Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

This strain tastes like ice cream!
Sorry, couldn't find a home depot sku, but this is what you want.

PVC Hose AdapterPVC swivel hose adapter is designed for use with 1/2 In. schedule 40 PVC Outdoor Mist Systems or wherever a connection is needed between a standard garden hose thread and PVC pipe. The hose adapter has a slip fitting and requires PVC cement for watertight operation, but is easily applied following the directions given on the PVC cement container.

Sorry, got to this post and looked and this is not what is needed to correctly install the correct end of a garden hose to the outlet of the res to drain it. You can hook up the garden hose backwards this way but I'm anal ocd. After 2 hours of searching and arguin with casa de Pot's idiot employees, the correct fitting is found in the irrigation section, not the plumbing with the rest of the pvc. It is called 1/2" slip x 3/4" MHT pvc, the mht is the important part, it means male hose thread. casa de Pot sku 685822.

I don't care how many times this has been answered, here it is again, I just had to get that frustration out after screaming at idiots who dragged me kicking and screamin into an argument I did NOT want to have in the first place. I goggled and searched and finally had to call and get hung up on 15 times before finally asking for a manager and resolving the issue peacefully (or peaceably, whichever is correct). on hold for over 30 mins total and on the phone actually talking to a human for well over an hour for $1.54 worth of plastic. I would have just driven but it's a long drive just to check, next time I need to make a supply run, you can bet Ima overload on these just because.

Damnit boy

hello everyone!
pass that :joint: over here and welcome me to thread
damn this is long, i'm only a little over half way through it, but anyway...

sorry to bring something up from back in feb (thats as far as i've read so far)
but i saw a pic from dirthawker and thought i'd throw a little twist onto it

i have a pic of it below and that net really looks like a hassle.

here's an idea that will save you from messing with it during harvest time
and will stop it from being a recurring cost every grow

drill holes where i have the red dots and add PVC where i have the green
then run wooden dowel rods through the holes

so they don't slide out if you bump them
leave the dowel rods long enough to stick out of each side an inch
buy some nuts that are the wing nut type to thread onto them

i have included a pic of wooden dowels incase anyone doesn't know what they are
any lumber yard, ace, lowes, menards, ect. will have them

So how in the world do those wooden rods pass through each other where they intersect? You can't overlap or wrap them around each other like string or wire or any other less solid than wood material.
What did I miss?
To anyone thinking of running this system. it is not for the noob!

you really have to know your stuff... and be a good builder as well.. if you want to do it properly. there are many factor to having this operate successfully

building the system with no leaks, being able to build it well, having a chiller setup with manifold ability, correct nute schedule, having the proper pump timers.

you couldn't possibly be more wrong

this is an absolutely one hundred percent false statement, I wish you were still around to see this statement of your inaccuracy

fearmongering is not conducive to spreading the love

too bad to read all the bullshit that happened to the former participants of this thread, too much bullshit drama, too much hate

Still over a hundred pages to go and it's gonna take me another week to get it done.

I do like marvin the martian's adaptations, would love to see more pics and plans like that and other changes and mods

I use arduino for infinite control of anything like pumps, co2, lights, etc. Too bad that didn't get really explored while this thread was alive and kicking back in the day. It was around though it wasn't as cheap as it is now
I do like marvin the martian's adaptations, would love to see more pics and plans like that and other changes and mods

Marvin the Martian is superstoner1 I was telling you about earlier. He made some mods to this system. Some of which I like, others I don't.

His nutrient schedule is very good and easy to incorporate. I'll snag some pics of my setup also when the lights are on and I remember.


Marvin the Martian is superstoner1 I was telling you about earlier. He made some mods to this system. Some of which I like, others I don't.

His nutrient schedule is very good and easy to incorporate. I'll snag some pics of my setup also when the lights are on and I remember.



I would love pics! There are quite a few but that is one thing I think this thread kinda lacks, the millions of words the pics would provide.

Can you elaborate on the things you dislike?

My ocd won't let me start any other long threads til I get to the end of this one, but I definitely have plans to read at least 2 of his other threads including the one you linked. Oh wait, yeah those 2 you linked. I read the first and last of both just to get a taste but I have to get finished here first.

I also subd a cob thread to get some ideas
Can you elaborate on the things you dislike?
It's been quite a while since I've looked over those threads and looked at his different ideas.

Actually, it's probably not necessarily that I disliked the way he did certain things but rather that some of his ways just wasn't good for the way my systems are set up.

For example, he used to use one collective reservoir for 3 or 4 veg tubs. For me, it's just been easier if I build multiple single res veg systems.

Another thing that I can think of off the top of my head is that his rails didn't use any support systems and he stated that he didn't need any because of his nutrient schedule that they would grow really strong branches and wouldn't need support. While I have found that most branches do get quite strong, frequently I still had to support them so I added pvc framing above my rails to tie them to as they get heavy.

