I remember when they taught this about ten years ago, I remember being one of the only ones questioning carbon banking at the time...it was all daisies and unicorns back then....
Lower temps being high, not higher temps being higher, lol.
Ten years before it was a different term and ten years before that....funny no one ever mentions the climatic cooling event of Lake Chad or should I say prehistoric Lake Chad about 65 million years, which also happens to coincide with a few things in that "time period", aka the Decca Traps and the Chixu Asteriod in the Yucatan.
Lake Chad is the place in the paleofossil record that shows a cooling and heating of the earth, that makes today or should I say the last few decades [because we don't have reliable records let alone opinions before that], look like a swamp farts wet dream...
can you comment to why Lake Chad is NEVER mentioned when after all we are looking for examples to figure out how to move forward from global warming or whatever the fuck tagline you want to place, it is right there in front of us, staring at us. Worse than any human induced warming period ever and Free of humans, although I have no trouble believing that humans have been around that long, kinda opposite of a creationist, so I wouldn't go there.....
Lake Chad, that's in Africa, next the Central African Republic and Mali, if anyone is interested....