Open Show and Tell 2017-18

What strain is that getaway?
its a r-2 poison (early pheno ) and 2 warp there is an early pheno in the r-2 that i used for the male on a few strains and they finish in late august not much yeild but 1/2 to 3/4 lb each isnt bad for the same time frame as alot of the autos strains that dont give much more than a few joints semi autos work way better for us here in coastal maine with our short season
View attachment 3999471 View attachment 3999472 gold mine buds full of seeds i took the middle pheno of gold mine and crossed it with the early r-2 pheno male and its fully done now and full of seeds i didnt trim it down too much so i wont nick any seeds with sizzors super sticky hard buds skunky hazey smell got 35-40 perfect seeds from one small bud there will be thousands of beans off the gold mine this will be an late august early sept strain and had zero mold which is a surprise on seeded plants
its a r-2 poison (early pheno ) and 2 warp there is an early pheno in the r-2 that i used for the male on a few strains and they finish in late august not much yeild but 1/2 to 3/4 lb each isnt bad for the same time frame as alot of the autos strains that dont give much more than a few joints semi autos work way better for us here in coastal maine with our short season
What's the parents of 2 Warp? R2 X Seawarp? Everything is looking great my man as usual. Thanks for all of your generosity.
View attachment 3999471 View attachment 3999472 gold mine buds full of seeds i took the middle pheno of gold mine and crossed it with the early r-2 pheno male and its fully done now and full of seeds i didnt trim it down too much so i wont nick any seeds with sizzors super sticky hard buds skunky hazey smell got 35-40 perfect seeds from one small bud there will be thousands of beans off the gold mine this will be an late august early sept strain and had zero mold which is a surprise on seeded plants
That sounds like a winner:weed:
Great plants in here, i wish i could do a big garden grow but the laws backwards in the uk.

Heres a late planted plot of rgsc green golds most just started to flower :)

gg1.JPG gg.JPG

The weathers been shit we've had 2 months of rain but the suns just starting to come out now. Should be a good season.