Guerrilla 2017

slow drawl

Well-Known Member
Damn man your girls have been doing awesome, black spot is a bitch. When I was working for a city park dept the local rose society had some gardens in our parks. Copper fungicide was their preventive spray to deal with black spot. That shit is everywhere in the woods here, especially in the alder patches.
Against all odds, you sir do endeavor to persevere.


Well-Known Member
Damn man your girls have been doing awesome, black spot is a bitch. When I was working for a city park dept the local rose society had some gardens in our parks. Copper fungicide was their preventive spray to deal with black spot. That shit is everywhere in the woods here, especially in the alder patches.
Against all odds, you sir do endeavor to persevere.
yes the blueberrys,blackberrys,rasberrys r big vecters to, any thing that has fruit on it


Well-Known Member
Damn man your girls have been doing awesome, black spot is a bitch. When I was working for a city park dept the local rose society had some gardens in our parks. Copper fungicide was their preventive spray to deal with black spot. That shit is everywhere in the woods here, especially in the alder patches.
Against all odds, you sir do endeavor to persevere.
I'm quickly becoming a black spot expert. I see the fucking shit when I'm driving down the road now. Thanks to Thumpers help. I think I have dodged a catastrophe.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Well I'm certain my plants have copper toxicity. Anyone know if damage can be reversed? Bright yellowing at the bud tips and where the leaves connect to the branch. I hit them once but hit them hard with strongest recommended dosage mix.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm certain my plants have copper toxicity. Anyone know if damage can be reversed? Bright yellowing at the bud tips and where the leaves connect to the branch. I hit them once but hit them hard with strongest recommended dosage mix.
how much u use,not full sun right


Well-Known Member
if u look back at open show an tell I recommend 2 tlb per gal I have never seen the yellowing like yours
I didn't catch that. It's my bad being in a panic. I don't think I'm going to lose everything but probably a couple for sure. It hasn't gotten any worse the past 24.


Well-Known Member
Hanging in there trying to minimize the damage I did. Though there isn't much if anything i can do. Copper toxicity induces iron deficiency and you have the yellowing as seen in the first pic. Going to hit them with Getaway juice as a foliar spray shortly. Should help get some iron into them. I watered the piss out of them this morning to dillute run off that hit the soil. I've searched tirelessly the past couple days to find ways to minimize copper damage. I think I may only have1 maybe 2 plants that bite the dust. We shall see. There was no worsening in the yellowing the past 24 hrs.
