Well-Known Member
I didnt know there was a Cards Against Humanity online game. just like the real cards...pretty cool
never played zelda u rekon the switch is worth it how are the graphicsI bought a switch just to play Breath of The Wild. I'm about a 1/4 through. Gorgeous maps, and awesome story line.
Been a hardcore Zelda fan since LTTP.
Eve online. Mining shitloads of stuff while watching youtube on my second monitor.
My son played that game when it first came out and just started playing again this weekend from the beginning. It's pretty cool. He can't wait for Fallout 5 to come out.Picked up Fallout 4 on Steam for 15 dollars on sale.
It's very, very cool. Check it out.
Gonna be SOO GOODHe can't wait for Fallout 5 to come out.