STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
The US dept. of Justice has given the state (police) of Michigan 1.2 million dollars to close all operating dispensaries across the state!

This statewide sweep has begun already! My friends in the business have been hit and told to close - period.

Some friends, sat on a hill and watched 420 get raided on Friday (Allegan area). Alphabet boys were there and "observing".....

There is some conjecture that this has to do with the upcoming awarding of disp licences.

The lic it's self will cost 10K to simply apply for and 35K if granted (over and above the 10K). The application fee is non-refundable.....

How many of these disp. operating and now closed or at least raided, have applied for the lic. Can you say "They lost that 10 K and will be denied!)?

Even if it's simply an employee that gets the sales charge..... LARA will simply say "You were raided for illegal operation of a MJ dispensary. Your denied under the no illegal drug felony line".

Anyway.....Trump and Sessions are closing it down kiddies!

I told you so!!!

I have great doubt that the state actually follow through with "legal" disp for anything!

They're going to start cracking down on legal states..Sessions said so!
Feds are threatening to withhold Fed funds for MJ and MMJ states....
"Oh, Trump won't go after MJ, he supports Medical"

Another "I told you so!"
Where and who is this 1.2 million and directives coming from?

The MMFLA application process will not even begin until December 15, 2017.

I'd like to know if Department of Homeland Security and Boarder Patrol resources/assets (alphabet boys) are still being used in these medical marijuana raids to abscond Congress/law as under the Obama administration. You have some personal experience with that game don't you Dr. Who?
They have been doing this for months now. Id like to know where the info of 1.2mil from federal government comes from to shut down dispensaries? And if so, where is this action in the other states with disp laws in place and opersting under state law. The rochbacher amendment is still in place, so i find it hard to believe this has anything to do with federal government and the trump administration.
Also as theman pointed out, applications have not been issued yet, and as far as i know, the rules have not even been released by the new board.
sure? I recall one being granted this yr supposedly ? could just be an erroneous post I read too
Positive. No one has an mmfla license right now. It would be an impossibility. Everything needed to recieve,proccess and approve or deny an application is not even in place yet. The administrative rules are not even in place, and the board was just formed..a month or two ago..maybe?
Someplaces do have a "permit" from thier local municipality, but even that is subject to be nulliefied by any new ordinances at the local level to comply with 4209. Like detroit for example..they have been taking peoples money, issueing "permits" under its ordinance, when its ordinance if anyone bothers to read it-prohibits dispensaries, and instead allows caregiver centers...according to the lanauage, is just a store front for a caregiver to service his or her 5 patients...haha. Thats the reason for these various groups pushing for it to be rewritten.
Someplaces do have a "permit" from thier local municipality, but even that is subject to be nulliefied by any new ordinances at the local level to comply with 4209. Like detroit for example..they have been taking peoples money, issueing "permits" under its ordinance, when its ordinance if anyone bothers to read it-prohibits dispensaries, and instead allows caregiver centers...according to the lanauage, is just a store front for a caregiver to service his or her 5 patients...haha. Thats the reason for these various groups pushing for it to be rewritten.

I'm aware of those pseudo permits but I believe what i read was under our new legislation one has been accepted. its true until you prove me wrong man...:P
The US dept. of Justice has given the state (police) of Michigan 1.2 million dollars to close all operating dispensaries across the state!

This statewide sweep has begun already! My friends in the business have been hit and told to close - period.

Some friends, sat on a hill and watched 420 get raided on Friday (Allegan area). Alphabet boys were there and "observing".....

There is some conjecture that this has to do with the upcoming awarding of disp licences.

The lic it's self will cost 10K to simply apply for and 35K if granted (over and above the 10K). The application fee is non-refundable.....

How many of these disp. operating and now closed or at least raided, have applied for the lic. Can you say "They lost that 10 K and will be denied!)?

Even if it's simply an employee that gets the sales charge..... LARA will simply say "You were raided for illegal operation of a MJ dispensary. Your denied under the no illegal drug felony line".

Anyway.....Trump and Sessions are closing it down kiddies!

I told you so!!!

I have great doubt that the state actually follow through with "legal" disp for anything!

They're going to start cracking down on legal states..Sessions said so!
Feds are threatening to withhold Fed funds for MJ and MMJ states....
"Oh, Trump won't go after MJ, he supports Medical"

Another "I told you so!"

He said he would not go after "LEGAL" medical states who obey state laws, dispensaries are not legal in michigan.

Our law lets a caregiver have 5 patients that s/he can serve not a storefront that openly sells to any patient and until recently sold items not legal here ( wax, shatter, hash, oils) all of this puts a dark cloud over the entire community.

As a caregiver you are allowed 2.5oz per patient for a max of 15 oz, and a max of 72 plants, these people are getting busted with 10lbs, 20lbs. 100 200 plants. They knew the risk they were taking and in the end its all on them.

