Random Jabber Jibber thread

I'm from the Midwest and never heard of it till I moved to Florida. I did move in 99 so maybe that's why.
same here except the midwest thing. i never heard of it until i moved to florida also. now its catching on around here, a couple bars have it. but horseshoes is way more fun. nothing like throwing steel towards another person when youre borderline blacked out drunk
same here except the midwest thing. i never heard of it until i moved to florida also. now its catching on around here, a couple bars have it. but horseshoes is way more fun. nothing like throwing steel towards another person when youre borderline blacked out drunk
LOL my family played horseshoes in the backyard during gatherings at the dairy farm. Funny as fuck, we had work horses for cutting the cattle etc... so actual shoeing occurred and the guys would pay us for the horseshoes we collected and then they used a piece of rebar as I remember. They had some sort of drinking game associated and you could make quite a bit fetching horseshoes back during the game too if you were quick and observant. I preferred the relative safety of hiding and hoarding the shoes and making the lesser, but safer, buck.

I hadn't thought about that in years! Horseshoe economy.
ok Doc @curious2garden , saw this today in the NYT, is this more scare tactic BS for us common folk? I mean why do "they" do this? Sure, they hedge the statement, but come on now...


"Marijuana use, especially prolonged years of use, may increase the risk of hypertension mortality. This cardiovascular risk associated with marijuana use, may be greater than the cardiovascular risk already established for cigarette smoking. We are not disputing the possible medicinal benefits of standardized cannabis formulations; however, recreational use of marijuana should be approached with caution. It is possible that discouraging recreational marijuana use may ultimately impact reductions in mortality from cardiovascular causes. A purposeful longitudinal study modeled with inclusion of listed relevant limitations is recommended to help evaluate this cause."



ok Doc @curious2garden , saw this today in the NYT, is this more scare tactic BS for us common folk? I mean why do "they" do this? Sure, they hedge the statement, but come on now...


"Marijuana use, especially prolonged years of use, may increase the risk of hypertension mortality. This cardiovascular risk associated with marijuana use, may be greater than the cardiovascular risk already established for cigarette smoking. We are not disputing the possible medicinal benefits of standardized cannabis formulations; however, recreational use of marijuana should be approached with caution. It is possible that discouraging recreational marijuana use may ultimately impact reductions in mortality from cardiovascular causes. A purposeful longitudinal study modeled with inclusion of listed relevant limitations is recommended to help evaluate this cause."

Reads very speculative to me but I didn't spend a lot of time looking at it or run down the authors. It's possible Cannabis has some negative health effects but until mode of administration, Cannabis type, underlying disease factors are all taken into consideration, controlled for etc... they are just guessing.