Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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wow, you upload so many pictures. But maybe you should change your HPS lamps to LED so it won't burn up your cannabis and it is less power can save you much money
Good damned Californicator.

Do you have any earthly idea whatsoever about the kind of challenges he's dealing with while trying to grow in Ukraine?

I bet you think it's as easy as running down to the hydro store for parts, huh?

Fucking idiot.

I'd love to see you switch places and do fuck all in a place like that. It would be a real education, Beach Boy.
I really don't know what fuck are you talking about
Open Google and do a search for the country of Ukraine.

While you're at it, you might read up on their current political situation; they're in the middle of a fucking war, bro. With Russia. Not exactly easy to step on down to the local hydro store to get whatever you want. Just for openers, there's no hydro store. Also, few supplies, the economy is in shambles and most things you take for granted in Cali are rationed or outright unavailable.

The fact that he can pull off a grow at all is impressive. That his setup is so advanced while using such basic materials is nothing short of amazing.

Does that help, or do I need to hold your hand and rub your nose in it some more?
Friends, easy, please! Let's live in peace!!!

wow, you upload so many pictures. But maybe you should change your HPS lamps to LED so it won't burn up your cannabis and it is less power can save you much money


Yes, I upload a lot of photos.

We like people when there are many beautiful photos. I agree with you that LED is currently the best light for growing plants. But I can not save money or energy in any way. Firstly, for me LED, it's very expensive . Secondly, it's just hard for me to type in English, especially one and the same, several times.

Read here, I described in great detail why the LED can not get such a crop in principle. There are not yet invented lamps that will shine 360 degrees, like sodium ...

post 322

From myself, I still add no result for 1000 watts and 1m2 more than I get on sodium lamps in my setup...
Yes, my friend, sad story. Only a few hundred kilometers from me, people die every day. It's not written in the press already, but I know about it !!! A person who relied on material values, unfortunately, only at the end of life realizes that he was mistaken .. I have experienced a lot of shit in my life, and I know for sure!

If a person does not feel what is bad, he will never understand what is bad.

Also, everything is relative according to the theory of Einstein. There is a term like "pain threshold". If a person experiences intolerable pain for himself, then next time, for him, this pain is not so intolerable.

And most importantly, the pain (life test) actually elevates you in fact over others. Your spiritual consciousness rises. Adequate perception of the world, however paradoxical it may sound !! For me it will stop, it means death! I need to go forward, raising the "pain threshold" with every life victory.. It's like in sports, the more you strain through pain, the better the result, otherwise it can not be!

Through this very pain, you will know, all the hidden aspects of human life. You understand life objectively. You're getting along with the "pain", and that's why, the person going forward, and having achieved brilliant results, thanks to the elimination of difficulties, not his father's wallet, will always understand the pain of others wherever he lives, in Zimbabwe, Morocco or California.

It's you who understand the heart, not the mind !! - heart, Brother !!
Friends, easy, please! Let's live in peace!!!


Yes, I upload a lot of photos.

We like people when there are many beautiful photos. I agree with you that LED is currently the best light for growing plants. But I can not save money or energy in any way. Firstly, for me LED, it's very expensive . Secondly, it's just hard for me to type in English, especially one and the same, several times.

Read here, I described in great detail why the LED can not get such a crop in principle. There are not yet invented lamps that will shine 360 degrees, like sodium ...

post 322

From myself, I still add no result for 1000 watts and 1m2 more than I get on sodium lamps in my setup...
I know what you mean. But you should realize that HPS lamps will release more heat than LEDs, so it will burn up the leaves then the yields will reduce.
Secondly, an HPS lamp is cheaper than a LED indeed, but just now. with time goes on, it's high power will cost you more money than a LED. So you will pay more money on it.
Thirdly, sure it can't shine 360 degrees, but if you put it above on the weeds, they will get light all the way, and the luminance you said will reduce is actually right, but weeds don't need full light entirely, just like outside doors, sunshine can't light up all over the body of weed,but they still can grow well and strong. It's the leaves needs light rather than the branch.
So look at the big picture, a LED lamp is always better than an HPS by the way
Now two more members of this cycle. My favorite at the moment varieties in all respects from growth to aftertaste.

