What a bunch of suckers. Do you really think some little average citizen can compete with the huge greenhouse operations already established? Maybe if the regs were like in the US states, where they only issue as many licenses as are required for the specific zone. Trudeau's idiotic plan is to let anyone sell anywhere in the nation, so that "mom and pop" are competing head on with companies like Canopy with billions in funding. How the hell do you think THAT would end up? How the bloody hell is somebody WITHOUT a billion dollars and a greenhouse already set up going to compete with someone who does in a wide open national market and with licenses being issued to anybody who pays the fee and meets the qualifications of security etc? Like the posters here, people will ALL think it's the gravy train and ALL get into it and ALL except Canopy and their ilk will find out the reality of Canadian legalization. What happens when there's 10 weed producers in one city, which is actually a low estimate of what there will be? I'll tell you what happens, they all say "curse you, Trudeau, you destroyed our fucking lives and now we're fucking bankrupt after taking out millions in loans to pay for all the stuff required to get the license, which now we can never make back in ten lifetimes".