Well-Known Member
It is true that to obtain about a 15% more efficiency you have to double the number of leds or used more efficient leds (like a vero 29 instead every vero 1No, correlation does not imply causation. The fact that plants grown in a 24h rhythm correlate to a 24h rhythm doesn mean we are stuck with that rhythm.
I've seen people grow Cannabis on a 36 hour day or shorter days than 24h. All of those worked fine too. The rhythm simply adapts to the new day length.
That only costs more. There is an economical optimum and running the leds "hyper efficiently" is not economically optimal. Besides, you still have the DLI problem which nachoo referred too. So either way, you still end up paying more for the same DLI.

the drivers for this leds are cheap...also the better diffused light will help a lot with heat and light stress in the upper canopy allowing to up the PPFD more safely.