Hurricane Irma: what to do

hey everyone- so here is my pickle. I am right I the path of Irma on the east coast. They will be calling for mandatory evacuations in the next day or so. I have a grow in the woods in 20 gallon pots with some plants about 1 month still to go, some maybe a week to go . Question is, should I take my chances with the plants that are close or should I just cut them now? I'm not sure what this storm will do to them. I'm going to try to engulf them in bushes as best I can so they won't fly away but I'm scared with the winds, they will all snap in half.
To cut or ride it out?
Damn that sucks man. If they are close enough to smoke cut em if not then Im afraid your going to come back to some plants that have been torn to shreds. Here is what 5 mins of hail did to my plants that were covered.
That almost killed some of them, I cant imagine what being hit with a fucking hurricane might have done to them. Sorry bro but hopefully you get to safety like others said. I wouldnt count on them being alive when you get back but you never know they might make it if they are some boss ass plants.
What's the point of a chop.......more than likely won't dry before it molds.....we gonna be without power for a minute.Fuck'em....worry bout you and fam
Damn that sucks man. If they are close enough to smoke cut em if not then Im afraid your going to come back to some plants that have been torn to shreds. Here is what 5 mins of hail did to my plants that were covered.
That almost killed some of them, I cant imagine what being hit with a fucking hurricane might have done to them. Sorry bro but hopefully you get to safety like others said. I wouldnt count on them being alive when you get back but you never know they might make it if they are some boss ass plants.
Your reaction was priceless. I feel for ya man. I would be incredibly distraught if this happened to my crop.
Omg whish it loose all is power before it touch the ground .every one left so much behind .....cannot belive that .climat change omg!
Since they are in pots, You can lay your plants on their side or let mother nature do it for you...I think you have bigger problems to worry about. Not much to do but hope and pray. Good luck out there, I feel for all you guys in her path...I got family in Cuba and Miami.
Thank you for all the advice, as you said I have much bigger problems to worry about. Trying to get the house secured now. I think I'm just gonna lay the pots down and whatever happens, happens. Oh well. I am going to take a before and after pic just for the heck of it