I dont believe that anyone should go to jail over a plant, but at the same time when legally allowed to have that plant and you blatently have more than you are allowed and sell to anyone with cash.
you made your own bed.

Follow the law, stay out of jail.
Frequently Asked Questions
Bureau of Medical Marihuana Regulation
Marihuana Facilities Licensing
When can I apply for my license?
After December 15, 2017.
What does the Medical Marihuana Licensing Board (“the board”) do?
The Medical Marihuana Licensing Board is comprised of 5 members, appointed by the Governor (with input from the Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House), to administer the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act. This includes reviewing applications, issuing licenses, revoking/suspending licenses, renewing licenses, and investigating individuals who are applying for licensure or complaints received about someone who holds a license.
What are the different licenses I can apply for?
You may apply for the following licenses:
• Grower; • Processor; • Transporter; • Provisioning Center; • Safety Compliance Facility
Where can I find more information on each type of license?
Details on each license category can be found in Part 5 of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act, 2016 PA 281. See
What costs are associated with a license?
• Payment to secure transporters for transferring marihuana, as needed; • Annual, nonrefundable fee (of up to $5,000) to be set by, and paid to,
your local municipality. These fees are used to offset administrative and
enforcement costs associated with the operation of a marihuana facility
in the municipality;
• An application fee per category and class of license;

• Investigation and processing fees not covered by the application fee; • An annual regulatory assessment fee; • A renewal fee; • Late fees if renewal fee is not paid on time; • Provisioning centers will pay 3% on gross retail receipts
Does my municipality have any involvement with my license?
Yes, a municipality (city, township or village) has the following involvement:
• Must pass an ordinance which authorizes the type of facility you wish to open; • May limit the number of each type of facility within the municipality’s boundaries; • Any other ordinances relating to marihuana facilities; • May adopt zoning regulations relating to facilities within its jurisdiction; • The municipality must receive notice from you that you have applied for any one of the five licenses; • May establish an annual fee to be paid by you; the fee can be as much as $5,000.00; • Must approve your request to have your license transferred, sold or purchased.
Does my criminal history prevent me from obtaining a license?
It depends on whether the following are true:
• The applicant is ineligible if he or she has been convicted of or released from
incarceration for a felony under the laws of this state, any other state, or the
United States (federal law) within the past 10 years or has been convicted of a
controlled substance-related felony within the past 10 years.
• The applicant is ineligible if he or she has been convicted of a misdemeanor involving a controlled substance, theft, dishonesty, or fraud in any state within the past 5 years. • The applicant is ineligible if he or she has been found responsible for violating a local ordinance in any state involving a controlled substance, dishonesty, theft, or fraud that substantially corresponds to a misdemeanor in that state within the past 5 years.
The Board may take into consideration the following:
• Whether the applicant has been indicted for, charged with, arrested for, or
convicted of, pled guilty or nolo contendere to, forfeited bail concerning, or had
expunged any relevant criminal offense under the laws of any jurisdiction, either
felony or misdemeanor, not including traffic violations, regardless of whether the
offense has been expunged, pardoned, or reversed on appeal or otherwise.
What prohibits a person from obtaining a license?
An applicant cannot obtain a license if any of the following is true:
• The applicant is ineligible if he or she has knowingly submitted an application for a license under this act that contains false information. • The applicant cannot be a member of the Medical Marihuana Licensing Board.

• The applicant is ineligible if he or she fails to demonstrate the ability to maintain
adequate premises liability and casualty insurance for its proposed marihuana
facility (an insurance policy that covers at a minimum of $100,000).
• The applicant cannot hold an elective office of a governmental unit of this state, another state, or the federal government; is a member of or employed by a regulatory body of a governmental unit in this state, another state, or the federal government; or is employed by a governmental unit of this state. This subdivision does not apply to an elected officer of or employee of a federally recognized Indian tribe or to an elected precinct delegate. • The applicant, if an individual, is ineligible if he or she has been a resident of this state for less than a continuous 2-year period immediately preceding the date of filing the application. This requirement does not apply after June 30, 2018. • The applicant is ineligible if the Board determines he or she failed comply with
section 205(1).
• The applicant fails to meet other criteria established by rule. • The applicant is ineligible if he or she has been convicted of or released from
incarceration for a felony under the laws of this state, any other state, or the
United States (federal law) within the past 10 years or has been convicted of a
controlled substance-related felony within the past 10 years.
• The applicant is ineligible if he or she has been convicted of a misdemeanor involving a controlled substance, theft, dishonesty, or fraud in any state within the past 5 years. • The applicant is ineligible if he or she has been found responsible for violating a local ordinance in any state involving a controlled substance, dishonesty, theft, or fraud that substantially corresponds to a misdemeanor in that state within the past 5 years.
What other things may potentially prevent an applicant from getting approved for a license?
The Board may take into consideration the following:
• The integrity, moral character, and reputation; personal and business probity;
financial ability and experience; and responsibility or means to operate or
maintain a marihuana facility of the applicant and of any other person that
i. Controls, directly or indirectly, the applicant. ii. Is controlled, directly or indirectly, by the applicant or by a person who controls, directly or indirectly, the applicant. • The financial ability of the applicant to purchase and maintain adequate liability
and casualty insurance.
• The sources and total amount of the applicant’s capitalization to operate and
maintain the proposed marihuana facility.
• Whether the applicant has filed, or had filed against it, a proceeding for
bankruptcy within the past 7 years.
• Whether the applicant has been served with a complaint or other notice filed with any public body regarding payment of any tax required under federal, state, or local law that has been delinquent for 1 or more years. • Whether the applicant has a history of noncompliance with any regulatory
requirements in this state or any other jurisdiction.

