Well-Known Member
Right, bud. Keep smoking trash. What state do you live in? Just curious. It's not so much the truth about flushing; it's more the truth about most people not being as dialed as they like to think they are, while they smoke nutrients and then toss around scientific evidence that they cannot accurately apply to their grow. Do you know for a fact you're not over feeding even slightly? You don't. Further more, you would smoke it all while telling people how you don't need to flush. No matter what medium, you should do some form of flush. I would never smoke your marijuana, and I would tell everyone I know not to. The truth about flushing is that you don't have the technology to know that your EC is EXACTLY right per the strain. I like knowing what goes in my body. You're talking about things that most people really don't have the technology to do. Knowing it is great, being able to effectively do it is a different thing all together. I understand the science behind it, but I have little faith in your, or most people's ability to accurately apply that science.
a long post like that I thought you would have included some scientific evidence for "flushing". I'll wait.