The DNC Reports Lowest Fundraising Since 2003

I want to hear more about how Progressives are uniting to build a political coalition.

I think that's the political movement of the future, because the Republicans are morally and ethically bankrupt and the Democrats seem bent on following their example.
It's 4am so I have little time to rebut your horseshit in detail.

When is the new Party starting (since Democrats are apparently so shitty)?

Then you'll get to enjoy the endless Republican Congresses that come from splitting the left leaning and center vote.

Has the D party moved toward the centre ground in recent years, the same as the Labour Party in the UK? Tony Blair moved the Labour Party to the centre when he was prime minister and now there is an internal battle to move it back towards the left.
Has the D party moved toward the centre ground in recent years, the same as the Labour Party in the UK? Tony Blair moved the Labour Party to the centre when he was prime minister and now there is an internal battle to move it back towards the left.
In reality both of our parties are to the right of even the British Conservative party.
You gotta ditch the Iron Lady. Cameron was a massive lefty compared to her.
Yeah she needs to go...and fast. Not sure "Massive lefty" is quite right but I take your point. He certainly wasn't as authoritarian as she is. He's still a cunt though. When he lost the EU referendum he fucked off literally saying "Why should I clean up the shit." Trouble is, it was he who created the shit.
Him and George Osborne started the ball rolling that May is now running with.
Yeah she needs to go...and fast. Not sure "Massive lefty" is quite right but I take your point. He certainly wasn't as authoritarian as she is. He's still a cunt though. When he lost the EU referendum he fucked off literally saying "Why should I clean up the shit." Trouble is, it was he who created the shit.
Him and George Osborne started the ball rolling that May is now running with.
I meant in comparision to each other ;)

I like your Sky News, it's refreshing to have a different outlook and it teaches me alot about British politics in a relatively unbiased way, they seem to go for the throat regardless of who they're talking to.

They certainly hold no punches on US politics either, it's kind of weird to see a completely unbiased view, most of our networks have a somewhat obvious Democrat or Republican leaning.
I meant in comparision to each other
Yeah I realise that dude...I just hate Cameron!
Interesting you should say that about Sky, it's owned by Rupert Murdoch and he isn't known for his unbiased view. The reporting is usually quite good though.
The BBC is supposed to be neutral but isn't. The govt. decide how much taxpayers money it gets so of course, it's never going to come down hard on its' reporting of the govt. It employs a lot of journos who went to private schools as well, which doesn't help. Not many lefty's coming out of privte schools.

Do you reckon Killary is gonna come back for another go or has she given it up? I'm wondering if an Establishment figure such as her has a better chance now. It's hard to see where the next US President is gonna come from otherwise. Trump has fucked it for the non-politician perhaps The electorate are gonna have a reaction to the Trump presidency, it's just hard to know in which way. Left or Right? Known or unknown? Could do with a young Sanders kinda person imo but doubt one exists at present.
It's 4am so I have little time to rebut your horseshit in detail.

When is the new Party starting (since Democrats are apparently so shitty)?

Then you'll get to enjoy the endless Republican Congresses that come from splitting the left leaning and center vote.

The left is already united, it's the moderates that refuse to align with us because they don't want to give up the cash cow that make up special interest donations

If Republicans continue to win, blame will be solely on the moderates shoulders
The left is already united, it's the moderates that refuse to align with us because they don't want to give up the cash cow that make up special interest donations

If Republicans continue to win, blame will be solely on the moderates shoulders
You aren't left. You are centrist on economic issues and right wing on social. Laugh at loud at your posing with a beret and Che t-shirt.

You are about as revolutionary as Herbert Hoover was in his day.
And Bernie is the worst politician I've ever seen. First, he couldn't beat Hillary who you claim as the worst.

Transitive property applies.

Then his massively cold embrace of people he endorses. The man is a divider, not a uniter.

Too funny that you think he's so great.

Better than Trump as prez. Maybe.
And Bernie is the worst politician I've ever seen. First, he couldn't beat Hillary who you claim as the worst.

Transitive property applies.

Then his massively cold embrace of people he endorses. The man is a divider, not a uniter.

Too funny that you think he's so great.

Better than Trump as prez. Maybe.
They don't talk about the super PAC money because it's from Unions and unions are "ok".
You aren't left. You are centrist on economic issues and right wing on social.
That's where your disconnect meets reality. You accuse me of the things you believe are centrist and right wing, while none of those things are actually attributable to me or what I actually believe. You can't argue with the things I actually believe, so you build straw men you can more easily contend with; that I'm racist/sexist/homophobic, etc.

When the reality is I support Democratic Socialism, a strong social safety net, equality of opportunity, equal rights for everyone, the freedom of speech, a progressive system of taxation, non interventionism, universal healthcare, free college, a living wage, etc. None of which could be argued is either centrist nor right wing if you're being intellectually honest.

Progressives are on board with all of those issues. If you're not, and you're not, you're not progressive. You ride the center and go much farther than me on SJW and identity issues, to the point of authoritarianism. My beliefs line up closer to people like Chomsky, yours line up closer to BLM and Antifa.

They don't talk about the super PAC money because it's from Unions and unions are "ok".
Cite a source that shows Sanders received more in PAC money than Clinton
That's where your disconnect meets reality. You accuse me of the things you believe are centrist and right wing, while none of those things are actually attributable to me or what I actually believe. You can't argue with the things I actually believe, so you build straw men you can more easily contend with; that I'm racist/sexist/homophobic, etc.

When the reality is I support Democratic Socialism, a strong social safety net, equality of opportunity, equal rights for everyone, the freedom of speech, a progressive system of taxation, non interventionism, universal healthcare, free college, a living wage, etc. None of which could be argued is either centrist nor right wing if you're being intellectually honest.

Progressives are on board with all of those issues. If you're not, and you're not, you're not progressive. You ride the center and go much farther than me on SJW and identity issues, to the point of authoritarianism. My beliefs line up closer to people like Chomsky, yours line up closer to BLM and Antifa.

Cite a source that shows Sanders received more in PAC money than Clinton
Just type "Sanders ironic super PAC" into Google. Bam, answers.

And what are the Justice Democrats now registered as?

A super PAC.
No, you made the claim, you prove the source otherwise it get's dismissed
There's many sources, feel free to indulge whatever one you like when you search for it.

A nurses union even campaigned with him, one of the nurses is quoted as saying "I know it's ironic and Id rather not be doing this...but we want Bernie Sanders for President".

Educate yourself, you don't need spoon feeding when youre keystrokes away from any knowledge you desire.
There's many sources, feel free to indulge whatever one you like when you search for it.

A nurses union even campaigned with him, one of the nurses is quoted as saying "I know it's ironic and Id rather not be doing this...but we want Bernie Sanders for President".

Educate yourself, you don't need spoon feeding when youre keystrokes away from any knowledge you desire.
That's not how it works. You made the claim, you verify it

Why are you complaining about verifying a claim you made? Go get the link you read that said Sanders received more in PAC money than Clinton did and post it here. What's the problem?