College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

Neither group should be instigating violence, we agree. But it is murky because one group is inherently violent which begs the question: is using preemptive violence against a violent group offensive or defensive?
Nazi and KKK speech propagates crimes of the past. The things they say are literally endorsing lynchings and genocide. I don't think this is protected speech at all. I recognize the government is constrained by court rulings. Until that changes, the only way to stop it is through civil protest or uncivil acts of violence.

I'm thinking along the same lines as you. Isn't it time to end that kind of bullshit by whatever means necessary? Or is it true that by trouncing these haters, we encourage it? As Chomsky said, these are thugs and brutes. By giving some of them martyr status well meaning people only create rallying points for those same brutes and thugs.

London posted a video where a white woman beat down a racist hag when the hag couldn't restrain herself from laying hands on her. He loved it. So did I. Should this be a model for behavior going forward?

About half the white people in the US don't even recognize the effect of prejudice on African Americans. This means the pool of potential haters is large, about 33% of the population. Is suppressing hate speech only going to make them more likely to turn to violence or is it the only way to eventually end it?

I want it to end. By whatever means necessary. From the crowds gathered to face down the haters, we are part of a larger group than the haters.
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From Southern Poverty Law Center.

Act. Apathy is the haters best friend. Don't take the advice to ignore them.
Join forces. There is strength in numbers
Support victims of hate crimes. Report them if you are a victim.
Speak up. Renunciatoin of hate groups and hate speech is a first amendment right too
Educate yourself
Create an Alternative
. Meet every act of hatred with love and unity
Pressure leaders to act against hate. Give them support when they do.
Stay engaged.
Teach acceptance to the children
Dig deeper
. Look inside yourself for stereotype and bias.
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Neither group should be instigating violence, we agree. But it is murky because one group is inherently violent which begs the question: is using preemptive violence against a violent group offensive or defensive?
Dude I asked you to point out why you believe the people you labeled as being fascist are fascists. Are you just going to keep ignoring this and just ramble on about those darned nazis? Is it really all just a witch hunt?
If those people you claim are fascists really are, why aren't you showing any proof of it? It seems like you people damn well know they're not, you're just making up some alternative facts to be able to justify shutting down speeches you don't like etc. Sure seems like that if you can't even be bothered to say WHY you think someone's a fascist.
And even if it turned out they're actual fascists, you wouldn't get my support in any way because you feel like you can just label people a fascist without having to provide evidence. You can't just expect people to take your word for it, and it's counterproductive if you actually want to fight fascism. So fascists or not, you already lost.

how about that offensive foreign policy of the us?
The world's bully man. That's not something most Americans like to talk about lol.
Dude I asked you to point out why you believe the people you labeled as being fascist are fascists. Are you just going to keep ignoring this and just ramble on about those darned nazis? Is it really all just a witch hunt?
If those people you claim are fascists really are, why aren't you showing any proof of it? It seems like you people damn well know they're not, you're just making up some alternative facts to be able to justify shutting down speeches you don't like etc. Sure seems like that if you can't even be bothered to say WHY you think someone's a fascist.
And even if it turned out they're actual fascists, you wouldn't get my support in any way because you feel like you can just label people a fascist without having to provide evidence. You can't just expect people to take your word for it, and it's counterproductive if you actually want to fight fascism. So fascists or not, you already lost.

The world's bully man. That's not something most Americans like to talk about lol.
If they give the Nazi salute, fly Nazi flags and identify themselves as such, that's good enough for me.
Dude I asked you to point out why you believe the people you labeled as being fascist are fascists. Are you just going to keep ignoring this and just ramble on about those darned nazis? Is it really all just a witch hunt?
If those people you claim are fascists really are, why aren't you showing any proof of it? It seems like you people damn well know they're not, you're just making up some alternative facts to be able to justify shutting down speeches you don't like etc. Sure seems like that if you can't even be bothered to say WHY you think someone's a fascist.
And even if it turned out they're actual fascists, you wouldn't get my support in any way because you feel like you can just label people a fascist without having to provide evidence. You can't just expect people to take your word for it, and it's counterproductive if you actually want to fight fascism. So fascists or not, you already lost.

