Keeping a sterile res in dwc Shock Chlorine Advice

well i am going to need to try and shock again.

i had already developed some root rot issues prior to trying the shock.

i ended up dumping one rez and hitting the other with some extra peroxide.

ugh, never have had my veg area take a hit like this. gonna clean up all the reservoirs but i think i got the root problem defeated.

i will run the shock regularly from now on
Chlorine levels of 2-4 ppm can control a wide variety of pathogens. Problem is, chlorine reacts with nitrogen to produce chloramine. It happens so quickly that if you put chlorine in a nutrient solution a few minutes later there's almost no chlorine in the solution. Chloramine is a disinfectant but much less so than chlorine.

Point is, if a plant is already infected, putting chlorine in nutrient solution at safe levels will have no effect on the pathogen. Continuing to dose the solution with chlorine will not raise chlorine levels, nor does it seems to increase chloramine to the levels needed to eradicate established root rot. Whether it works as a preventative at the 2-4 ppm level the chlorine is introduced as I'm not sure but I don't have a lot of faith in it... but I am testing it's use in plain water as a cloning solution.

Another avenue worth considering is a broad spectrum fungicide used during the mother/cloning stage then transferred to a hydroponic medium with beneficial bacteria. I suspect most fungal infections start in the cloning phase even if they don't present until later, so starting with fungus free clones that are inoculated with beneficial bacterial and/or fungi seems like a pretty good plan.
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well i am going to need to try and shock again.

i had already developed some root rot issues prior to trying the shock.

i ended up dumping one rez and hitting the other with some extra peroxide.

ugh, never have had my veg area take a hit like this. gonna clean up all the reservoirs but i think i got the root problem defeated.

i will run the shock regularly from now on
Always clean with black between runs. Bleach is most effective at 1:10 or 1:9 can't remember but it's actually much more effective when mixed into water .. I know it's counter intuitive to dilute for results but it's true .
Well I'm running 2 dwc containers, both have clones from the same mother in them, 1 tub has just plain tap water and a little nutrient, the other tub has same tap water and nutrient levels and pool shock. Air pump feeding both tubs and airstones.
Both tubs have the same temps ie 24c. Water temp is way to warm, not even trying to control it. Will let them run for a couple a weeks and see what the results are.

In the mean time I will be making a start on a new dwc setup along with a new chiller, but that's for another thread.

Everyone has their own opinions, but lets not start ww3, others are doing just grand at it.

Cheers Lads

I agree it seems some people on here are in it for a pissing contest instead of sharing useful information.
Been looking for calcium hypochlorite but but it seems like in my country Sodium dichloroisocyanurate, dihydrate is used for chock chlorine treatment for pools.
Would it be ok to use Sodium dichloroisocyanurate, dihydrate?
I'm a noob to these methods, but want to try it. I ordered this today, hopefully that will work? I'm also interested in the usage of household bleach.
I found this link and am dosing with bleach until my powder shows up. With my system I measured it out and it works out to 10ml of bleach. Awesome.
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My plants were drinking litres of water a day, and the ppm was staying the same, so they were drinking and eating well. They developed root rot, to the point that they were barely drinking or eating (the water level was dropping much slower and when it did the ppm was spiking). I started off by dumping the res, and washing the roots In another res with bleach 0.3ml/L (1.137ml/gallon) pulling off any dead root that came off easily (there were bits of root all through the water by the time I was finished, mushy brown dead root). I ran bleach 0.2ml/L (0.758ml/gallon) in the res, reapplying every 3-4 days for one week, reducing to 0.1ml/L (0.379ml/gallon) every 3 days. For the first 3 weeks I was dumping the res and doing the above wash twice a week. I have since stopped doing the wash for the last 3 weeks and I have new white root growth all over the place. And my girls are drinking and eating well again. I still run 0.1ml/L bleach every 3 days.

Edit: side note, I also dropped the ppm down from 950ish to 300-400, but I've since raised it bit by bit back to 900
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Or you could always brew some worm tea and go the beneficial route.. to each their own though!
Can someone point me to a link to a chart or something I can use to find out how much to dose my granular?
I have 68% Calcium Hypochlorite granular, looking for a grams to gallon type of conversion to get to around 4ppm.
Can someone point me to a link to a chart or something I can use to find out how much to dose my granular?
I have 68% Calcium Hypochlorite granular, looking for a grams to gallon type of conversion to get to around 4ppm.
View attachment 4275546
"1 to 5 ppm of free chlorine is safe for humans and cannabis.
1ppm for HTH pool shock is 0.10 grams per 10 gal. "

from post #2
"1 to 5 ppm of free chlorine is safe for humans and cannabis.
1ppm for HTH pool shock is 0.10 grams per 10 gal. "

from post #2
HTH is like 57% depending on what you buy. Mine is 68%.
I did the math and figured it all out, thanks for your help.
I am experimenting with pool shock. Through all my research I have come up with this ...
HTH Super Pool Shock @ 65% Calcium Hypochlorite
Make your SOLUTION FIRST .. 1 gram calcium hypochlorite to 1 gallon of water. From there, in your res, mix your SOLUTION at a rate of 5ml per gallon (3.785 litre)

I was a little freaked out to try this, but it seems to be working. As for residual left in the plant, I will be getting a full lab test done after harvest and will posture full results.
I am currently trying this out on an Indica based CBD strain that yields 30/1 CBD to THC called "Island Time".