• Whether at the time of application the applicant is a defendant in litigation
involving its business practices.
• Whether the applicant meets other standards in rules applicable to the license
• Whether the applicant has been indicted for, charged with, arrested for, or
convicted of, pled guilty or nolo contendere to, forfeited bail concerning, or had
expunged any relevant criminal offense under the laws of any jurisdiction, either
felony or misdemeanor, not including traffic violations, regardless of whether the
offense has been expunged, pardoned, or reversed on appeal or otherwise.
Will an application be submitted anonymously?
The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) is currently reviewing the application process to determine what identifying information connected with the application will be available.

I'm aware of those pseudo permits but I believe what i read was under our new legislation one has been accepted. its true until you prove me wrong man...:P
LoL You proved yourself wrong :bigjoint:

Furthermore each municipality must have MMFLA specific ordinances in place to even apply for a MMFLA permit there.
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Back when Dr. Who got raided under the Obama admin with federal non DoJ agents to get around the appropriations bill it was all the Michigan's AG's fault. I don't believe partisan politics are serving our cause very well ...
He said he would not go after "LEGAL" medical states who obey state laws, dispensaries are not legal in michigan.

Our law lets a caregiver have 5 patients that s/he can serve not a storefront that openly sells to any patient and until recently sold items not legal here ( wax, shatter, hash, oils) all of this puts a dark cloud over the entire community.

As a caregiver you are allowed 2.5oz per patient for a max of 15 oz, and a max of 72 plants, these people are getting busted with 10lbs, 20lbs. 100 200 plants. They knew the risk they were taking and in the end its all on them.

I dont believe that anyone should go to jail over a plant, but at the same time when legally allowed to have that plant and you blatently have more than you are allowed and sell to anyone with cash.
you made your own bed.

Follow the law, stay out of jail.

The Justice dept. head, Sessions, has stated - in a public press statement, that he will be working towards actions against all MJ activities in all "legal" states. Recreational and Medical! It's against FEDERAL law!

This is one of the ass hats Trump put in office. He has Trumps blessing on this....

Legal is only a dream! All it takes is 1 ass hat in Federal office to begin the attack. Looks like that maybe coming. He started some months back by shutting down the Nevada cup in Vegas...

Disp. WERE legal here in MI. Till you idiots elected Schutte! He has harassed and raided anyone that has gotten vocal in the press and by testifying in front of our state congress. I know, as I was a victim of this.....

The next PLANED step is to reduce the #'s you can grow. This will happen at least twice and then they'll have the law changed again in the state congress and ANY pvt growing will be outlawed again! The "legal" disp. laws and the lic. growing blocks of 500-1K-1.5K will be (is) the basis of this coming change. It's all plotted out.....They have already set this up. The next step is the passing of a "legal" recreational use bill by public vote. The disp. law will be expanded. The Medical and recreational disp. will be separate, and the Medical home growing will be phased out....

This whole thing is playing into Schutte and some state police commanders that are 100% anti!

Get ready to kiss your grow good-by, Mr. "legal" grower... I'll bet on 5 years or less for this to begin.

Now how are you going to vote this next election? Go ahead, vote republican..... Gotta keep that agenda on track....

Ever wonder why when they bring up MJ or MMJ in session, they close the public seating?

You need to be more attached to whats going on in our states political operations!
Someplaces do have a "permit" from thier local municipality, but even that is subject to be nulliefied by any new ordinances at the local level to comply with 4209. Like detroit for example..they have been taking peoples money, issueing "permits" under its ordinance, when its ordinance if anyone bothers to read it-prohibits dispensaries, and instead allows caregiver centers...according to the lanauage, is just a store front for a caregiver to service his or her 5 patients...haha. Thats the reason for these various groups pushing for it to be rewritten.

They have been raiding and shutting down Detroit disp. for a cpl of weeks now. Permit or not!