When Does Life Begin ...


New Member
conservative liberal... hahahahaha,, jesus.... i dont even know where to start on that one.. there are wayy to many of yous creeping around this site... probably smoke weed on weekends only, and hide from the woman (even though it is doubtful either of you have a real one of those).. if you even smoke at all... all that money the Republicans stole probably went to paying people like you to flood the internet and other medias with your bullshit

well.. my personal quest to educate people on what is and has been going is being paid by my manhood. this is what i do. Educate.

Sit back and enjoy


New Member
You clearly wouldn't be able to recognize intelligent debate if it smashed into your head, because there is nothing there for it to actually rattle around.

Blind adherence to a religion and an amazing lack of intelligence. Chuck you remind me of what most poor people were stereotyped as during the middle ages. Do you think you might want to return to your era?
Point out to me what in this is intelligent.

and just because you used words like "adherence" and "middle ages" does not mean its intelligent.. sorry


New Member
The Brutal Truth is that TheBrutalTruth needs to learn that using neat words and copy and pasting is not "intelligent" as he claims

he sounds like a fucking textbook when he does "rant"


New Member
Here,, a short list of things that have never had retort

"how can a salesperson "force" a person to buy something they don't want?"

by manipulation. if you didnt need to force people to buy things you would be out a job.

and guess what Vi, i want you to keep replying, it makes me laugh and gives me something to do while my woman is at work, go on, lets play this game, im good at games and i always win.

i just thought i would tell you to put me back on block FOR YOUR OWN sake. oh well... when i get some more time i might go through all your threads and point out every dumb thing you say.... might take while though

i gave him my answer to his question

"how can a salesperson "force" a person to buy something they don't want?"

and this is all i got back

While your "woman is at work?" Typical fucking socialist ... living off of your woman's teat. :lol:

what a joke, way to avoid the topic or make any meaningful retort Vi

here is another

yea either that or i work my ass of all day and she works a few hours iv the evening some nights... you know, same thing.
and you of all shouldnt talk about work if you are a "real estate sales man". that is a weak mans job. do you know how you can tell you are a greedy POS? because if no one in your industry existed it would not matter. In fact it would be a better world.
We dont NEED people to "sell" houses. Houses sell themselves. People NEED to live in houses.

Your job is weak

your argument is weak

you have nothing but your big mouth and your 13 stripes so fuck off :finger:

just like i am a "neo-marxis" because i want equality, a better government, less greed and corruption and a better protection agency for our environment.

I dont follow any "path" Vi, I'm not like you. I have decided what is right and what is wrong by my own reasoning., try it sometime, you may like it.

Nice copy and past Btw, makes you look wayyyyyy intelligent
i basically told him his existence is useless because his job is a joke..

lets see what he has to say

chucky-Bunns sez:

"just like i am a "neo-marxis" because i want equality"

OK, let's disperse with the personal attacks, Chucky. Let's get down to the nitty gritty here. Please define what you mean by "equality," and state how you would attain this "equality" if you were in charge. Thanks ...

instead of replying he just want me to explain everything. because he cant figure out what a word means without someone walking him trough it... Great salmesman tactics vi...
Great touch with the Chucky Bunns... makes you sound about 10.

so i gave him a nice and simple definition so that even a 10 year old such as himself could understand

wow, if you need a definition for the word equality you are even dumber than i thought.

Equal Quality for All

Very simple. Or do I need to dumb it down another notch for you?
and he came back with nothing.. again... this is all he can say "your argument sucks but i cant debate it!"

Just as I thought ... another empty suit.

Come on, Man ... you can do better that that. Tell us how YOU see "equality" and how you would attain that "equality" if you were in charge. Come on Chucky-Bunns ... You can do it ... I know you can. :lol:

look, he is asking me to explain something again! trying to learn something old-boy?

look he used chucky bunns again,, a defense mechanism to make him feel better when he is getting his ass kicked verbally

i think this thread is more suitable for you Vi,,
these are very ignorant poeple just like yourself. They force their old and "un-thought" beliefs on people who dont care just like you. You would fit in just nice. You can talk about the old days when everyone was the same and it was perfect. When people belived what they were told. When people didnt think for themselves..

Where were you in the 60's Vi?.. did you miss that whole movement or did you "put it on block" like you did to me?

man up pussy,, you are nothing more than a blank.
i compared him to a Christian. thats tends to be an insult umoung smarter people tody.

lets see what he says

"Where were you in the 60's Vi?.. "

While you were busy burning Bank of America buildings down, I was working in the real world busting my ass in a commissioned sales job in order to support a wife, two kids, and a home.

Yeppers, while you were doing your best to destroy the free market and capitalism, I was busy setting goals and getting my life in order.

