Introducing - specializing in DIY and Citizen COBs

Which are doing better?
didnt notice a difference between the two honestly. if im gonna run one per sq/ft and drive them soft i would go with the 1212. the cxm22 are more efficient at higher wattage. my light with 666W and 9 COB is made from cxm22s air cooled in an old xxxl magnum hood but i havent ran it yet.
a few more days till chop :)
last pic has about 4 weeks still
still diggin the COBs. there is definitely a small learning curve to them but honestly i think my media had more to do with my issues than anything. these fixtures are at about 600w and they are doing great as you can see. i cant wait to see what these can do with my new hydro system. i am expecting nothing short of greatness from them :) i will also be testing out a couple DE fixtures as well to see how they do.
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thanks everyone. those are under 1212s. dont let the price fool you. if you space them properly and drive them correctly you will do well. dont worry about spending a ton of money on the big ones if the 1212s is all you can get. they work and i love them for the price. still playing with design configurations and spacing etc but im happy with the performance for sure
CobKits, been a year since I lurked here. I'm only a part timer 1/2 year due to heat. Great to see you plugging along, your site is much improved. Guess I'll be sending you some more cash. Well Done.
Doesn't look like COB technology has changed much since I bought the cxm22s a few months ago.

Lights are super bright.

Anyone have any suggestions for an additive that will bring up PH?
All my nutes bring my PH down to 5.8, and I want to counteract it with something besides PH Up.
5.8 is not awful

are you in soil or hydro?


Leaves are turning yellow on the bottom. Still a small plant early in veg.

Fox Farm soil with pearlite. I just put in a little baking soda to bring it up to 6.3

Would like another nutrient to bring it up a tad
yellowing starting at the bottom is N deficiency or lockout


Leaves are turning yellow on the bottom. Still a small plant early in veg.

Fox Farm soil with pearlite. I just put in a little baking soda to bring it up to 6.3

Would like another nutrient to bring it up a tad