a mediocre shroom garden thread

I think the Rye Berries will be done by Friday, might be Saturday. Who knows maybe Sunday. I feel like these guys are just taking their sweet time. That's alright though, life and growth takes time and patience
Hello everyone!
I'm a 1st time shroomer n I'm waiting for my very 1st rye berries bag to spawn. I used PE syringe to inoculate the berries n I plan on doing the monotub once it spawns. I also ordered more bags n more syringes. I'm not trying to take over thread, but instead I'd like to thank each n everyone of you who has posted n shared your knowledge. This thread alone can get an amateur to experienced grower most beneficial info n definitely successful grow. I've been subbed n hope you guys keep up the great info. @iHearAll, thank you mucho much 4 starting thread. I'm 4 ever in debt to you n your vast knowledge on the subject. Stay awesome!!!
I'm here too, just wish @iHearAll would come back.

I mixed the spawn and bulk substrate last Monday and just waiting on them to colonize. I may have fucked up the ratio though, it's maybe 1:1 with more substrate than spawn. Also i filled the tub up past the holes, but it's all good. This is my first time so there is a learning curve. Also I let the spawn go way to long and I didn't break it up and mix it up halfway through. Nonetheless I'm still proud of myself and will be thankful for whatever I get. Even if it's one mushroom I'll be super happy.
Hello again!
So, I had recently ordered a spore kit n some of the rye berries n lo n behold.... the spores have arrived! Lol. I just hope I'll have any type of success with this, but I know it'll be nowhere near you guys/gals who have been dedicating your time n patience for a while now. Plz, wish me luck n thank you guys for allowing me to be a part of your community!! :)


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I'm here too, just wish @iHearAll would come back.

I mixed the spawn and bulk substrate last Monday and just waiting on them to colonize. I may have fucked up the ratio though, it's maybe 1:1 with more substrate than spawn. Also i filled the tub up past the holes, but it's all good. This is my first time so there is a learning curve. Also I let the spawn go way to long and I didn't break it up and mix it up halfway through. Nonetheless I'm still proud of myself and will be thankful for whatever I get. Even if it's one mushroom I'll be super happy.
Where He at ?
Ok 7 days in and it looks like I still have some days to go. I checked it yesterday and the Mycelium was white as snow. It looked like frozen spider webs stretching over the substrate. Everything looks great though, no yellow metabolites or contamination. I'll check in 3 days to see how close is it is to being done. I'm thinking it will be another week before it's fully colonized. My girlfriend said it's about a third done, but we'll see. Anyways I took some screenshots through Snapchat and yeah they suck but I didn't want to leave the foil off for very long. I have been reading that you can use wax paper as a casing for even pinset? Hopefully the consolidation of the substrate will bring it below the FAE holes. Although I have decided to put some on the top part of the bin. Enjoy the pics.

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Ok 7 days in and it looks like I still have some days to go. I checked it yesterday and the Mycelium was white as snow. It looked like frozen spider webs stretching over the substrate. Everything looks great though, no yellow metabolites or contamination. I'll check in 3 days to see how close is it is to being done. I'm thinking it will be another week before it's fully colonized. My girlfriend said it's about a third done, but we'll see. Anyways I took some screenshots through Snapchat and yeah they suck but I didn't want to leave the foil off for very long. I have been reading that you can use wax paper as a casing for even pinset? Hopefully the consolidation of the substrate will bring it below the FAE holes. Although I have decided to put some on the top part of the bin. Enjoy the pics.

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Indeed Dank!
Your looking awesome over there n it definitely won't be long now! I just received the rye berries yest n I've just finished the inoculating about 4 one pound bags. 2 with Golden Teacher n 2 with Ecuador. Hopefully in a few weeks, I'll have some pics of some beautiful mycelium like ya got going there. Keep up the great work Dank n everyone else giving it a go. Can't wait to share trippy stories next!
Btw... @DankTankerous, your girlfriend is correct. I've watch a couple of YouTube vids that used wax paper as a casing as well as supply a lil extra moisture. Once the pins really start popping up, then your suppose to remove to allow the rest of the process to take off. Looks like your about 75% in the clear. Fingers crossed n hope ya get an abundance of shrooms n a abundance of knowledge to share 4 ya next adventure. Keep at it n stay awesome!
I really wanna start growing My own but something is stopping Me...
Perhaps it's lazyness. . .
Come on HeatlessBBQ!
What better thing to grow where you can basically inoculate n 4 get it? I honestly don't think anyone is lazier than myself! Lol... Just give it a go Heatless.... I can imagine you growing out even the toughest of strains. Let's get it!!