Keeping a sterile res in dwc Shock Chlorine Advice


Well-Known Member
Ok folks I got hold of what I think is the same as Poolshock, can some kind person work out for me how many grams I should be adding per litre of water, I will be running a sterile dwc diy system over the winter months as usual.
Images of the product below, may well be of use poor sods in the UK.

WP_20170903_21_16_32_Rich.jpg WP_20170903_21_16_49_Rich.jpg
@rkymtnman thanks for taking the time to respond, the only details I have besides on the photos above is Calcium Hypochlorite UN-2880, would have posted that but it's that dam small a writing I needed to use a macro lens to read it. Getting old sucks.
go to you can find out what % it is and then figure yours out accordingly.

Getting old sucks
tell me about it. i had to buy a lighted magnifyng glass for my birthday last year. can't read the small shit at all.
LOL do not put pool shock in your rez!?!?! you have no idea how it will react with your salts? its meant to keep water clean to swim in now grow plants?!?!
Literally one second on google:

Calcium hypochlorite reacts with carbon dioxide to form calcium carbonate.

2Ca(ClO)2 + 2CO2 → 2CaCO3 + 2Cl2 + O2

Iron Precipitation 0.64 times Fe content
Manganese Precipitation 1.3 times Mn content

Hypochlorites raise pH, losing its effectiveness. Hypochlorites also produce CaCl2 or NaCl (salt) which may have an adverse effect on the quality of the water or solution. Hypochlorites are more sensitive to organic matter in the water and thus lose their germicidal powers faster.

It does almost nothing, esp in DWC. For cleaning drip emitters I can understand if you are using chlorinated gas like the pros but to dump in HTH is dumb. Esp since you have no idea what it is going to precipitate out of the solution.

Food for though if bleach is suppose to keep slime away then why does adding bleach not kill the slime once you have it? Hint: cause it's doing nothing.
you have no idea.

i've used pool shock for years with no problems. many run a sterile res. in hydro.

I drive my car every day without a seatbelt and i've never died.

Just because you haven't got root rot while using pool shock means nothing and is anecdotal at best.

I've argued with you before about your ill advice. If you think your rez is sterile then rub a qt under your lid and touch it to a agar dish. Guaranteed it will have growth.
hth® shock treatment
hth® shock treatment is an effective, multi-purpose product that sanitizes, clarifies, helps prevent algae and shock treats your pool. It is convenient, easy to use and won’t over-stabilize your pool.

  • Kills bacteria and algae
  • Compatible with Salt Systems
hth® shock treatment
hth® shock treatment is an effective, multi-purpose product that sanitizes, clarifies, helps prevent algae and shock treats your pool. It is convenient, easy to use and won’t over-stabilize your pool.

  • Kills bacteria and algae
  • Compatible with Salt Systems
Lol so what if it says that I just posted the exact science behind why it doesn't work with salt systems. You are just posting garbage from their website?

Calcium hypochlorite reacts with carbon dioxide to form calcium carbonate.

2Ca(ClO)2 + 2CO2 → 2CaCO3 + 2Cl2 + O2

Calcium hypochlorite reacts with carbon dioxide to form calcium carbonate.

2Ca(ClO)2 + 2CO2 → 2CaCO3 + 2Cl2 + O2

Calcium hypochlorite reacts with carbon dioxide to form calcium carbonate.

2Ca(ClO)2 + 2CO2 → 2CaCO3 + 2Cl2 + O2
you never countered my statement that chlorine is a nutrient used by the plant.

enjoy your bennies. i'll keep my pool shock.

to say there is no such thing as a sterile res is absurd at best.

I did counter your statement in the threat you posted it in, LOL.....

Show me the scientific papers that says sterile rez exists. even on the chlorinated gas manufacturers website it says for preventative. If adding a small amount of pool shock made your rez sterile then why do autoclaves have to get so hot. LOL no way that bleach is breaking the endospore shell. Period. Thats why we have to heat things to a crazy high level. It's common sense.
Literally the first thing it says under the "Pros" it says it doesn't remove 100% of the pathogens just that it reduces enough that an established plant can then protect it self. LIKE I SAID STERILE MEANS 100% PATHOGEN FREE.

This is why people who know what they are talking about never come here, cause they get shouted down by idiots.
like people who say a plant uses chlorides?
Group three nutrients (potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, manganese and sodium), which perform their functions as ions within the plant cell, are often related to some type of signaling or actively catalyzing biological reactions. These activities commonly help plants respond to shifting environmental conditions, such as changing availability of water or nutrients in the root zone. While other nutrients are often tightly bound within compounds, these ions move freely in water.
