College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

the washington free beacon is a klan publication you stooge. KKK grand wizard david duke cites them regularly (he also opposes civil rights, like you). and this is what their comments section looks like:

readers like you, reading about the NAACP having a peaceful sit-in, and then feeling compelled to comment that they should be sprayed down with fire hoses, shot, killed, or lose their welfare (which apparently they need even though they make more than disability-ridden brokedicks like you for some reason? i dunno).

no one wants to hear your shitty nazi-trailer-park-reconstructionism. fascism is opposed to liberalism, it is a far, far right ideology like nazism, you dumb piece of trash.

seriously, do you get paid to spread this retarded nazi nonsense, or are you really just this committed to your nazi cause?

it is either one or the other. no one casually tries to equate nazis and fascists with liberalism for years on end like you do, you lowlife trailer dwelling racist pile of feces.

well according to you, fbi crime stats are a klan publication. and your open hostility toward any opinion but your own discounts your message to the point of irrelevance.
You think that is a fair analogy? If the stated common thread of Antifa is anti-oppression and anti-corporate greed, what is the stated common thread of the alt-right, which encompasses both fascists/Nazi idolizers and the KKK?

What are the unstated common threads? I'd say they aren't quite as coherent.

sure it's fair. stated goals and observed actions are seperate issues. antifas stated goal is anti fascism, but also stated is the intent to counter demonstrate to shut down opposing veiws by any means nessecary, including violence.

shutting down opposing political speech while wearing black shirts is literal historical religion of

it would be different if certain groups within Antifa stated violence as fair opposition to speech and then were shunned......shunned the way the right shuns white power morons on their side, like kicking Richard Spencer out of cpac.

when was the last time Antifa took a position like that?

if mission statements are so crucial, why did Hitler add "national socialist" to the German workers party title?




shutting down opposing political speech

"opposing political speech" is the coolest euphemism for "nazis marching while carrying torches and weapons" that i have ever heard.

wearing black shirts

ONOZ! they broke the dress code! TERRORISM!

the right shuns white power morons

the #3 republican in the house stated that he was "david duke without the baggage" and still holds his position as majority whip. you nominated a white supremacist fat loser named donald trump and elected him president.

what the fuck are you talking about?

kicking Richard Spencer out of cpac.

how did a neo-nazi white supremacist get invited to speak at CPAC in the first place?

and why is his neo-nazi white supremacist buddy stephen miller still working in the white house?
yep, being the offesive bully. it's something the left loves to talk about and I personally agree with them. it's weird how that same logic doesn't apply domestically though eh?

labeling fascism as on the right is a trick the left employed after Wwii. before Wwii fascism was understood to be on the left where every other ideology that champions the complete power of the centralized state is.

there are 3 major collectivist movements in the 20th century: communism, fascism and progressivism, all reside in the left.

I'm fact Benito Mussolini praised fdr's book "looking forward" in Italian magazines saying that "fdr is one of us". Roosevelt sent folks to Italy to study what Mussolini was doing with the fascist movement and fdr considered the fascists very much advanced progressives.

just because fascists fought communists in Wwii doesn't mean they were on opposite sides of the political spectrum.

ideologically the Nazis vs commies was like Sunni vs shiite, Quaker vs puritan; all these struggles reside in the same sides of their ideological spectrum, the left, Christianity and Islam respectively.

the "anti-fascists" of today are facist by their actions....their words hold little to zero value about what they are.
Holy shit I had no idea fascism was a lefty thing, but now that I think about it it makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the info. The more you learn...
sure it's fair. stated goals and observed actions are seperate issues. antifas stated goal is anti fascism, but also stated is the intent to counter demonstrate to shut down opposing veiws by any means nessecary, including violence.

shutting down opposing political speech while wearing black shirts is literal historical religion of

it would be different if certain groups within Antifa stated violence as fair opposition to speech and then were shunned......shunned the way the right shuns white power morons on their side, like kicking Richard Spencer out of cpac.

when was the last time Antifa took a position like that?

if mission statements are so crucial, why did Hitler add "national socialist" to the German workers party title?

