What game are you playing

I rarely play games unless it's something sexual with my wife ...hide the salami, swallow the hot dog, pin the dick in the asshole.

However my boy who just had a B-day just got a new X-box, I've been watching him play in the evenings and decided to download ResEvil2 I believe ....I've been messing around with it late at night while stoned. I'm not a gamer or into video games, but I'm enjoying it ....I gave the two chicks new names and pretend they're lesbians....sadly I somehow ended up with a weird dude being followed around by a creepy little girl on an island last night.....I sure hope I get my lesbian characters back....I love how it's a plant that makes you feel better........Before fucking around with my boys X-Box I played and beat all the Tomb raiders for PS1 ...beat the Halo games and a game called Timeshift as well ....but that was on a 360 a while ago ....Timeshift was cool.
I just finished Fallout 2 for like the 500th time and I'm trying to remember where I left off on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. shadow of Chernobyl. When I loaded up my save file I was way out in the middle of nowhere, over encumbered with artifacts and badass weaponry.
PUBG, Overwatch, Starcraft Remastered, CS:GO, and HOTS....occasionally silly games like Hot Line Miami 2.
kof xiv, sfv, battlefield and overwatch. was playing rocksmith 2014 a while ago but since i'm now taking actual lessons, i don't play that anymore.