why won't trump label the Charlottesville attack an act of terror?


Well-Known Member
also, the terrorist bombing of a mosque in minnesota - never called it terrorism, never even mentioned it.

the portland train stabbing, committed by a guy who said "if donald trump is the next hitler i am joining his SS", never called it an act of terror.

the murders of two engineers in kansas by a white supremacist trump voter - he never called it terrorism, he never even mentioned it.

the murder of 2nd lieutenant collins, a black man, by a white supremacist trump supporter - he never called it terrorism, never even mentioned it.

the cowardly murder of 6 innocent muslim men as they sat praying in their mosque by a trump supporter armed with a military grade assault rifle - he never called it terrorism, he never even mentioned it.

how are we supposed to fight radical white supremacist terrorism in our own country if trump is too scared to even call it what it is?


Well-Known Member
Malcolm describes how the "divide and conquer" strategy of colonialism is used against black people in America.
Palm Gardens, New York. 8 April 1964.

Transcribed text from audio excerpt. [read entire speech]

The greatest weapon that the colonial powers have used in the past against our people has always been divide-and-conquer. America is a colonial power. She has colonized 22 million Afro-Americans by depriving us of first-class citizenship, by depriving us of civil rights, actually by depriving us of human rights. She has not only deprived us of the right to be a citizen, she has deprived us of the right to be a human being, the right to be recognized and respected as men and women. In this country the black can be fifty years old and he is still a "boy." I grew up with white people. I was integrated before they even invented the word and I have never met white people yet--if you are around them long enough--who won't refer to you as a "boy" or a "gal," no matter how old you are or what school you came out of, no matter what your intellectual or professional level is. In this society we remain "boys."

So America's strategy is the same strategy as that which was used in the past by the colonial powers: divide and conquer. She plays one Negro leader against the other. She plays one Negro organization against the other. She makes us think we have different objectives, different goals. As soon as one Negro says something, she runs to this Negro and asks him, "What do you think about what he said?" Why, anybody can see through that today--except some of the Negro leaders.

SOURCE: X, Malcolm. "The Black Revolution." Militant Labor Forum. Palm Gardens, New York. 8 April 1964.


Well-Known Member
why is he afraid to say the words "radical white supremacist terrorism"?
If shooting up a gay bar and you are a muslim stating you are an islamic soldier doesn't make you a terrorist how could a car accident be considered terrorism? Obama set this precedent is that the answer you are looking for? Aren't you happy about how all this turned out? you get to use the death of a person to troll on rollitup now.


Well-Known Member
Malcolm describes how the "divide and conquer" strategy of colonialism is used against black people in America.
Palm Gardens, New York. 8 April 1964.

Transcribed text from audio excerpt. [read entire speech]

The greatest weapon that the colonial powers have used in the past against our people has always been divide-and-conquer. America is a colonial power. She has colonized 22 million Afro-Americans by depriving us of first-class citizenship, by depriving us of civil rights, actually by depriving us of human rights. She has not only deprived us of the right to be a citizen, she has deprived us of the right to be a human being, the right to be recognized and respected as men and women. In this country the black can be fifty years old and he is still a "boy." I grew up with white people. I was integrated before they even invented the word and I have never met white people yet--if you are around them long enough--who won't refer to you as a "boy" or a "gal," no matter how old you are or what school you came out of, no matter what your intellectual or professional level is. In this society we remain "boys."

So America's strategy is the same strategy as that which was used in the past by the colonial powers: divide and conquer. She plays one Negro leader against the other. She plays one Negro organization against the other. She makes us think we have different objectives, different goals. As soon as one Negro says something, she runs to this Negro and asks him, "What do you think about what he said?" Why, anybody can see through that today--except some of the Negro leaders.

SOURCE: X, Malcolm. "The Black Revolution." Militant Labor Forum. Palm Gardens, New York. 8 April 1964.
The good people of this country came together to defend the streets from Nazis who intended to march down those streets to insult and abuse others. We faced them down in Portland Oregon, Berkely California, Charlottesville VA and will face them down wherever they show their ugly faces. Look at the images of counter protesters and you'll see diversity. Nazis came from all over the country, all one or two hundred of them. The people of Charlottesville showed up in the thousands and shoved their shit right back in their faces.

If not for the crazed action of a white supremacist Nazi, who came all the way from Ohio and who in a rage over losing the day committed a terrorist act, nobody would have been seriously injured. Hundreds of heavily armed haters were just begging for escalation of violence and the thousands who could have turned them into bloody spots on the pavement showed the Nazis that they would oppose but mindfully decline to sink to their level.

I'm proud that people came together to oppose a vocal, hateful and tiny group without resorting to the kind of violence the Nazis employ.

Malcolm X was speaking true for his times. This country has a lot more work to do but it is not the same country that Malcolm helped change.
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Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
If shooting up a gay bar and you are a muslim stating you are an islamic soldier doesn't make you a terrorist how could a car accident be considered terrorism? Obama set this precedent is that the answer you are looking for? Aren't you happy about how all this turned out? you get to use the death of a person to troll on rollitup now.
"car accident" you fucking toxic shit ball
did you pick up that bit of dogma on saturday? Was it tattooed on the grand wizard's ass? QtrNdaRimmr