Antifa isn't shutting down reasonable speech, they are shutting racist hate speech. Their stated goal is only to stop fascist speech by any means, not any other type of speech. I think that deserves consideration.

Anti-fascists shutting down fascism is not the historical religion of fascism. So no.

Both sides officially denounce people that insitigate violence. They disassociate with them.

Fascism is not inherently left or right in my mind, though historically the use of fascism has been to enforce right wing ideology. It isn't too much of a stretch, though, to imagine a majority that uses authoritarianism to enforce left-wing ideology. If someone is well read in political ideology, please correct me. I'm having trouble reconciling liberalism with fascism.

As to Hitler, he was very calculated and used a mix of language and symbolism to convince groups to support him. Nazis were essentially right-wing ideologically but employed racist socialism to maintain what they believed was the natural hierarchy of society.
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Antifa isn't shutting down reasonable speech, they are shutting racist hate speech. Their stated goal is only to stop fascist speech by any means, not any other type of speech. I think that deserves consideration.

Anti-fascists shutting down fascism is not the historical religion of fascism. So no.

Both sides officially denounce people that insitigate violence. They disassociate with them.

Fascism is not inherently left or right in my mind, though historically the use of fascism has been to enforce right wing ideology. It isn't too much of a stretch, though, to imagine a majority that uses authoritarianism to enforce left-wing ideology. If someone is well read in political ideology, please correct me. I'm having trouble reconciling liberalism with fascism.

As to Hitler, he was very calculated and used a mix of language and symbolism to convince groups to support him. Nazis were essentially right-wing ideologically but employed racist socialism to maintain what they believed was the natural hierarchy of society.

most recently they shit down a peaceful anti Marx protest in Berkeley put on by a trans woman with violence.

what you are saying about antifa simply doesn't square with their actions.

what is right wing ideology to you? how about economics? I mean if you look at facism, communism and progressivism from an economic angle, there is no question they reside in the left. what more is there really?

what percentage of an ideology would you assign to economics? I would say the overwhelming majority of an ideology is economic in nature, especially on the left where it is intertwined with social change, effectively making economics the entire ideology.

I'm not going to go so far as to say the so called "right" in the us has never pushed for more government but then again boosh wasn't exactly a classical liberal, which is what fascism is the opposite of.

Antifa is playing right into the hands of the police state imho.
fascism, like the nazism you practice, is a far right wing ideology you loser white trash trailer park stooge.

the farther right you go, the less government there is, so you are just intellectually dishonest.

authoritarianism is on the left.
nationalism can go either way.

Mandela was a nationalist.

an authoritarian nationalist is on the left.
most recently they shit down a peaceful anti Marx protest in Berkeley put on by a trans woman with violence.

what you are saying about antifa simply doesn't square with their actions.

what is right wing ideology to you? how about economics? I mean if you look at facism, communism and progressivism from an economic angle, there is no question they reside in the left. what more is there really?

what percentage of an ideology would you assign to economics? I would say the overwhelming majority of an ideology is economic in nature, especially on the left where it is intertwined with social change, effectively making economics the entire ideology.

I'm not going to go so far as to say the so called "right" in the us has never pushed for more government but then again boosh wasn't exactly a classical liberal, which is what fascism is the opposite of.

Antifa is playing right into the hands of the police state imho.

Link? The right-wing rally was cancelled, but anti-marxist (fascist?), anarchist, and anti-fascist groups showed up anyhow. The right-wingers were outnumbered, but by and large things were peaceful. Looks like 13 people were arrested for some sort of violence, out of 7,000+. The peaceful protestlors denounced the violence and disassociated themselves from it. Neither group conceded "defeat".

