
@cannabineer ...I told you the salmon won
FUCK (such a magnificent beast), you were so right. I puked my guts out! I can drink like a f'n fish but it appears I have trouble eating fish, ugh. I'm still a little pukey today.

I drank the rest of my whiskey and a 12 pack on tc.. then I went out and went to a bar with the chick. I feel like I'm dying today lol
Yeah I've learned my lesson stay away from chicks and stick to liquor, less puking all around.

Had a BBQ yesterday that lasted until 3am.


And now it's a dive bar bike crawl for my friends bday.

Ha ha! water is your only friend now, especially laced with a little more alcohol.
I drank the rest of my whiskey and a 12 pack on tc.. then I went out and went to a bar with the chick. I feel like I'm dying today lol
Bro, so you got the hieght channels and errr thang?


It sounds divine.

Call of duty is crazy, can totally tell a diff

I watched Inception last night because i love the soundscape in that film, more channels and more speakers is definitely more better.

I recently got over $1000 speakers fo free on facebook giveaway, and now they're all hooked in to the reciever, first time using all the channels LOL

Heres a pic, sorry for shit quality. I wish my room was bigger so i could space them out better... two more towers and two more speakers behind the couch on either side, along with two centers in front.

Jamming out as i type lol