Bamdat Fem VS Crazy Kush Fem

the temperature dropped just a few days ago. Before that it was up to +35. It is very difficult to work with plants in such conditions.

Bamdat Fem

continues to surprise me with its dynamics, even with constant temperature stress, trying to somehow grow ...

Снимок.JPG Снимок.JPG Снимок.JPG

Crazy Kush

he is slightly younger than his counterpart, but still I note that at this stage is a bit inferior in development, although what I liked was that even lower by a third, Kush's side branches are much better developed than Bamdat.

Снимок.JPG Снимок.JPG

While all


To be continued.....
I know what you mean. But you should realize that HPS lamps will release more heat than LEDs, so it will burn up the leaves then the yields will reduce.
Secondly, an HPS lamp is cheaper than a LED indeed, but just now. with time goes on, it's high power will cost you more money than a LED. So you will pay more money on it.
Thirdly, sure it can't shine 360 degrees, but if you put it above on the weeds, they will get light all the way, and the luminance you said will reduce is actually right, but weeds don't need full light entirely, just like outside doors, sunshine can't light up all over the body of weed,but they still can grow well and strong. It's the leaves needs light rather than the branch.
So look at the big picture, a LED lamp is always better than an HPS by the way

I buy a Phillips green power lamp at $ 20 for 600Watts (A bankrupt greenhouse is being sold) at you they cost 60 $. LED costs 200 $ for 600. I need 1000 Watts not less.

My method, to illuminate plants from the bottom to the top, evenly. Then the flowers are all over the bush. THE SAME! This is necessary, in order to increase the yield by a minimum of 1.5 the same powers.

A better product than me, it is extremely difficult to buy from us in the city. In summer, the temperature in the street and in the room is more than 30. There, an air conditioner is needed and not LED in the first place.))

Bro, I did not understand, where is the savings?))) 1000 watts and in Africa 1000 watts)))
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My friend an artist and a poet on a rainy evening on glass
He painted my love and showed me a miracle on earth.
I was sitting quietly by the window and enjoyed the silence.
My love since then was always with me.

And the time flowed like water.
And I was always warm
When on a rainy afternoon I
Looked through window glass.
But year after year I met
In the eyes of my love sadness
A faint light of rainy boredom
And thus the color of love has changed

The color of my love has changed, the wondeful bright day has faded
A night shadow shelters my love
Chatter of cheerful colors, play of a magical fire
My love does not bring me joy anymore

Washed out the gentle tones
Vanished the height and depth
Their sharp lines are no more
This is a portrait of indiffirence
The love looks eyes to eyes,
But I am neither joyos nor angry
The earthly rest of colorless dreams
Is sharing its silence with me

And an inspired face will loose the kind features
My love will finally die in me
And drops of sad rain will stream down the glass
My love cries silently as it leaves.

And the rainbow of the days past
Will be covered by the dust of the years to come
And the memories about her
Will also loose color
A picture melts on the glass
There is no hope to save it
But how can I paint again
My love into a color of joy?

But what if to break the glass...
And dive into a different world
Where lives an artist and a poet
Who paints the sunlight
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I buy a Phillips green power lamp at $ 20 for 600Watts (A bankrupt greenhouse is being sold) at you they cost 60 $. LED costs 200 $ for 600. I need 1000 Watts not less.

My method, to illuminate plants from the bottom to the top, evenly. Then the flowers are all over the bush. THE SAME! This is necessary, in order to increase the yield by a minimum of 1.5 the same powers.

A better product than me, it is extremely difficult to buy from us in the city. In summer, the temperature in the street and in the room is more than 30. There, an air conditioner is needed and not LED in the first place.))

