Alaska __ Recreational Outlets -- Opinions


Well-Known Member
Wondering who all has been to a few of Alaskas' local retail cannabis stores. After a few that I visited, not impressed. Odd THC measurements, pre-rolls filled with harsh trim, substandard nuggets.. Let me know where to go, where to avoid. Really trying to test the waters here, because I'm not a fan of testing 22$ per GRAM ganja with my lungs or my wallet

Wondering who all has been to a few of Alaskas' local retail cannabis stores. After a few that I visited, not impressed. Odd THC measurements, pre-rolls filled with harsh trim, substandard nuggets.. Let me know where to go, where to avoid. Really trying to test the waters here, because I'm not a fan of testing 22$ per GRAM ganja with my lungs or my wallet


Which body parts would you like to use to test MJ? Your answer will more effectively allow us to point you in the right direction...