Donald Trump threatens 'fury' against N Korea ..(again)

Google 'Overton Window'.

What Americans think of as centrist is still pretty right wing.

Bernie Sanders is a centrist to the rest of the planet. Only here in 'Murrica is he considered a left winger.

I believe in socialized education, fire and emergency protection and police- with strong accountability. I believe in socialized roads and infrastructure. Most Americans also believe in the very same things- or we wouldn't have public fire and police protection, publicly funded roads, public schools or public utilities.

Publicly funded higher education isn't much of a stretch, and neither is publicly funded medicine. The reason why it's been made a big deal in the media is only because we have a very small group of wildly overpaid and incredibly selfish assholes who are bent on telling the rest of us what we should and shouldn't have- because THEY want to save money on their taxes. After all, YOUR taxes aren't going down, are they?

What this makes me is a centrist. A true socialist would want to nationalize industry. I think that's a bad idea. I do want to tax those industries because i believe corporations owe the country that gives them infrastructure, trained employees and affluent customers. That isn't socialist, either.

The notion that upper classes and corporations should not have to support the country that made it possible for them to profit is authoritarian, autocratic and ultimately aristocratic and as such is a clear and present threat to democracy and the freedom of average citizens.

I'm open to other perspectives, especially if they're as open to discussion about their ideas as i am about mine. If people's political ideas don't hold up under scrutiny then maybe they aren't worth keeping.

I feel my positions are eminently defensible and provide the most prosperity for the largest number of citizens.

I do not believe that the prosperity of millions is worth sacrificing for the outlandish aggrandizement of a few. Charles and David Koch smokers and their ilk might disagree, but they are literally one in a million. The other million need to make a decent living, too!
i read some of your neo-nazi skinhead posts.

reason africa is so fuked up.....low IQ of africans, at 70 u r considered mentally retarded ...

smiling uncle this mandela lovers....
Since 1994 over 4000 white farmer families have been brutally raped, murdered and skinned alive and altogether 70 000 whites murdered by blacks in this Genocide being condoned by then president Mandela and the current ANC government, why doesn't the UN step in? Impose sanctions? Put Mandela on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity? Is there that much White Guilt that the world ignores this? Under Apartheid there were no such murders, government sanctioned murder or cruelty or inhumane conditions as the Boer Whites have had to suffer, If whites did this to non-whites or even whites doing it to whites the US and her allies would invade and save the population from being annihilated in this type of genocide!

u want the Jew connection....?
who are "they"?
the goverment, the retarded liberals, their a bunch of rapists, 3 sexual assault claims already, i cant see the rag head being a surprise, goes to show reading the Quran does corrupt all... it probably told him, "In your office its okay to touch women inappropriatly its your office allah will be happy praise allah +2 virgins added to score"
the goverment, the retarded liberals, their a bunch of rapists, 3 sexual assault claims already, i cant see the rag head being a surprise, goes to show reading the Quran does corrupt all... it probably told him, "In your office its okay to touch women inappropriatly its your office allah will be happy praise allah +2 virgins added to score"
and that they have to have french on all the shit sold in canada what a waste....
your life must really suck.
I'd rather see growth and make good money than some stupid climate change cash grab, climate change is snake oil.
You guys must like the left, they reward the ones who do nothing and take from the ones who work hard to get to where they are.

Ill sum up the last sentence in short form for you guys,


Thats what corporations want you to believe... while they rape you.

Go back to your cave.
I'd rather see growth and make good money than some stupid climate change cash grab, climate change is snake oil.
You guys must like the left, they reward the ones who do nothing and take from the ones who work hard to get to where they are.

Ill sum up the last sentence in short form for you guys,


Ignorance can be fixed, but stupidity cant. So sad for you....
you don't have DOLLARS you have WORTHLESS (((federal reserve))) notes obama is flying chemtrail planes over appalachia rand paul 2056
I got silver dollars... My financial advisor recommended 5 - 10% of my portfolio because over time they've historically accumulate value.
if the dinosaurs had a carbon tax would they still be around?

If they polluted as much as us would they have survived for 100-165 million years?

So if I make a profit by polluting, the taxpayer/everyone else should pay for the costs of pollution?
If they polluted as much as us would they have survived for 100-165 million years?

So if I make a profit by polluting, the taxpayer/everyone else should pay for the costs of pollution?

climate change is a sham, its the new get rich quick scheme
if the dinosaurs had a carbon tax would they still be around?
Dinosaurs lived a carbon neutral life and were around for about 120 million years.
Homo Sapiens has been around for 200,000 years and were carbon neutral for 199,800 years during which time we became a wildly successful species. Homo Sapiens var industrialis has been around for 200 years and it's not clear we will survive the next 100.

Carbon neutral sounds like a good bet.
YOU'RE fucking retarded.

no, i like to work hard but not be penalized for it, i dotn want to pay for the future problems of the planet, or immagration or green schemes. i want to live in a giant house, see coal fired power plants, never see a electric car charging station and emit to my hearts content.