I'll see if I can snap some pics for you soon.
having two hours off 1 hour on is going to basically kill your plants, stinkbud uses 1 on/5 off to give the maximum amount of oxigentation to the roots, if they are dry for the timeline you suggest they will wilt and die. The timer is 100$ because of its capabilities, if you cannot afford it run your aeroponics system 24/7 but DO NOT give it an hour on and two hours off.

It will be highly detrimental to your girls


Man I really wish people would stop lying or saying things that aren't true because they have an opinion not based on facts. May not be the best way but it certainly absolutely will not kill your plants. Vie run aero pumps 24/7 in the past with zero ill effects
Following this advice will hurt your yield. The legend on the graph before is in degrees Celsius, and 30C = 86F;

View attachment 3441328

I like my grow room temps in the low eighties- and instead of getting a toy, my chillers are all 2 Tons or bigger- and they cool the water, the room and dehuey. In other words, they handle all the environmental control activities, and they do it more efficiently than AC.

Grow room temps in the low eighties puts my leaf temps in the light right at 85f, considered the optimal for yield on the chart. Notice that yield rises with more light, but only to a point; much past 1500 umol/cm² more light becomes counter productive and lower temps are better- as compensation for getting beamed, I'm guessing! I do cool the room into the upper seventies for the last week or two before chop.

If the choice is between leaving 15-20% of your yield on the table and getting a chiller, I say get the chiller! It's going to pay for itself very quickly indeed.

It's been quite a while since I've looked over those threads and looked at his different ideas.

Actually, it's probably not necessarily that I disliked the way he did certain things but rather that some of his ways just wasn't good for the way my systems are set up.

For example, he used to use one collective reservoir for 3 or 4 veg tubs. For me, it's just been easier if I build multiple single res veg systems.

Another thing that I can think of off the top of my head is that his rails didn't use any support systems and he stated that he didn't need any because of his nutrient schedule that they would grow really strong branches and wouldn't need support. While I have found that most branches do get quite strong, frequently I still had to support them so I added pvc framing above my rails to tie them to as they get heavy.

I'll see if I can snap some pics for you soon.
The Screen of Green (SCROG) is not for plant support, it's there to maximize your plant canopy. We've found one large cola per square is the most efficient layout.

Just about any decent nutrient mix will work. All you need to do is follow the directions on the side/back.
Holy crap!! I'm only on page 1!!! Should I read all 591 pages??? I still haven't finished Stephen King's IT yet,hahahah!

kinda. there is a bunch of bullshit drama that is totally irrelevant to growing in any shape, form, fashion, or mode right in the middle of this monster thread and that can be skimmed very lightly. Don't make my mistake and read every post. Drop that SKIT and don't pick it back up until you have finished whatever thread this thread turns you onto. I still have two more long ones at least after this one.

when the bitchin starts, start skimming and just keep skimming until you get back to the meat. I wish there were markers to point out what to skip and what is relevant, however unimportant or trivial.
big sigh, 'uge sigh.

I can't believe I finally made it to the end. What a monster.

edit: shit I forgot to include this info.
Getting to the end I finally feel like the old guy in the canoe in the bottom of the oil tanker on waterworld. Have any of you guys even seen that movie???

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all you kats talking about Zeppelin earlier, have y'all heard Greta Van Fleet's "Highway Tune"

It is very Zeppelinesque to me, everything about it, the whole sound, even the voice.

The Screen of Green (SCROG) is not for plant support, it's there to maximize your plant canopy. We've found one large cola per square is the most efficient layout.

Just about any decent nutrient mix will work. All you need to do is follow the directions on the side/back.
Who was talking about SCROG?

I didn't mention anything about it. I was talking about a pvc frame similar to your system to use as plant supports.
Marvin the Martian is superstoner1 I was telling you about earlier. He made some mods to this system. Some of which I like, others I don't.

well I started the 3 phases thread (after finishing a different thread or two) and got a little over 10 pages in and haven't seen but a pic or two with no description or plans or instructions, only a nute regimen, and then some guy just asking for pics got his ass jumped on and everybody started insulting him. While he was in this thread he kinda started off mad when SB first came back but then they buried the hatchet and he seemed nice and helpful.

Turned me off bigtime, just can't do it. I may check out his other thread for a few pages, but I would rather start from scratch and go through all my own hassles and growing pains (no pun intended) and failures figuring shit out without the help of a dickhead that hurls insults at someone for asking questions. He only talks to his buddies, glad he's not around, RIU is better off without him.
I finally decided to copy Stinkbud's Aero instead of buying a system like the Aeroflo20 or Aeroflo28. The farmers in my country all use metal, wood or solid plastic for fenceposts so I can't find the right material. Anyway, I did find white PVC pipes for plumbing. The standards are 4" and 5".

I almost sure someone has asked the same question a while ago but I can not find the tread again. Would 4" or 5" pipes cause any problems like clogging etcetera?