Aussie Growers Thread

Fuck yes.

My 2 mates came help me prune that plant up in about 2 hours done every last bit down to the popcorn.

Trust both of them with my life. Plus one of em use to live with me old child hood friends that's where it starts.
i recently had a falling out with my best mate. We met in yr 9 at school and have been through life together.

Sad stuff.. but i had to cut ties with him. He aint the man he once was. He has since had "loose lips".
Fuck yes.

My 2 mates came help me prune that plant up in about 2 hours done every last bit down to the popcorn.

Trust both of them with my life. Plus one of em use to live with me old child hood friends that's where it starts.
ye i feel ya all the peeps i used to hang with turned out 2 be dogs but fuckem u live and learn theres a few aquantences i know that are solid pepole i wouldent tell em i was growinhg but im paranoid like that plus thay dont smoke i dont know lol the only pepole i consider freinds are peaple on here to be honest lol gotta love the canna comunity
i recently had a falling out with my best mate. We met in yr 9 at school and have been through life together.

Sad stuff.. but i had to cut ties with him. He aint the man he once was. He has since had "loose lips".
that sucks ye i dont talk 2 any of the boys i hung with in my teen years was pretty bummed about it but hay fuck it we had fun n shit but at the end of the day thats all it was is fun doubt any of em would of had my back if we got jumped im good with it now tho besides every time iv heard of some one getting done its always some one close to em snitching like an ex gf or a mate like the saying goas loose ships sink ships
Yeah if my misses left I'd just stop growing.

I love doing it. An it pays for itself good hobby stupid if ya don't.

Money does grow on trees
id sell a little bit of it if i could idont even know any one let alone acociate with any one im happy just to know i can have a good selection
I'm really not in contact with any of my old friends either. Most. If not all. Have lives of their own now. Partner and kids. That sort of thing. The one who might still smoke. Hasn't spoken to me in over 4 years.

I mean. I know a few people around here. Most I worked with. And they're growers/smokers too. But, contact is kinda sparse between us.

I think if things were to go sour between my partner and I. I'd probably either gut and revert my grow spaces. Hiding the seeds someplace safe. Or rip up, burn and replace with some shit I got going outside.
I'm really not in contact with any of my old friends either. Most. If not all. Have lives of their own now. Partner and kids. That sort of thing. The one who might still smoke. Hasn't spoken to me in over 4 years.

I mean. I know a few people around here. Most I worked with. And they're growers/smokers too. But, contact is kinda sparse between us.

I think if things were to go sour between my partner and I. I'd probably either gut and revert my grow spaces. Hiding the seeds someplace safe. Or rip up, burn and replace with some shit I got going outside.
If i broke up with my missus I would get my own place n have a veg and flower room in full
Or go up in the hills rent a secluded farm and grow a cash crop straight up
...prob rape some poor Swedish hitchhiker lol
Bad joke cos it happens :o
I'm really not in contact with any of my old friends either. Most. If not all. Have lives of their own now. Partner and kids. That sort of thing. The one who might still smoke. Hasn't spoken to me in over 4 years.

I mean. I know a few people around here. Most I worked with. And they're growers/smokers too. But, contact is kinda sparse between us.

I think if things were to go sour between my partner and I. I'd probably either gut and revert my grow spaces. Hiding the seeds someplace safe. Or rip up, burn and replace with some shit I got going outside.
I don't have any one best mate its more like 30 odd really cool friends that all get along...everyone of em smokes weed or used to and at least half would grow during summer with a 1/4 growing indoor as we speak.
I'm really not in contact with any of my old friends either. Most. If not all. Have lives of their own now. Partner and kids. That sort of thing. The one who might still smoke. Hasn't spoken to me in over 4 years.

I mean. I know a few people around here. Most I worked with. And they're growers/smokers too. But, contact is kinda sparse between us.

