ...
I wish you wernt a greedy prick. Then maybe we could all get along.Medman, I hate your views, but I wish you could get a good paying job, and have to pay the kind of taxes that I am stuck paying. I wish you could drive a vehicle like mine, and see why the gas taxes suck so badly. I wish you had as much invested in the market as I do (which isn't really that much) or even a lot more, so you could see that capital gains and corporate income tax suck. I wish that you were successful, so you wouldn't hate those that are so much.
^^^^^^^^^^^^wow, if you need a definition for the word equality you are even dumber than i thought.
Equal Quality for All
Very simple. Or do I need to dumb it down another notch for you?
you dont deserve better than that Vi.Just as I thought ... another empty suit.
Come on, Man ... you can do bettet that that. Tell us how YOU see "equality" and how you would attain that "equality" if you were in charge. You can do it ... I know you can.
So far Chuckie-Bunns, you haven't made any "intelligent argument" in this forum. dont deserve better than that Vi.
you are still not getting it. I'm not wasting any intelligent argument on you.
you had me on block so you havent even read half of my posts. you censored yourself like the fool you are. Congrats... and so far all i have heard from you is you calling me chcukie bunns like a fucking schoolboy would make fun of someones name.. because thats what you are and thats all you got.So far Chuckie-Bunns, you haven't made any "intelligent argument" in this forum. None.
Oh yeah ... you're right, we old Reaganites and Barry Goldwater kooks WILL die off ... but there is a whole army of young Ron Paul liberty movement supporters coming right behind us. So ... ya better watch yer azz, Commie.![]()
Empty suit ... Bah!
I wish you wernt a greedy prick. Then maybe we could all get along.
You think you deserve a better quality of life because you had your life handed to you and people who have had to struggle can just keep on struggling because they deserve nothing more?
It is plain as day that you have never had to work a hard day for a small paycheck in your life. It is also clear that you have had it pretty easy, i can tell just by the way you talk.
Those gas taxes are high because every mile you drive your gas guzzling Hummer, you are killing our mother earth more and more. So there HAS to be an incentive to not be a fuel guzzling environment nazi, and that is saving a some dough.
Stop bitching about high gas prices and start learning to conserve.
Its pretty fucking simple.
so the environment has no right? the one and only thing substaining life doesnt have rights?I feel that if some one wants to elect to drive a Hummer that is their privilege and their right