By the way, Chuckie-Bunns ... has anyone ever told you that your Birkenstocks stink? Time for a new pair, junior. bongsmilie

I asked him where he was in the 60's, and he TOLD me what i was doing. YUP, thats exactly what Vi does. Tells them how it is,, without knowing first hand.
"By the way, Chuckie-Bunns ... has anyone ever told you that your Birkenstocks stink? Time for a new pair, junior."
and more pathetic insults

even more!
here is me :D
so the environment has no right? the one and only thing substaining life doesnt have rights?

you are just here to make a fucking mess of the world and you dont give a shit

take your liberties and shove em

they are another reason shit just keeps getting worse.

And that dick Obama isnt going to do any better but unforyunately a lot of peoples attitude toward that is that he is "the lesser of two evils"
which is very true.

just trying to point that out.

you are so focused on these ridiculous "liberties" such as polluting hwoever much you want, that you have lost sight of what is really important.. you are so selfish that the only thing you care is about is yourself and now.

You want it big and you want it now. No care for the long term effects, no care for the environment, no care for equality, just as long as your lazzy ass can sit pretty and easy

then all you shits have the nerve to try and deny a womans rights.. wtf? where are you? like fuck! you have your head screwed right the fuck on backwards

and here is the "retort".. note that i asked a question right at the beggining of the post... he didnt have to read the whole thing to see the question.


Is this the "material" you've given me to work with? :lol: Dude ... you need to take your religious rants elsewhere.


This is where TheBrutalTrth "stepped in" for Vi

He likes to use random shit to ramble on for ever so people just get bored reading this talking textbook.

so now you can see for yourself how ridiculous you sound


Well-Known Member
If CCodaine was here, he'd come in and paste smiley faces until your posts were buried and no once could read them anymore. Then KingBong would come in and call somebody the N-word. Sadly, Vi and BrutalTruth are about the only two remaining and there tactic is usually to ignore you for a point of time and come back with a completey different point once everyone has forgotten.


Well-Known Member
Something that you consistently fail to do Chuck. I attack your ideology and you resort to personal attacks. Perhaps it is because your ideology is only fit for fools that fall for Ponzi Schemes and Nigerian 409 Scams. It certainly does share the same level of being complete BULLSHIT with them.


Well-Known Member
Inneed, Unlike Chuck you actually do have something more to your arguments than personal name calling. I don't understand why you are attempting to defend him.


Well-Known Member
Inneed, Unlike Chuck you actually do have something more to your arguments than personal name calling. I don't understand why you are attempting to defend him.
I'm pissy today. :fire: Out of buds. Perhaps I should stay out of political talk until I calm down. Thanks for the reminder.


New Member
and this is for TheBrutalTruth

You obviously have a habit of running your mouth off before actually determining the stance, background, or politics of who you are attacking. You are also bloody out of your fragile little mind, and really need to lay off whatever the hell you are smoking, because it has caused such severe damage to your brain, that I think you have managed to kill one of the two brain cells you were originally given.

I never opposed the choice of people to have abortions so attacking me with that statement is idiotic, and stupid. Much like your own political stance is idiotic and stupid. Your evident mental faculties only makes me wonder if there is anything more than a hollow drum mounted on your shoulders
all personal attacks

it is clear that you have fallen for the bullshit scare tactics of the Environmentalist Movement, and have not done any research into their claims, but have accepted them at face value.
sounds much like a lot of americans *republicans coff coff* knowledge of the war in iraq and terroism, not to mention 9/11

and i was unaware of the "Environmentalist Movement" sounds cool, maybe finally we can stop killing the earth so future generations can enjoy... and why would someone make up climate change and pollution? it exists, you are just to ignorant and greedy to care,, there is nothing wrong with wanting to save the earth

The fact of the matter is that the legislation that the Environmental Movement is championing is more likely to do more harm to humanity than help to the environment. The Environmental Movement also has a habit of leaping at paper tigers while the real issue is ignored.
"The Fact"

What fact?! I dont see any facts!

The fact of the matter? wtf does that mean?

This is a question Brutal,, lets hear an intelligent answer.

I want to know where you got that "fact"???

And what "real" issue is being ignored? public healcare?

yup, that sure is being ignored. The health and well being is not offered to the poor, sorry bout your luck, see you in skid row!

DDT was not a carcinogen, nor was it an eggshell thinner. Studies were conducted that showed this, but the environmental movement neglected the opposing view point, and failed to adequately vet their own research. As a result of the heavy-handed pressure created by the Environmental movement approximately 30 - 50 million people have died.
what the fuck are you talking about?? DDT?? who gives a shit, that has nothing to do with anything,, you need to get a new textbook there Textbook.

and the reason why this happened is why?

because the government fails to fund the environmentalists properly.. lesson learned...

and 30-50 million? that's an awfully big range there Brutal,, I would like to see some facts

Another instance of the Environmental Movement wasting cash was the power line scares of the late 80s and early 90s. It was later proven that the people who were worried about getting cancer from power lines were out of their minds.
what exactly does this have to do with the environment?
this is just people being paranoid because they are flooded with "this is bad for you! dont do this! do this!"
getting cancer and we are talking about the enviroment... where are you?

