Hitler was a National Socialist. National Socialism is the long form of Nazism. Nazism is a far-right extremist ideology.
Hitler hated what he called Jewish Socialism (Communism), which is far-left. See, when you introduce nationalism to the concept of socialism, you get a strongly conservative--and thus right-wing--ideology.
So, how else do you want to make yourself look stupid?
so you agree with this
We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system!
Nazi is simply a German acronym for national workers socialist party.
if you think communism is far left then you're mostly there. the only difference in communism and natsoc in Germany was the racism and nationalism.
communism was international and not racist.....hitler changed those two and kept the rest. he implimented:
-government employment for all through infastrucrure
-nationalized healthcare
-further gun control
-blamed the 1%
-kept inflation down by not allowing wages to rise with prices.
nothing right wing about any of that.
in fact "far right extremist ideology" is anarchy.
your ace up your sleeve is that he was a nationalist? lol