LIST CANADIAN POISON SWAG PRODUCER add to it. people need to know!

this should have a sticky to the top...for new members.
no lp has the right,to use harmful chemicals in the production of cannabis that people may want to eat and smoke.
SHame on them for even trying to pass off this poison on unsuspecting patients...Fuck LP's and Harpies back that they rode in on.
Absolutely outrageous...the poison weed had been sold already. It's been consumed already. What a complete farce to act as if this does any good at all.
WTF is wrong here? And the media just more a less ignores that ULTRA important fact.
How is it they are testing product that has already been used. My mind boggles at the dishonest setup this LP shit has become.
So you can spray whatever and then later ( a year later ) tell folks to send it back.

If you ever buy from an the biggest rube you could be.

BOYCOTT these liars and the LP system or be killed by them.
keep adding to the shwag pile...its only a matter of time until each and everyone of them get caught ...(:

Time to move stock at tweed
So Odd one never forgets how much poison he has smoked so the rest have done as well...anyone who buys LP poison is subjected to sprays ....17 different poisons known facts folks!
Here's a little tid bit,

Myclo , is systemic and can live in the plants for months or years at trace levels. These recalls were because of trace amounts. The starting material brought in from the MMAR were contaminated with myclo.

The use of myclo. Is rampant in the grey market, because uninformed growers educated by grow shop owners are told it only has a half life of 30 days and can be safely used in veg. Wrong. Don't get grow advice from the guy selling you the gear.

I'm just not getting it....if I could grow with no crap sprayed on my girls why the fuck can't the people now charged with the responsibility for providing me safe clean cannabis?

Try growing 1000+ plants, there's no comparison to home grown and commercial. You probably know your plants by name. It's a daunting task, for a brief period I was a "Plant Health Tech" my duty was to inspect diagnose and document every single plant in a facility 2x a week. Any signs of infection and the plant was culled not sprayed. Not a fun job. Sanitation is key.

Try growing 1000+ plants, there's no comparison to home grown and commercial. You probably know your plants by name. It's a daunting task, for a brief period I was a "Plant Health Tech" my duty was to inspect diagnose and document every single plant in a facility 2x a week. Any signs of infection and the plant was culled not sprayed. Not a fun job. Sanitation is key.

My dislike for corporate cannabis is justified. They can't grow it without pesticides. I don't need 1000 plants...I'm not greedy.