Now, once again, the environmental movement is showing its stupidity by attempting to force everyone to switch to CFLs, which are going to release massive amounts of Mercury into the environment.
looks like the wrong people are in charge eh? guess who hires those people? The government and thier agencies... so who are you blaming? this is due to neglect, not to "crazy" environmentalists..

why dont you look through your textbook Textbook and find out how much money is given to environmentalists to prtect us and do studies then check your textbook to see how much money is put into the war..

do it and come back and let me know what you found,, we all know you like "sharing information"

There is also the fact that the most adequate description of the Environmental Movement is an Industry. An Industry that employees thousands and thus can not (with out great harm to its members) admit that it is full of bullshit, and disband.
another questionable fact... lets see some references here!!!!

Of course, if I had any connections to the Environmental movement. I would want to kill myself because of the amount of human misery and human deaths I had indirectly caused.
please do, i doubt a lot of people will tell you to not do it.

thin out the crowd of idiots for us Brutal,, you are 100% welcome to do so


New Member
Well, I must say there Chuckie-Bunns ... you say a hell of a lot without saying anythng.

Still waiting for you to define what YOU mean by equality.



New Member
The Brutal Truth is that it's people like you who believe they have the right to rape our mother earth, have the conscious to stand up and force their bullshit down other peoples throat.

the Brutal Truth is that if we continue the path we are on there will one day no longer be future generations.

The Brutal Truth is that greed and corruption are destroying the "new free world" and we are now just a third world country with money and tall buildings. we are socially in the third world and we are morally in the third world.

take a look at the ghettos in l.a., detroit, flint, washington.... and tell me this isnt the third world.

take a look at the sick people who cant afford proper health care and tell me this isnt the third world

take a look at what we have done to our enviroment, the clear cutting, the overfishing, the endless destructive mining and tell me we are not in the third world.

you havent been exposed to this because your governemnt does the best job they can to make you believe you are the best and everything is all right

but its not

try thinking,, you might start to realize some things


New Member
Well, I must say there Chuckie-Bunns ... you say a hell of a lot without saying anythng.

Still waiting for you to define what YOU mean by equality.

i have told you more than once.. its sooo simple,, you just want me to say something you can jump on to make yourself look better.. because right now you are looking like a dog running away with your tail between your legs

equal quality for all.

more focus on trying to help EVERYONE, man, woman, black, white, rich and poor and not just kissing the ass of whoever pays the most taxes,,, because all they want is to pay less taxes. Lame.

better healthcare, better social programs, better mental health programs, better disability care, better care for unwanted children (because right now you might as well get an abortion,, foster care is in the shitter and most of the kids that were brought up that way end up with some type of "dysfunction" in their adult years... fuck i could go on,, but whats the point?

you say the same thing over and over,.. i have posted many opinions and questions and have had NO actual reply

now tell me who the idiot is

run away again Vi

block me or something, i dont want to give you nightmares (if you are 10 like you sound) or a heart attack (being an old old man like you "say" you are)


New Member
Well! Finally a post with some cogent thought attached to it. Nice. :)

Now, you've made a lot of good points in that post #635, Chuck ... I'd like to hear your solutions to the problems you've presented. Would it be more government oversight? Any thoughts on how existing government regulations have exacerbated some of those problems?

And yes, I agree that those problems exist. The question is ... how to fix them.



New Member
Well! Finally a post with some cogent thought attached to it. Nice. :)

Now, you've made a lot of good points in that post, Chuck ... I'd like to hear your solutions to the problems you've presented. Would it be more government oversight? Any thoughts on how existing government regulations have exacerbated some of those problems?

i hate paying taxes just like the next guy, but thats because i dont feel like the money is being spent wisely.

and thats the first resolution. better government spending.

Seriously, look up how much money the U.S. spent on the war.. you have no idea what could be done with that money. Nooo idea. We are again, fighting a war that need not be fought. Pissing away money for destructive machines that kill and destruct. Pissing away lives for a shady reason... Dont say you cant see it,, you would have to be blind

And if more money was given in taxes and it was spent properly we could live in a world where food could be taken in proper moderations with no exchange of money. That is one example, others such as public healthcare could ensure that no sick human goes without treatment in fear of not being able to buy food,, sounds good to me, and I CAN afford health care even though I have none provided to me by my employer... well now i get it free but just using it as an exmaple

If you ask me the only thing the rich should be able to do with their money is buy luxuries.

