If you Voted for Bernie Sanders or wrote him in or

are you really this fucking stupid?


there are about a dozen more examples you blithering fucktard.
Again with name calling, but back to point. I said hillary is a gangster, she uses her contacts to cheat. Its proven that dnc gave her question ahead of time. You then post the same exact thing except with trump as your source. Lol what are you trying to prove with your post honestly.

What does trump have to do with anything ? Its hillary who cheated which is FACT. Your the one who continuously bringing up trump.

I asked you to provide your conspiracy theory you claim i was trying push and you posted a known fact.

Do you know what conspiracy theory is by chance?
that you are literally parroting trump conspiracy theories and excuses you blithering fucktard.
Dude, im parroting a trump conspiracy is what your trying to prove? Honestly, man your the prime example of a troll.

What exactly is the conspiracy theory !!!!! Are you saying hillary getting question for the debate by dnc a conspiracy theory? Seriously, just google if hillary got a question from dnc before debate. Its all public record EVERYWHERE. If you already know that then google what a conspiracy theory is. It may help you in life.

Then your talking about excuses, what excuse am i trying to make and for who would i be making an excuse for? If your infering i made an excuse for trump to have won then refer to origional post. Your just pulling stuff out of thin air that were never said, to suit an agenda your pushing which conflicts with other posts you make.

Finally you follow up with a name call, again which just shows troll
I was just asking questions. Like your earlier post about kicking social justice warriors to the curb. Do you still believe that people of this country shouldn't defend civil rights? A white mens rights supporter sure did kick social justice warriors to the curb today, didn't he.

In case you don't remember, I'll just remind you about your statements regarding how screeching social justice warriors cost Clinton the election and how sjw should be kicked to the curb.

from: https://www.rollitup.org/t/make-liberalism-great-again.927211/
Main points:

  • to too many of today's liberals, protecting 'feelings' has become more important than preserving rights
  • If liberals want to win back the white house, there are some very important things that must be done;
  • In 2018 and 2020, liberals need a 'progressive TEA-Party' that runs populist candidates modeled after Bernie Sanders that can steal primaries from establishment democrats. We have to get them out of there! This political party cannot survive if it's loaded up with corporatist shills. The democrats are supposed to be an alternative to that and right now they're not. The democratic party must become a super-organism that survives on the support of everyday people and eshoo's money from major business interests. Liberals must create and sell a bold vision of America... built around specific policies like making higher education a right to those with the academic acumen to earn it. Like making sure people are employed and that they're being fairly compensated for their work. Like protecting the interests of everyday people above the interests of mega rich multinational corporations. Like fixing our roads and bridges. Like building a national high speed rail system. Like ending our dependence on fossil fuels. Like working on ways to reduce or reverse the CO2 saturation that is harming our environment.
  • Kick SJWs to the curb. When ordinary people see liberals wasting our time arguing about pronouns, and turning racial and sexual differences into a grievance culture victim badge for every shitty little cry bully to polish with their own tears, Americans correctly reject the notion that that's what America needs. Liberals need to stop with this culture of coddling weakness and get real. We don't need a bunch of emotionally fragile screeching morons. They're an absolute drain on the liberal platform described earlier. Because according to them, creating a good economy and making sure everyone has healthcare and education is not as important as making sure no one is ever offended by anything that anyone ever says at any time.
  • If we want to win, we need tough liberals who are self assured and put forth good ideas with confidence and who are smart enough to defend those ideas in both a pragmatic and a philosophical way. Our current liberal climate of "there there, have a shoulder to cry on" needs to die, needs to go away.
  • If someone is so emotionally fragile that they psychologically implode when someone disagrees with them, they don't need a political movement to unite them all under one banner, they need mental health care to teach them how to be tolerant of people who are different.
Wow. Could come straight from a Trumptard's mouth.
now you see.

I was quoting @Padawanbater2 in the passage Dag was referring to.

Love you too, babe.
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good job on even more emphatically parroting trump, you racist retard dumbfuck.

want to go over some of the other ones now too, so you can assure yourself of that alternate reality filled with alternative facts that you live in?


Seriously, go look in mirrow an say , did hillary get question from dnc early, then answer it outloud... then look at last post an see how what your saying actually makes sense.

Seriously, go look in mirrow an say , did hillary get question from dnc early, then answer it outloud... then look at last post an see how what your saying actually makes sense.

trump and bernie also knew what questions would be asked too. it is a non-issue.

you are trying to make an issue out of it, just like trump. you are literally parroting trump.

that should make you question yourself, but you are way tooo fucking stupid for introspection.
So im one of those "lazy , entitled" generation. Who works 2 jobs to support his kids and has private medical and zero handouts fron the state... i registered to vote for democrat for election. Bernie was a no brainer to vote for. He just understood or seemed to understand how my generation felt and how obvious the problems are in goverment. It really honestly isnt hard for any single person to step back and see that. Problem is that hillary and trump are crazy engulfed into that establishment. no talking will convince that they will fight against the people who they worked for and associate with still.

Hillary is a gangster, she used her contacts to get inside information (questions to debate ). Does not matter if they were obvious. Its is still cheating, plain and simple. She was being investigated for email crap that if was no issue she would not have had her husband meet prosecutor alone at airport. She would not be having diner with prosecutor right before it all started. Her fingers are so into her political friends that IMO electoral votes went to trump cause of that. It is pretty clear she can pull strings to suit her personal benefit. Sometimes i wonder if that is why many are upset she didnt win cause they dont have someone who will manipulate an cheat to get there way. People dont need to have black and white evidence of jury saying guilty to see clear as day what her problems were. All the hacking did was wake some people up to who she is and willing to do to win as a person... and she still won popular vote.

