True or False?


Well-Known Member
Here's how the "True or False" thread works. You answer the previous statement with "True" or "False" and then leave a statement for the next poster.

Simple as that, I'll begin...

TRUE! Next Poster shaved his or her testicles in the shower this morning.

Now you go... (true/false " ______statement______")
false, simply been urinating from my anus a little...

the earth is completely flat like @Mellowman2112 's personality and @davidkratos' financial growth over summer vacation...
Minus 3 Weed Points for quoting out of turn. Go sit in the corner.


And F U for beating me to that last post

Next poster would love to watch me spray fart magical brown paintings on the wallo_O ewww
True. I would make it my business to smell them, then rate 1-10

Next poster has received oral sex from a complete stranger at a bar at least once in their life.