Why do some people need massive houses and some people live in the streets? that is not equality. We are humans and we should work together to make sure that everyone has the means to live provided they contribute back to society at a minimum standard. anyone that gives more than the minimum standard will be REWARDED with moneys to buy luxuries, but not a better quality of life.

Privatization is ruining our great country (it's still my country too damnit!)


Well-Known Member
The Brutal Truth is that it's people like you who believe they have the right to rape our mother earth, have the conscious to stand up and force their bullshit down other peoples throat.

the Brutal Truth is that if we continue the path we are on there will one day no longer be future generations.

The Brutal Truth is that greed and corruption are destroying the "new free world" and we are now just a third world country with money and tall buildings. we are socially in the third world and we are morally in the third world.

take a look at the ghettos in l.a., detroit, flint, washington.... and tell me this isnt the third world.

take a look at the sick people who cant afford proper health care and tell me this isnt the third world

take a look at what we have done to our enviroment, the clear cutting, the overfishing, the endless destructive mining and tell me we are not in the third world.

you havent been exposed to this because your governemnt does the best job they can to make you believe you are the best and everything is all right

but its not

try thinking,, you might start to realize some things
Strange, seems to me that I see poor people who have consistently gotten better healthcare than me, because my tax dollars are wasted providing it to them, instead of allowing me to provide my own healthcare.

You talk about greed destroying this country like it's the truth. It's not. Greed didn't destroy this country. Policies such as those that you are advocating that have to do "good" for the less fortunate are what is destroying this country.

No longer is it possible to bust your ass and get ahead. No longer can you build up true wealth with out struggling every god damn step of the way seeing your money stolen to do "good" for other fucking people. Greed didn't destroy this nation. Greed is something that has consistently enhanced and furthered civilization.

Do you think Edison created the Electric Light Bulb because it would do "good". No, he created it, because it was useful to him, and then he licensed the rights to it to a corporation who turned around and sold it. With out the profit incentive that retards like you continuously condemn we'd all be sitting around with candles in our hands wondering what we would be doing when winter came, and we risked freezing to death.

We wouldn't have electricity through out almost our entire nation with out greed. You can't mandate some one to work for some one else's gain with out letting them profit from it. You'll get told to go fuck yourself. Which is prefectly good advice for you to follow Chuck.

Better yet, why don't you put your money where your mouth is, and instead of acting hypocritically move to Africa, and send letters to some one and tell us how you like living in what is truly an impoverished area, thanks to the efforts of the environmental movement to stop Africa from using its resources to industrialize and attain hire standards of living.

Attacking Greed is the sign that you are a nut. Do you think that we would have nearly as high of a standard of living if it wasn't for the profit motive?

I can tell you the answer to that question by just looking at Russia under the Communists. The Answer is NO! Of course, I don't expect some enviromentally concerned socialist like you to admit that, just as I don't expect you to actually understand the difference between a true capitalist system and the system that we have in place now.

There's even more that you wont admit to, like the fact that those people that benefitted from Greed have given a lot more back to the country than you ever will. Bill Gates gave Billions to charity, Buffett, Bloomberg, Ellison. They all gave billions to charities. To state that Greed is bad when people that epitomize the philosophy of greed being good are giving away billions is stupid. Obviously if all there was to it was Greed, they wouldn't give anything to charities.

As far a Flint. Flint was destroyed by the Unions who were greedy, and destroyed three great companies. Flint was destroyed by bad management who was too busy worrying about the tax costs of actions, and debating with unions to actually confront market forces, and adapt to changing market demands.

I don't know anything about L.A. Though I can only imagine that since it is populated by people that largely think like you do, but consistently fail to put their money where their mouths are, that the problem isn't lack of greed, but idiots like you running around preventing people from helping themselves to get ahead.

Endless destruction of mining, and clear cutting. Still living in the 1970s eh, chuck. There is more forested land in the United Now then there was 50 years ago. There's more regulation to ensure that those greedy corporations you so hate actually do clean up after themselves.

Though I don't know why I bother responding to this when you fail to actually respond to my statements with out actually addressing the points I make.

Chuck, like I said, put your money where your mouth is, and sell your computer, and stop using electricity. If you don't like our capitalistic society that much why don't you move to the middle of Africa, or the Australian Outback and live in a little cave like you seem to want everyone else to do?


New Member
and think of how many mentally unstable people go untreated (or treated with pills as in the case with the U.S.,, provided they can afford these expensive pills from companies that are worth billions of dollars... yet still overcharge, well no wonder they are so rich)
and end up living a life of crime, or alcohol/drug abuse, or a life in prison,
have you heard about the problem with the overpacked prisons? still not much being done about that.. hmm, something must be wrong...instead of helping ppl we are just putting them away