Current right-wing ideology is not classical liberalism, that is for sure. It is blind nationalism, blind faith, greed/socialism for the top, militaristic/imperialistic, neo-liberal, fiscally conservative (stupid), socially conservative aka religious, dogmatic, reactionary, homophobic, racist (even stupider), and VERY active in using the government to enforce the hierarchy of their ideology (criminalizing drugs and abortion, minimun sentencing, regressive taxation, gerrymandering, undermining/cutting public agencies and services, increasing the size of the military, etc.).

Ideologies can be economic or social or both. I'm not sure what percentage of ideologies are based more on economics than social rights and responsibilities.
the farther right you go, the less government there is, so you are just intellectually dishonest.

authoritarianism is on the left.
nationalism can go either way.

Mandela was a nationalist.

an authoritarian nationalist is on the left.
You're looking at it from the classic paradigm of politics here.

It's not a simple all situations "left does this and right does this and there's no overlap".

You're literally the only person I've ever met that thinks Nazism is an extreme left ideology.
You're looking at it from the classic paradigm of politics here.

It's not a simple all situations "left does this and right does this and there's no overlap".

You're literally the only person I've ever met that thinks Nazism is an extreme left ideology.

am I the only one looking at it in the classical paradigm? look at this definition and the likes, it shows that most here are also looking at the traditional left right spectrum:

Fascism/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritariannationalism,[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce,[3] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5]


no wonder everyone is confused.

it's like looking at 10000K light and everyone telling me that's red now because the scales were changed.

the scales haven't changed.

yuri bezmenov explained what would happen to us in "love letter to america". I am surprised with all this Russian subversion talk in the past year that none of you seem to be aware of this plan executed during the cold war.

The process is split into four stages: 1) demoralization, 2) destabilization, 3) crisis, and 4) normalization

we are simply on step 4.
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Did you get that from Mises Institute?

Right wing libertarian is a fake religion. I thought that somebody should tell you. You are a tool.

with statements like that, clearly you are my tool. it's like I'm pulling strings and youre dancing accordingly.
with statements like that, clearly you are my tool. it's like I'm pulling strings and youre dancing accordingly.

Your libertarian philosophy is founded completely upon unproven axioms which Mises can't defend in any real sense. This is why they eschew science and math. Very similar argument used by flat earthers. Also Catholic Church of the middle ages.
Link? The right-wing rally was cancelled, but anti-marxist (fascist?), anarchist, and anti-fascist groups showed up anyhow. The right-wingers were outnumbered, but by and large things were peaceful. Looks like 13 people were arrested for some sort of violence, out of 7,000+. The peaceful protestlors denounced the violence and disassociated themselves from it. Neither group conceded "defeat".

Current right-wing ideology is not classical liberalism, that is for sure. It is blind nationalism, blind faith, greed/socialism for the top, militaristic/imperialistic, neo-liberal, fiscally conservative (stupid), socially conservative aka religious, dogmatic, reactionary, homophobic, racist (even stupider), and VERY active in using the government to enforce the hierarchy of their ideology (criminalizing drugs and abortion, minimun sentencing, regressive taxation, gerrymandering, undermining/cutting public agencies and services, increasing the size of the military, etc.).

Ideologies can be economic or social or both. I'm not sure what percentage of ideologies are based more on economics than social rights and responsibilities.
sure, here they are again:

the peaceful organizers of the rallys certainly "conceded defeat" as the anti Marx trans woman cancelled and some showed up anyway and these articles I linked you were the result.

fascism at it's finest that was.

if you are saying the right largely doesn't represent classical liberal values anymore I can agree, they're Democrat lites anymore.

Your libertarian philosophy is founded completely upon unproven axioms which Mises can't defend in any real sense. This is why they eschew science and math. Very similar argument used by flat earthers. Also Catholic Church of the middle ages.

you are a spam not at this point as that's the 5th time at least that you have posted that exact statement. we have discussed this and yet you ignore the contributions to mainstream economics by misis and the austrians. oh well spam bot.

the Austrians are right every time, wait for it again.

don't read any of it though, or you may convert from Marxism to classical liberal, the way Hayek, Sowell and Horowitz did.

it must be blissful to have only held one political/economic perspective as you have.
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