I think if things were to go sour between my partner and I. I'd probably either gut and revert my grow spaces. Hiding the seeds someplace safe. Or rip up, burn and replace with some shit I got going outside.
ye i feel ya man fuck im depressed as fuck now thinking about the past growing up never fit in any where like u know how every one had that group of mates and tjay where tight always wanted that but never had it cant stop thinking about a mate i had a falling out with im 26 now we where mates sites like kindagarden it was like we were family not just mates sorta thing well i always knew he was a bit of a dick head but fuck it we were mates but ye a few years back he just started talki g so mutch shit and was lik a pathological liear in the end i lost a lotta respect for the guy wernt gunna mish it 3 hours worth of catching the train thats for sure ansd ye he basicly lied about hes nan said she was in hospital dying on life support wanted me 2 come over im saying im perfect i coulda been a better mate but saying hes nan is dying just to get me to come over hes place then seing pics on face book with her and family selfie kinda thing she defenatly wasent on life sopport she was awake and smiling i went and asked my older sis what i should do she said even if she was dying on life suport i shouldent go imean if it where me its a family only thing but ye after that not sure how long he had a going away party at hes cuse of a job he got out of state so i went to that defanetly had to many beers im not a beer drinker all like i could just sense every one had anamosity putting two and two together hed been talking shit about me behind my back again then and this one is on me i was wasted geting to close to hes cousin like not realizing my fas was to close to hes cousins cousin went out side i went out 2 say sorry hes cousing being in hes 30s i feel could of been a bit less of a dick about it tho but ye we ended up grappling a bit i have 2 stress o was fucking wasted im not a beer drinker and it did not agree with me i dont think we hit each other tho every one was breaking it up bit ye also my mum had a ring go missing and suspected him also for that party he had a mate drive up from vic the blome basicly funded the party my mate had a falling out with him anight b4 the part so hes mate left to drive home my mate being a cunt knowing he had alcahole in hes system called the cops on him thats dog in my opinion i should of stoped being hes mate fucken yaer ago probably when he stole my fone while it was charging and was like it was an acident but ye iwas defantly 2 drunk 2 fight not good at it sober tbh but ye i ended up on the ground with him choking me i was throwing waek ass punches to hes gut then his other cousin who was a cop who was on the nark sqaed came over to braek it up and copped a weak ass punch in the leg she just walked of but every one was like na u hit a chik i aint no woman basher but there was fucking nothing in the punch it wouldent of even hurt her plus shes on the nark squad so fuck her any way fuck sorry for the novel had a few rums and needed to vent ficken pisses me of he gets all these good jobs out of all tne paople who deserve bad karma this dudes it we have the same dissability iv never even been able 2 get a fucken job and tnis prick has all the luck owell fuck him karma will catch him in the long run im gunna keep honing my growing skills one day my hard work will pay of gunna learn every thing i can about weed gunna help all the peaple i can i dont give a fuck one day ill have good mates to kick back with one day ill be able to grow medicine and be able 2 help pepol thats what its all about for me growing and being apart of sutch an awsome comunity if it wasent for weed and thise comunity i dont think id have the strength to go on in this world seing what awsome kind haerted pepole make this comunity what it is give me somthing to live for it gives me hope one day it will all work out untill then im gunna keep on keeping on educating myself on weed sorry for the long ass rant but ye im abit drunk and ye needed to get this off my chest lol sorry guys im gunna go make another on that note lol
I don't have any one best mate its more like 30 odd really cool friends that all get along...everyone of em smokes weed or used to and at least half would grow during summer with a 1/4 growing indoor as we speak.
cool i was still might do and outdoor if i do i mogjt grow an auto if i can find a spot that is stealth and decent soil ill prob be better of preppering a spot for next season lol i got some hulled hemp seeds for my worm bin some of em germinated i shoud of planted em every where that would of been funny
on a happy note tho topped my pink gravy yesterday just germed an auto it was a freebie from gyo tangie or somthing its an auto also germed another freebie i got called lounge room lizard she popped up today i dont get y pepole say soil is slower 2 days and she broke soil cant wait 2 smoke em thats gunna be fun
If i broke up with my missus I would get my own place n have a veg and flower room in full
Or go up in the hills rent a secluded farm and grow a cash crop straight up
...prob rape some poor Swedish hitchhiker lol
Bad joke cos it happens :o

I was more thinking along the lines of minimizing the proof of growing. At least until I could get my shit together again.

And if I had to start over again. I'd go the same route you mentioned. Go a whole room for my grow setup. Depending on what I sink into it. I may end up being able to get surplus. In which case. I'd be inclined to make a bit of extra dosh.
I was more thinking along the lines of minimizing the proof of growing. At least until I could get my shit together again.