I addressed the demonstrators (fascists), the right-wing media (pro-fascist), and people equating the fascists to anti-fascists or giving the benefit of the doubt to fascists (you, Trump, some media, etc.). I've asked you many questions you have avoided as well, do I need to list them? The answer to your question has been stated explicitly and rhetorically.
From Southern Poverty Law Center.

Act. Apathy is the haters best friend. Don't take the advice to ignore them.
Join forces. There is strength in numbers
Support victims of hate crimes. Report them if you are a victim.
Speak up. Renunciatoin of hate groups and hate speech is a first amendment right too
Educate yourself
Create an Alternative
. Meet every act of hatred with love and unity
Pressure leaders to act against hate. Give them support when they do.
Stay engaged.
Teach acceptance to the children
Dig deeper
. Look inside yourself for stereotype and bias.
The second last point is how we change not just this country, but the entire world.
I addressed the demonstrators (fascists), the right-wing media (pro-fascist), and people equating the fascists to anti-fascists or giving the benefit of the doubt to fascists (you, Trump, some media, etc.). I've asked you many questions you have avoided as well, do I need to list them? The answer to your question has been stated explicitly and rhetorically.
Omg, nope, you didn't answer my question, you didn't even come close. I guess you answered my question in the same way those people you named are fascists, it's all just in your head apparently.
All you did was address a small subgroup of demonstrators that are clearly fascists as they're waving nazi flags around, and as I said before, those are not the people I care about.
So apparently you damn well know it's a witch hunt, but you don't give a shit, it's clearly all just an excuse to be able to harass and assault people you don't like.
That's pretty sad man. You people might be a bigger problem than actual fascists.

Sure, list the questions you claim I avoided. I'm sure I didn't answer all your questions but I doubt they were very relevant, and when you start to ignore questions you can't expect me to keep answering everything you ask me.
And the only really relevant question atm is who the fascists are and why, you can keep dancing around it but if you can't show why someone's a fascist yet you keep labeling people fascist YOU'RE the problem.
Omg, nope, you didn't answer my question, you didn't even come close. I guess you answered my question in the same way those people you named are fascists, it's all just in your head apparently.
All you did was address a small subgroup of demonstrators that are clearly fascists as they're waving nazi flags around, and as I said before, those are not the people I care about.
So apparently you damn well know it's a witch hunt, but you don't give a shit, it's clearly all just an excuse to be able to harass and assault people you don't like.
That's pretty sad man. You people might be a bigger problem than actual fascists.

Sure, list the questions you claim I avoided. I'm sure I didn't answer all your questions but I doubt they were very relevant, and when you start to ignore questions you can't expect me to keep answering everything you ask me.
And the only really relevant question atm is who the fascists are and why, you can keep dancing around it but if you can't show why someone's a fascist yet you keep labeling people fascist YOU'RE the problem.

Who have I labeled fascist without evidence?

Who have others labeled fascist without evidence?
Omg, nope, you didn't answer my question, you didn't even come close. I guess you answered my question in the same way those people you named are fascists, it's all just in your head apparently.
All you did was address a small subgroup of demonstrators that are clearly fascists as they're waving nazi flags around, and as I said before, those are not the people I care about.
So apparently you damn well know it's a witch hunt, but you don't give a shit, it's clearly all just an excuse to be able to harass and assault people you don't like.
That's pretty sad man. You people might be a bigger problem than actual fascists.

Sure, list the questions you claim I avoided. I'm sure I didn't answer all your questions but I doubt they were very relevant, and when you start to ignore questions you can't expect me to keep answering everything you ask me.
And the only really relevant question atm is who the fascists are and why, you can keep dancing around it but if you can't show why someone's a fascist yet you keep labeling people fascist YOU'RE the problem.

Whose triggered now? Your wall of words was completely unintelligible. Your meme was completely out of place. Nobody has been triggered and no one has lost it other than you.

Racism or scapegoating minorities, pugnacious nationalism, glorification of violence, reliance on a single strong man authoritarian leader are all part and parcel of fascism. This describes Nazis, Klansmen and other alt right perfectly.

Go away and don't come back until you've calmed down.
Who have I labeled fascist without evidence?

Who have others labeled fascist without evidence?
Every single person you accused of being a fascist besides the obvious ones that are waving nazi flags around.
You just labeling people fascist or claiming they're pro fascist doesn't count as evidence, do you understand that? I guess not.

