Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
To the fodder warehouse I go after work tonite :)
I get most of my stuff from the farm supplies they are usually the best prices and the local guys will order stuff in if they can
Great info we are sharing here...
I do what I can to get a big yield as I don't get full sun in my back yard
Yeah you put me onto the gogo juice last year I'd never heard of it till then,I've picked up a lot of good stuff from the forums there's some really bright guys going round .

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
some great info in the last few pages!
Definitely much as im happy where I am at outdoor i love trying new stuff in my soil based on other ppls success
On a sidenote the last two seasons ive started my seeds in the soil mix thats been cooked not some shitty seedling soil from bunnings...

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I get most of my stuff from the farm supplies they are usually the best prices and the local guys will order stuff in if they can

Yeah you put me onto the gogo juice last year I'd never heard of it till then,I've picked up a lot of good stuff from the forums there's some really bright guys going round .
I based my soil from 3 yrs ago till now thanks to nuggs organic recipe...and I'm only using half what he does and still get what I think is worthy results


Well-Known Member
Definitely much as im happy where I am at outdoor i love trying new stuff in my soil based on other ppls success
On a sidenote the last two seasons ive started my seeds in the soil mix thats been cooked not some shitty seedling soil from bunnings...
I'm constantly trying to improve the quality and yield of my grows,I'm super critical of the pot I grow and that stuff I see, there's always room for improvement.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I'm constantly trying to improve the quality and yield of my grows,I'm super critical of the pot I grow and that stuff I see, there's always room for improvement.
And this is why I'm so biased when it comes to smoking...hardly smoke anyone else's weed has to be pretty gd


Well-Known Member
I don't give a fick what ppl think about my pot gets me bent all that matters. My mates always say I grow shit jealous cunts.
They are the type of people that will still be growing the same average quality buds year in year out, I love seeing someone growing better gear than me they are the people that I really try and learn whatever I can from

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I don't give a fuck what ppl think about my pot gets me bent all that matters. My mates always say I grow shit jealous cunts.
It's not I wouldn't give a fuck about your pot its more if I get a shit taste after one toke or its rough when having a pull ill tap it out get my own.
I'm not in it for a competition but everyone can grow reasonable looking bud but does it have everything taste,smell,high ?
So I will smoke anyone's pot they want me to try but they better not be offended when I say thats one toke not blow ya..the sort of one toke stuff that the taste goes after toke and it taste like utter shit after that.
Many a person has given me an oz or a tin full and ive passed it onto someone else who needs it more than me cos it tastes like camel piss.
Don't get me wrong ill smoke shit if i got nothing but I havnt done that for five years now I still have a back log of personal smoke locked away with bovedas from 2015 so I aint gonna run out soon.
One thing I've learnt and its a big thing...a lot of ppl grow good bud but don't cure it and it tastes like shit weeks after drying.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I don't give a fuck what ppl think about my pot gets me bent all that matters. My mates always say I grow shit jealous cunts.
Fuck wat sort of mates u group is tight if it's shit they will say so but not one cunt is a jealous cunt we all help each other out wether its smashing some cunt who hit a mates daughter or wether its chipping in and giving a friend a couple grand cos hes doing it tough.
It make sense none of my friends are meth whores

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
They are the type of people that will still be growing the same average quality buds year in year out, I love seeing someone growing better gear than me they are the people that I really try and learn whatever I can from
I've learnt from two veterans I my godfathers to me if growing.


Well-Known Member
can any of you that do hydro school me on decent nutes? Getting the dirt out of my house for indoor. I wouldnt mind powdered cos its a pain in the arse to get to town and they'd last me longer between restocks but not fussed really (also trying to cut down on the amount of grow shit getting sent to me). I'll be growing DTW in perlite mix or something not coco. Even if its just shit to avoid like the plague thats good too. Cheers


Well-Known Member
can any of you that do hydro school me on decent nutes? Getting the dirt out of my house for indoor. I wouldnt mind powdered cos its a pain in the arse to get to town and they'd last me longer between restocks but not fussed really (also trying to cut down on the amount of grow shit getting sent to me). I'll be growing DTW in perlite mix or something not coco. Even if its just shit to avoid like the plague thats good too. Cheers

General hydroponics maxi bloom an veg will do ya then mate used it had success in the past I just used the bloom 25 or 30 bucks cheap