Link? The right-wing rally was cancelled, but anti-marxist (fascist?), anarchist, and anti-fascist groups showed up anyhow. The right-wingers were outnumbered, but by and large things were peaceful. Looks like 13 people were arrested for some sort of violence, out of 7,000+. The peaceful protestlors denounced the violence and disassociated themselves from it. Neither group conceded "defeat".
Current right-wing ideology is not classical liberalism, that is for sure. It is blind nationalism, blind faith, greed/socialism for the top, militaristic/imperialistic, neo-liberal, fiscally conservative (stupid), socially conservative aka religious, dogmatic, reactionary, homophobic, racist (even stupider), and VERY active in using the government to enforce the hierarchy of their ideology (criminalizing drugs and abortion, minimun sentencing, regressive taxation, gerrymandering, undermining/cutting public agencies and services, increasing the size of the military, etc.).
Ideologies can be economic or social or both. I'm not sure what percentage of ideologies are based more on economics than social rights and responsibilities.