And fools mis enterpret articles. Corn does the same. So unless theres nuclear waste in my indoor grow how does this prove anything exactly? Ah yes, it doesn't.......... High times also has articles stating the benefits of juicing raw cannabisI guess I should have provided an example:
But it was more fun to watch them trip over themselves in unison. The one who doesn't know the difference between a fruit and a vegetable made for a good chuckle. I wonder how many of them chow down on maple leaves thinking it gives the same results as maple syrup.
Another thing to think about is that it is the same folks eating leaves are those same folks crying about pesticide use. Guess we will be hearing about magic crystals or Paltrow's Goop 'jade stones' to produce 100% fems with 6 times the resin production next.
And fools mis enterpret articles. Corn does the same. So unless theres nuclear waste in my indoor grow how does this prove anything exactly? Ah yes, it doesn't.......... High times also has articles stating the benefits of juicing raw cannabis
With a little salad dressing....the leaves taste fine....should try it...
well that's because you said you grow in nuclear waste....seriously photron do you have anything positive or useful to add to the conversation...because I keep seeing you jump from post to post rather than trying to have a convo yourself...your just trying to disrupt the board....
sunni did say to report these things early before they get out of I guess...
Too much PPS mine shaft weed has taken its toll...the reason you get pegged as the same person over and over."the masked photon flinger" ...are you classic "tells" eg "Where did I say that I grew in nuclear waste?"
you are too too would think by would change your writing style at least...
the reason you get pegged as the same person over and over."the masked photon flinger" ...are you classic "tells" eg "Where did I say that I grew in nuclear waste?"
you are too too would think by would change your writing style at least...
Corn in general isnt good for your digestive system. So no rebuttal to high times touting the benefits of juiced raw cannabis huh? Not suprisedHow do those corn leaves and husk taste? Good on the digestive system?
Schill calling patients schill. Lol. Im done playing with this mentally stiffled neck beard. IgnoreWriting style? You mean proper English as it has been taught in the Canadian school system for the past 70 years?
The '?' punctuation mark signifies the statement as a question.
You schills are trying to discuss legal matters yet you don't understand the basics of the language and think that anyone who does understands the basics is the same person. Nice.
You mean funny finger is this guy?Schill calling patients schill. Lol. Im done playing with this mentally stiffled neck beard. Ignore
Masky flem boy
Corn in general isnt good for your digestive system. So no rebuttal to high times touting the benefits of juiced raw cannabis huh? Not suprised