

Active Member
I grew my first plant recently, harvested it, dried and started to cure the buds. But curiosity git the better of me so I started smoking it.
Pretty good! A little harsh tasting, and not as potent as I'd like, but I'm happy for a first grow.
Thing is, it Hermied on me. I picked off it's bananas but I guess not soon enough or not carefully enough because she grew seeds.

The seed originally came from a bag of weed that was FULL of seeds.

Anyway, I think the weed this seed came from was stronger than the weed I grew. I know I didn't grow it to its potential.

Anyway, my question is...

How do the seeds genetics work?

If I take a seed from a primo top quality plant and I plant it and I completely ruin the grow... Like borderline kill the plant. Everything wrong. And say it grows seeds too...

Will those second generation seeds be the same and have the same potential as the first generation seed?


Active Member
I'm high and after reading that train wreck I wanna start over lol

I plant a seed from plant A.
That seed grows into plant B.

Plant A and plant B should be the same.

If both produced seeds, but plant B had a hardknock life, would the seeds still be the same?

Could I grow another Plant A from Plant B's hardknock life seeds?

Or does the plants life experience affect its offspring


Well-Known Member
I'm high and after reading that train wreck I wanna start over lol

I plant a seed from plant A.
That seed grows into plant B.

Plant A and plant B should be the same.

If both produced seeds, but plant B had a hardknock life, would the seeds still be the same?

Could I grow another Plant A from Plant B's hardknock life seeds?

Or does the plants life experience affect its offspring
Seeds are like babies no seed carries the same genetic makeup thus why you have guys like myself and others pheno hunting for desirable traits. No a seed from the weed you grew apparently was pre disposed to be a hermie. Your plants potency ranges from a plethora of different variables. You can max out that plants potential by giving it the best life possible. Now any seeds you get from your plant will vary genetically but most likely be hermies time after time. Best get some good seeds and start anew.


Active Member
That's basically what I wanted to know.

Ill continue growing these, since they're free and I like the couch lock high I get from it, despite it not being quite as strong as I hoped.
Nothing wrong with free learning.

When I get better I know a few local places that sell crop king seeds.

Got this many seeds from my plant, and about 22ish grams of bud, dried.



Well-Known Member
I'm high and after reading that train wreck I wanna start over lol

I plant a seed from plant A.
That seed grows into plant B.

Plant A and plant B should be the same.

If both produced seeds, but plant B had a hardknock life, would the seeds still be the same?

Could I grow another Plant A from Plant B's hardknock life seeds?

Or does the plants life experience affect its offspring
That did happened to me.

Out of the original seeds from the same bag, came out 2 dominant pheno. One is Sativa dom and the other is Indica dom. So, I selected each pheno of course as my main plants and cull the rest.

The Indica dom, got seeded (prolly from a pollen sac) and pollinated the Sativa dom too. Out, of the cross pollination, a totally unique pheno came out of it. It just finished the 1st week of flowering, so will find out if its any good..

In the subject of potency, I harvested my Sativa dom maybe a week or 2 early cuz of plant problem. Cured it for 2 weeks, smoke it, it's like, nothing. 2 months later( of curing), I smoked it again just this pass Sunday expecting it to be so-so. I smoked a whole joint. At first, ummm as expected nothing then it start creeping up, up and up then boom send me looking for bed. lol

What I'm saying is...curing could change a lot of the canniboid content of a bud. From the original so-so weed, if properly cured, the high can be quite impressive. Even the guy who supplied me with it cant believe its the same stuff, he thought its some kind of a 1 hit wonder.


Active Member
My buddy smoked some of my stuff and said it doesn't get him high at all.

I take 4-7 pail rips and I'm pretty buzzed for a while.
Good dispensary stuff I can do 2-3 rips and I'm good for a while.
Just smoked a couple and my eyes feel heavy, I feel chill watching tv. No anxiety, no worries, just mellow relaxing. It's EXACTLY what I wanted.

I dried it on stem, hanging upside down from a coat hanger, inside the grow box. (I grew it in an 18"x18"x30" cardboard box. Then used it as a drying room.

After a few days of drying, when it was fairly crispy, I jarred it in some dollar store jars I have. After a week or two, I decided to start smoking it. I was gonna wait 8 weeks but I got curious lol.
It was dried, but very very sticky at first. Cut up well though, just stuck to your fingers. No clumping. And it burned well too.
Had a bit of harsh smoke, and a bit of a bitter taste at first. That dissipated now.
Definitely think I should cure longer next time.

Also, I grew in over nutrient rich miracle grow soil, and had fluctuating temperatures, and burned some leaves, and stressed the crap out of the plant.. So
I honestly don't think I could do worse. I'm happy with the results of the worst possible grow I could do lol


Well-Known Member
One of the first rules the people on here (and elsewhere) is to start with good genetics if you want good plants. So my advice to you is save those other seeds and spend a few dollars and buy some seeds from the attitude seedbank, Herbie's or somewhere else reputable.