And if I had to start over again. I'd go the same route you mentioned. Go a whole room for my grow setup. Depending on what I sink into it. I may end up being able to get surplus. In which case. I'd be inclined to make a bit of extra dosh.
Oh I got wat u meant bro I guess I was trying to say my wife isn't vindictive like some who would want you to sink further while down....even if I done the wrong thing she wouldn't waste her time making it bad for me she would just go and never see me ever again.
Not many you could say that about....
ye i feel ya man fuck im depressed as fuck now thinking about the past growing up never fit in any where like u know how every one had that group of mates and tjay where tight always wanted that but never had it cant stop thinking about a mate i had a falling out with im 26 now we where mates sites like kindagarden it was like we were family not just mates sorta thing well i always knew he was a bit of a dick head but fuck it we were mates but ye a few years back he just started talki g so mutch shit and was lik a pathological liear in the end i lost a lotta respect for the guy wernt gunna mish it 3 hours worth of catching the train thats for sure ansd ye he basicly lied about hes nan said she was in hospital dying on life support wanted me 2 come over im saying im perfect i coulda been a better mate but saying hes nan is dying just to get me to come over hes place then seing pics on face book with her and family selfie kinda thing she defenatly wasent on life sopport she was awake and smiling i went and asked my older sis what i should do she said even if she was dying on life suport i shouldent go imean if it where me its a family only thing but ye after that not sure how long he had a going away party at hes cuse of a job he got out of state so i went to that defanetly had to many beers im not a beer drinker all like i could just sense every one had anamosity putting two and two together hed been talking shit about me behind my back again then and this one is on me i was wasted geting to close to hes cousin like not realizing my fas was to close to hes cousins cousin went out side i went out 2 say sorry hes cousing being in hes 30s i feel could of been a bit less of a dick about it tho but ye we ended up grappling a bit i have 2 stress o was fucking wasted im not a beer drinker and it did not agree with me i dont think we hit each other tho every one was breaking it up bit ye also my mum had a ring go missing and suspected him also for that party he had a mate drive up from vic the blome basicly funded the party my mate had a falling out with him anight b4 the part so hes mate left to drive home my mate being a cunt knowing he had alcahole in hes system called the cops on him thats dog in my opinion i should of stoped being hes mate fucken yaer ago probably when he stole my fone while it was charging and was like it was an acident but ye iwas defantly 2 drunk 2 fight not good at it sober tbh but ye i ended up on the ground with him choking me i was throwing waek ass punches to hes gut then his other cousin who was a cop who was on the nark sqaed came over to braek it up and copped a weak ass punch in the leg she just walked of but every one was like na u hit a chik i aint no woman basher but there was fucking nothing in the punch it wouldent of even hurt her plus shes on the nark squad so fuck her any way fuck sorry for the novel had a few rums and needed to vent ficken pisses me of he gets all these good jobs out of all tne paople who deserve bad karma this dudes it we have the same dissability iv never even been able 2 get a fucken job and tnis prick has all the luck owell fuck him karma will catch him in the long run im gunna keep honing my growing skills one day my hard work will pay of gunna learn every thing i can about weed gunna help all the peaple i can i dont give a fuck one day ill have good mates to kick back with one day ill be able to grow medicine and be able 2 help pepol thats what its all about for me growing and being apart of sutch an awsome comunity if it wasent for weed and thise comunity i dont think id have the strength to go on in this world seing what awsome kind haerted pepole make this comunity what it is give me somthing to live for it gives me hope one day it will all work out untill then im gunna keep on keeping on educating myself on weed sorry for the long ass rant but ye im abit drunk and ye needed to get this off my chest lol sorry guys im gunna go make another on that note lol
At the end of the day bro anyone with a decent bone in their body will help anyone here who is genuine
Oh I got wat u meant bro I guess I was trying to say my wife isn't vindictive like some who would want you to sink further while down....even if I done the wrong thing she wouldn't waste her time making it bad for me she would just go and never see me ever again.
Not many you could say that about....

I dare say my partner isn't like that either. But, I've been wrong before. I'm not doubting her. Just saying that people are known to change.
all i know is one day ittl be legal we could have like a pub exept it would be weed only not against alcahole or anthing but ited be kool to have like a despensery slash weed bar with comfy chears fuck barstolls fuck it lazy buys and hammocks out side lol pretty soon ittls be legel guys not long now i just had an interesting thought theres a war on drugs and so far we are winning proud to be a stoner