Bro, I did not understand, where is the savings?))) 1000 watts and in Africa 1000 watts)))
I think we just misunderstanding each other. What I mean is they have the different Luminous efficiency, HPS Luminous efficiency is 32.27(Lm/W), while LED is 90(Lm/W). So a 600-watt HPS's luminous is 32.27(Lm/W) * 600W = 19326 Lm, it's equal to a 215 watt (19350Lm) LED lamp. Besides, a 300 watt LED lamp price is just about $60 in the markets nowadays. So let's say you use it 10 hours per day in summer, 14 hours per day in winter, and 12 hours in spring and autumn, that's 4380 hours a year. Hence, a 600-watt HPS lamp's power consumption is 600W * 4380H / 1000 = 2628KWh, while a 300 watt LED lamp's power consumption is just a half of an HPS, that is 1314KWh. Let's say the energy charge is 7.3 cents in California, a 600W HPS will cost you about $191.8, while a 300W LED will just cost you about $96, So you are just losing money every day
I think we just misunderstanding each other. What I mean is they have the different Luminous efficiency, HPS Luminous efficiency is 32.27(Lm/W), while LED is 90(Lm/W). So a 600-watt HPS's luminous is 32.27(Lm/W) * 600W = 19326 Lm, it's equal to a 215 watt (19350Lm) LED lamp. Besides, a 300 watt LED lamp price is just about $60 in the markets nowadays. So let's say you use it 10 hours per day in summer, 14 hours per day in winter, and 12 hours in spring and autumn, that's 4380 hours a year. Hence, a 600-watt HPS lamp's power consumption is 600W * 4380H / 1000 = 2628KWh, while a 300 watt LED lamp's power consumption is just a half of an HPS, that is 1314KWh. Let's say the energy charge is 7.3 cents in California, a 600W HPS will cost you about $191.8, while a 300W LED will just cost you about $96, So you are just losing money every day
Not if you have to use a 2000w heater to heat the grow space.

And c'mon a decent led for $60? Your on drugs man. A pre built cob to replace a 600 hid in a 4 x 4 is going to cost around a grand.
I think we just misunderstanding each other. What I mean is they have the different Luminous efficiency, HPS Luminous efficiency is 32.27(Lm/W), while LED is 90(Lm/W). So a 600-watt HPS's luminous is 32.27(Lm/W) * 600W = 19326 Lm, it's equal to a 215 watt (19350Lm) LED lamp. Besides, a 300 watt LED lamp price is just about $60 in the markets nowadays. So let's say you use it 10 hours per day in summer, 14 hours per day in winter, and 12 hours in spring and autumn, that's 4380 hours a year. Hence, a 600-watt HPS lamp's power consumption is 600W * 4380H / 1000 = 2628KWh, while a 300 watt LED lamp's power consumption is just a half of an HPS, that is 1314KWh. Let's say the energy charge is 7.3 cents in California, a 600W HPS will cost you about $191.8, while a 300W LED will just cost you about $96, So you are just losing money every day
Hey, which part of, 'he lives in a warzone on the other side of the planet, comma, stupid' do you not understand?

You are unbelievably obtuse, you know that?

Go fall off your boogie board or something.
I know what you mean. But you should realize that HPS lamps will release more heat than LEDs, so it will burn up the leaves then the yields will reduce.
Secondly, an HPS lamp is cheaper than a LED indeed, but just now. with time goes on, it's high power will cost you more money than a LED. So you will pay more money on it.
Thirdly, sure it can't shine 360 degrees, but if you put it above on the weeds, they will get light all the way, and the luminance you said will reduce is actually right, but weeds don't need full light entirely, just like outside doors, sunshine can't light up all over the body of weed,but they still can grow well and strong. It's the leaves needs light rather than the branch.
So look at the big picture, a LED lamp is always better than an HPS by the way
This is just garbage and full of untruths.
Not if you have to use a 2000w heater to heat the grow space.

And c'mon a decent led for $60? Your on drugs man. A pre built cob to replace a 600 hid in a 4 x 4 is going to cost around a grand.
There's that, plus he's getting full use of the 360 degree light output of the lamp, which is difficult to reproduce with LED- nevermind the high cost, zero availability and extreme risk of importing specialized electronics INTO A WAR ZONE.
This is why I'm slamming him with no mercy. He's like a fat kid with a shopping cart full of chocolate and cookies; there's no argument that will get through.
I love LED, I know you use it with great results but idiots think their $2.50 Chinese blurple panel led will replace a HID is just plain wrong. They have to be jumped on so they stop spreading misinformation.
I love LED, I know you use it with great results but idiots think their $2.50 Chinese blurple panel led will replace a HID is just plain wrong. They have to be jumped on so they stop spreading misinformation.
Yet there's no convincing stupid.

Let him learn the hard way- after chasing him away from the serious first, of course.
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