You could have put this in the Journal section eh? I won't have Sunni move it though...up to you.
Do we own a grow shop Dynamo? Pic. looks that way.....
EF eh? The line of the head Hort/Chemist formerly from AN. You know he quit because he didn't like Big Mike's style of cheating folks from their money.....
Met him at Growco. He had BM's ex GF with him.....smok'in hot melon smuggler!
At the time the line was not as large. We talked about the lack of need for so many bottles.....He agreed.
Saw and spoke with him again about a year later. He remembered me and we struck up the line increasing in bottles. He said while his start up line was getting some attention. The overall response from users and others was, "Why don't you have more to the line?" "We need more things"...... This all came before the full on public release.....Limited testing in focus area's..
The release came with the line you have now. While some things I don't understand why....He bowed to the pressure of the inexperienced grower, assuming they needed more to do better.....
In my recent testing of KIND. I only use the Base and Bloom. I add a 1/4 tsp of K sulfate per gallon and for some strains some home made "sweet raw" to retain the berry/grape profiles.....Been getting smashing results! Absolutely impressive...
I still don't understand the "need" for boosters and such...... It can be done for so much less....
It's sad when a company with such promise, has to bend to the will of the novice world....Even Dyna Gro has had to add bottles...and the CEO has complained that they were loosing mrkt share to the multi bottled demon nutrient corp.
AN has become a real scar on the growing community..Their impact - negatively, is becoming bigger everyday.
STILL, Looking forward to see how this product does!.... I didn't have the time to try it when it was offered....I wish I had not declined his offer now. I got the "gotta know how that works" curiosity back......Guess the KIND line sorta "re-fertilized" my brain for that again...
For the benefit of those novice folks watching......List your feeding pH values.....Include any increased use of CA/Mg for the Coco.. (sshhh, I want to know these details as you run to follow the plants results in that Coco)
Liking this journal for the EF product run! Subbed.....