Aussie Growers Thread

Yeah you'd be mad not to run that sour k again. You changed up your soil mix or keeping it the same ?
It's half soil from last year with half new good quality soil along with a few amendments namely neem pellets,aged cow manure,rocket fuel pellets,perlite.
Broken down by once fortnightly drinks of go go juice to get the pro biotic side of things going
Last year was rooster booster pellets for manure this yr its the cow thinking that cow shit is gonna give me even bigger stalks and yield than last yr ..thats the plan anyway
Power feed and seamungus juice mixed will be a tea of some sort once a fortnight but I will be applying the Lucas method using my soluble bloom fert weekly...
2 feeds of water to one feed of bloom from week 6 onwards after final transplant.
Have neem spray as my insect/Bug preventive
Yeah they are good hey i use my castings for brewing teas but I can't produce the volume I need for adding into my pots so I get it from a organic worm farm about an hours drive away,it's really nice quality and only costs a few hundred for a ute load
If i could do that I would for sure...i ad mushroom compost last yr but feel worm castings keep the taste of buds perfect and add weight
It's half soil from last year with half new good quality soil along with a few amendments namely neem pellets,aged cow manure,rocket fuel pellets,perlite.
Broken down by once fortnightly drinks of go go juice to get the pro biotic side of things going
Last year was rooster booster pellets for manure this yr its the cow thinking that cow shit is gonna give me even bigger stalks and yield than last yr ..thats the plan anyway
Power feed and seamungus juice mixed will be a tea of some sort once a fortnight but I will be applying the Lucas method using my soluble bloom fert weekly...
2 feeds of water to one feed of bloom from week 6 onwards after final transplant.
Have neem spray as my insect/Bug preventive
I've added a couple of bottles of gogo juice as well :) seems to work hey. You used the Lucas in soil before, 6ml GH micro 9ml of GH bloom to the gallon isn't it ?
That's a quality mix bro..i neglected to mention ive added alfalfa as well.
Swear by that stuff
If i could do that I would for sure...i ad mushroom compost last yr but feel worm castings keep the taste of buds perfect and add weight
This is my first year of using alfalfa glad you liked using it,if you can I'd grab some kelp meal that stuff is unreal. I only added 25 litres of mushroom compost I like manure ones more but it adds a bit of diversity
I saw this sticker on an old fuckers car yesterday- "man + woman = marriage"...

Goddamn those relidiots annoy the piss outta me. Who the fuck cares if two women or two men want to marry? Why is it any concern what they're doing with each other? Just let them be. They're happy. Why fight that?
I've been building another batch of compost and soil too. Even got a small tea brewer kicking along.
fuck ye i got one of thoes compost tumblers going got this kilo pre mix of amendment u mix with airation coco or paet and some castings that let it cook plus i filled up the rest of the tumbler with like 2 catchers full of mowed grass and some more coco i think i need some more browns tho so ill prob do that tomorro but ye i got some water bubling away gunna start the tea tomorro might just keep it simple and stick with just castings lol my tea brewer is just a 10 liter buket and an air stone but hay watever works works im trynna keep it simple
I've added a couple of bottles of gogo juice as well :) seems to work hey. You used the Lucas in soil before, 6ml GH micro 9ml of GH bloom to the gallon isn't it ?
Yep in soil I did mate for my wonder woman as a trial couple seasons ago..but I went further than the Lucas as I only gave them 2 feeds that had veg in it after that at about the 8 week mark I fed them only bloom and 20grams soluble per 10 litres...all the way thru to the end
Worked a treat that wonder woman held some serious weight for its height
ye im gunna start doing that plus i wonder what else is in it other than n thats good for weed verses just grass as the n source
A good compost tea doesn't have to have a lot of ingredients it's all about the quality of the compost you are starting with. All you really need to make a good tea is High quality compost/vermicompost a small amount of unsulfured blackstrap molasses,a little kelp meal,fish hydrolysate don't use fish emulsion de chlorinated water and as bigger air pump as you have. I stopped using air stones because you can't clean them between teas
I've added a couple of bottles of gogo juice as well :) seems to work hey. You used the Lucas in soil before, 6ml GH micro 9ml of GH bloom to the gallon isn't it ?
Go go juice is a regular 2 week feed for me regardless of what I am feeding my plants.
:) Love the stuff im sure it keeps my organisms in the soil alive n healthy
This is my first year of using alfalfa glad you liked using it,if you can I'd grab some kelp meal that stuff is unreal. I only added 25 litres of mushroom compost I like manure ones more but it adds a bit of diversity
Can u get kelp meal at places like bunnings ?
Yep in soil I did mate for my wonder woman as a trial couple seasons ago..but I went further than the Lucas as I only gave them 2 feeds that had veg in it after that at about the 8 week mark I fed them only bloom and 20grams soluble per 10 litres...all the way thru to the end
Worked a treat that wonder woman held some serious weight for its height
Nice I've never seen it used in soil but that was a big plant,I use a modified Lucas in coco that's why I was curious :)
Gypsum and regular beach sand are good additives. As is oyster flour and distomaceous earth. Insect frass and a handful of oats too. Basically anything that's bio waste- within reason.
My soil mix had regular beach sand in it last season as I dug up a planter bed from in front of my beach shack and added that trailer to my home soil