Welp, you people asked for it, seems like you're considered to be domestic terrorists now and I couldn't agree more. How does that feel? You're the enemy now.
So good luck with your terrorist activities and good luck with alienating people who could have been on your side if you weren't such lying manipulative pussies.
I'm done here, we can keep talking but you clearly don't feel like you have to prove your claims so this is a useless conversation at this point.
Don't get yourselves killed kids, those people have weapons, and you're the terrorists now.
Every single person you accused of being a fascist besides the obvious ones that are waving nazi flags around.

here's a tip, you whiny little bitch baby - if you wave a nazi flag around, you're a fascist. if you're in a protest with people waving nazi flags around, you're a fascist. if you're defending people who protest with nazi glag-wavers, yolu are also a fascist.

hope that clears things up, you long-winded, whiny little beta bitch.

I'm done here

do you promise?


now go away you whiny little cuck.

Don't get yourselves killed kids, those people have weapons, and you're the terrorists now.


that is what you sound like to the us.

now please, take your long winded, pleading, whiny little diatribes back to 4chan or wherever it is that incel loser betas like you go to feel a sake of bonding with your fellow nazis you pathetic cuck.
Dude I asked you to point out why you believe the people you labeled as being fascist are fascists. Are you just going to keep ignoring this and just ramble on about those darned nazis? Is it really all just a witch hunt?
If those people you claim are fascists really are, why aren't you showing any proof of it? It seems like you people damn well know they're not, you're just making up some alternative facts to be able to justify shutting down speeches you don't like etc. Sure seems like that if you can't even be bothered to say WHY you think someone's a fascist.
And even if it turned out they're actual fascists, you wouldn't get my support in any way because you feel like you can just label people a fascist without having to provide evidence. You can't just expect people to take your word for it, and it's counterproductive if you actually want to fight fascism. So fascists or not, you already lost.

The world's bully man. That's not something most Americans like to talk about lol.

yep, being the offesive bully. it's something the left loves to talk about and I personally agree with them. it's weird how that same logic doesn't apply domestically though eh?

labeling fascism as on the right is a trick the left employed after Wwii. before Wwii fascism was understood to be on the left where every other ideology that champions the complete power of the centralized state is.

there are 3 major collectivist movements in the 20th century: communism, fascism and progressivism, all reside in the left.

I'm fact Benito Mussolini praised fdr's book "looking forward" in Italian magazines saying that "fdr is one of us". Roosevelt sent folks to Italy to study what Mussolini was doing with the fascist movement and fdr considered the fascists very much advanced progressives.

just because fascists fought communists in Wwii doesn't mean they were on opposite sides of the political spectrum.

ideologically the Nazis vs commies was like Sunni vs shiite, Quaker vs puritan; all these struggles reside in the same sides of their ideological spectrum, the left, Christianity and Islam respectively.

the "anti-fascists" of today are facist by their actions....their words hold little to zero value about what they are.
you were down with that?

Were you? Should we have entered WWII when Germany invaded Poland?

These are tough case-by-case decisions and of course hindsight is 20/20. If Iraq really did have WMDs and was planning to nuke us, then I would view our invasion more favorably perhaps. In hindsight, obviously I would rather Americans had not been lied to/mislead.
yep, being the offesive bully. it's something the left loves to talk about and I personally agree with them. it's weird how that same logic doesn't apply domestically though eh?

labeling fascism as on the right is a trick the left employed after Wwii. before Wwii fascism was understood to be on the left where every other ideology that champions the complete power of the centralized state is.

there are 3 major collectivist movements in the 20th century: communism, fascism and progressivism, all reside in the left.

I'm fact Benito Mussolini praised fdr's book "looking forward" in Italian magazines saying that "fdr is one of us". Roosevelt sent folks to Italy to study what Mussolini was doing with the fascist movement and fdr considered the fascists very much advanced progressives.

just because fascists fought communists in Wwii doesn't mean they were on opposite sides of the political spectrum.

ideologically the Nazis vs commies was like Sunni vs shiite, Quaker vs puritan; all these struggles reside in the same sides of their ideological spectrum, the left, Christianity and Islam respectively.

the "anti-fascists" of today are facist by their actions....their words hold little to zero value about what they are.
You do love you some hate, don't you?

the splc just got caught funneling a ton of money to offshore accounts.
the message, Wrenfield. Was there something wrong with the message?