I can safely say i am 90% sure wont be voting democrat again. I hate trump and think how one way that crowd is. They are not open to any change and very very about control and having authority. Its sickening to see how sessions is so upsessed with marijuana and asset forfieture with trump not saying anything but said in speeches that states could do as they please. He is just as fake as hillary. They both will cheat and lie to do there agenda, only difference is they have seperate agendas.

NONE of that suprises me, what really changes my mind and suprises me the most that i have not noticed before is what CRY BABIES the democrats are being. It is honestly crazy to see much complaining and pushing the blame that democrats are still doing as to why lost. Even down to citizens that are domocrats, all blame and whining. Look at past 20 or so pages on here for example, its all one sided whining and who fault it is etc. There is bearly anyone saying how the domocrats actually screwed themselfs. I am 100% not a trump fan. Maybe, turning republican idk yet , i havent paid attn to see if republicans were just as bad with obama. Now onto this whole russia meddling thing, its a big deal but come one now, the people investigating him are all hillary donators. They are making big deal cause kushner met someone who claimed to have info on hillary... wtf difference is that compared to dnc going to Ukraine for info on trump. Same exact shit to a T. Except hillary had someone expendable do for her whereas, trump made rookie error of having family go. This entire media , politial CIRCUS is so hyocrital is almost every way that it is sickening to have to take part of it. Its no wonder so easy russia to sway votes. All had to do was take 1 block out of the janga tower and watch it fall.

Fact is, trump won be electoral vote. The "so popular hillary" loved by so many lost by her own peers. Which is for a reason. Ever heard of having references before getting hired? Her co workers clearly thought she was bad fit for job. If it is anyone fault as to why domcrats are not in presidency they need to look at themselfs and make a change before they lose more votes on the next election... if trade gets tougher on china through next 4 years, jobs are found in the US before just outsourcing to india for low wage for example(tech), north korea is delt with whichever way does least harm to citizens of whichever country is involved (remeber obama hiding all this caos past years. They didnt wake up with nuke capability when trump took office), hacking between countries can be lowered, etc. If he makes a real change that is noticeable to american people than hes got my vote. The only major things so far that makes me hate him is immigration and his authority factor which transfered to citizens being targeted.

The term is very early an he has made statements and conversations on actual real life problems in goverment and citizen life. So far things havent been thrown under the rug or hidden for ratings (possibly cause he has entire media gunning for failure, idk) domocrats should focus on getting new voters to see why they are good for us. Not focus on why repubs are bad for us. Seems to be a common issue in politics. The charlotte attacks are horrible but look at media articles , 80% is covering how trump didnt say enough , whereas 20% is about actual event that happened. Every article has to have blame in it instead of facts about the actual event.

P.s. before comments come about how much of idiot or whatever name you guys wanna call me since i do not share same hatred as you, know that the attitude you show is the exact problem im talking about. No facts and educating as to why your correct but name calling and one way views of your always right.
Clinton beat Bernie because Sanders could not gain the votes of Democrats in the south. Democrats in the South are strongly represented by African Americans, and by the time the Southern primaries were over, Bernie had lost. Your whine about some secret conspiracy overlooks the facts. Bernie won the young white male vote. He lost just about every other demographic. Especially the African American, Hispanic and women's vote by large margins. Nobody can win the Democratic nomination without winning support in large numbers from those groups.

So, let me try to understand what you are saying here. African Americans, Hispanics and women were duped by rigging the election but young white men weren't. If this isn't what you are saying then please explain why only young white men were resistant to the evil Hillary gang.
How exactly am i a russia apologist? The only thing i said about russia was it was easy for them to break down our politics in voting process. Whole post was about hillary, trump and democrats... please clearify what your getting at with your post? With examples and explanation as to how you came up with your post.

You're right, falling for and then spewing Russian fake news about Clinton is not really being a Russian apologist. I should have called you a "useful idiot" instead. Good call.
We cant. I see it all the time online. Not just here. We can be nasty and be the worst...because all we see are words on a screen...we can let each other have it and remain anonymous. Its a human condition really. Just like groups of people together for a period of time...mob mentality takes over. The point is though...to be aware of it makes one prepared for it...at least.
It remains a choice. We don't HAVE to be assholes just because of words on a screen.

I just got back from a mountain retreat put on by members of another board. It was a fantastic gathering of people who have many of the same interests, got to know each other online, even disagree on subjects from growing to political, yet treat one another with respect.

The group is a shining example of what CAN be in terms of making friends online, whether we always agree or not.

Isn't that right, @RM3 ?
Clinton beat Bernie because Sanders could not gain the votes of Democrats in the south. Democrats in the South are strongly represented by African Americans, and by the time the Southern primaries were over, Bernie had lost. Your whine about some secret conspiracy overlooks the facts. Bernie won the young white male vote. He lost just about every other demographic. Especially the African American, Hispanic and women's vote by large margins. Nobody can win the Democratic nomination without winning support in large numbers from those groups.

So, let me try to understand what you are saying here. African Americans, Hispanics and women were duped by rigging the election but young white men weren't. If this isn't what you are saying then please explain why only young white men were resistant to the evil Hillary gang.

clinton is OVER..shes a shamed private citizen. the only people that care are you, buck and hillary.
trump and bernie also knew what questions would be asked too. it is a non-issue.

you are trying to make an issue out of it, just like trump. you are literally parroting trump.

that should make you question yourself, but you are way tooo fucking stupid for introspection.

