Where has the chill oldschool herb gone?


Well-Known Member
Im probably gonna date myself here with a "back in my day" post, but back in my day we were able to pass around a jay or a blunt nonstop playing music and talking. These days, living in a legal state, have really escalated in terms of potency. It seems that maximum THC has become the end goal without much regard for other cannabinoids and terpenes. In some ways it is a good thing because quality is way up. On the other hand, I am reticent to smoke socially anymore because my friends shit is always face meltingly strong and one or two hits puts me into a stupor.

With the industry as it is, I hope someone starts putting out high quality mid grade stuff soon. Think of it like a "session ale" in craft beer. Maybe it would be nice to have some chill all- day smoking herb that is nicely cured and artfully grown.

Can anyone relate?
Seems you missed out on the back in the day good stuff? What I remember smokin back in the day was way better and more potent than today's weed and what I did about it was to breed my own to bring it back. Took 9 years but da grandpa weed is home again

For what you are describing I would suggest growing a land race mexi sativa
Seems you missed out on the back in the day good stuff? What I remember smokin back in the day was way better and more potent than today's weed and what I did about it was to breed my own to bring it back. Took 9 years but da grandpa weed is home again

For what you are describing I would suggest growing a land race mexi sativa

We are definitely in diff parts of the country. It is not that we had mexi schwag or anything- we had really nice looking, well cured/grown, flavorful buds... just not crazy overly- potent stuff you see circulating at the legal shops these days. Then again, my tolerance is probably substantially lower than that young fella back then.
There are still weaker strains still around or you could try an early harvest to lower potency.

I've given that some strong consideration. I've also been toying with the idea of taking a strong 21% THC seed stock laying around and crossbreeding it with some feral hemp pollen to get an intermediate around 10% THC with higher CBD and interesting terpenes. Apparently intermediate hemp hybrids grow SUPER hearty-- snow/frost tolerant, fast growing, and pest/disease tolerant. May be worth trying for an outside grow next year if a stable strain can be accomplished.
I've given that some strong consideration. I've also been toying with the idea of taking a strong 21% THC seed stock laying around and crossbreeding it with some feral hemp pollen to get an intermediate around 10% THC with higher CBD and interesting terpenes. Apparently intermediate hemp hybrids grow SUPER hearty-- snow/frost tolerant, fast growing, and pest/disease tolerant. May be worth trying for an outside grow next year if a stable strain can be accomplished.
To find the nostalgic stuff, just look for landrace strains. It's going to be old school but it might not be much less potent lol

Honestly, I'd much rather smoke a couple hits of something strong and be done than have to choke down a whole joint or two to get the same effect. Smoke inhalation is still smoke inhalation...
Unlike some, I can personally attest to the effects;

It works as advertised. I've had a few weed naps on his couch! LMAO

yeah, different tokes for different folks. If I grew a strain and smoking it made me sleepy I'd kill any copies before they grew.
I'll get all the sleep I need when I'm dead. For now I wanna build and create and paint and play and sing and love and dance when I use.
The more you open your mouth, the more it's clear you have no idea what you're talking about.

But keep on wasting your time... It's all you've got.

You post constantly but never offer any proof or even information of any kind.

Which of your "friends" likely pm'd me the map to your house and described you as Millhouse from the Simpsons?

You guys are not as well liked as you think.
yeah, different tokes for different folks. If I grew a strain and smoking it made me sleepy I'd kill any copies before they grew.
I'll get all the sleep I need when I'm dead. For now I wanna build and create and paint and play and sing and love and dance when I use.

Man we might have to try to meet and smoke up and play some music and make some art.

I would love to show you some of Mrs. MMG's paintings. And I just finally managed to borrow an actual cassette deck to listen to a tape I recorded of my guitar playing through a delay pedal into my stereo in 1988.

It even had whale calls made with the whammy bar. I was very high at the time I recorded.