...and if dispensaries were allowed who would be their #1 target competition? they already tried to shut down cg's, they testified to untruths in order to put shade on caregivers and their service. fuck dispensaries, they have done nothing positive under their guise of supporting michigan marijuana rights. I was a believer in the beginning, until I saw them buying out of state weed, carrying pistols in their shop, dressing like fools and bums, acting like drug dealing thugs, may have well been cartel. They sold moldy old buds, the ones that no real patient would be interested in. Pain in the ass patients paid 3x the cost so they could buy a gram at a time, bitched about shitty caregivers pinping them to supply to the very same dispensaries..... jigs up, grow your own, get a cg, or do wht we've all done for decades. anyone that wants weed knows where to get it. anyone who needs weed can google for it.
in port huron theres a dude delivers to your door all day and night. on the web big time. years and years of operation. he never testified btw..
I voted for one cg to five patients. I support that fully. Dispensaries were pimped by the police, allowed for a period to collect the information. for all I know they were complicit. Those dealers didnt even protect patients' paperwork. They cited laws and rights but threw patients under the bus as the hundreds of raids hammered on them. They kept all of our names and adresses inside boxes in the corner fo r the police to easily grab. Some were allowed to continue making cash after those names were confiscated. Is your name in there? did you sell to a dispensary? thats illegal you know////