I'm guessing that those from the Jorge camp grew guerrilla style and for cash. They surely fed to the end for big profits/heavy weights. They added elements and witnessed growth.
The weed tasted like shit when dried. they couldnt figure out how to make it right. they tried feeding only water at the end and found what they were doing was actually starving their plant at the end in an attempt to use up excess carbs in the plant material. ah...they were flushing out the excess carbs they figured.
It does actually do this. If I stop feeding nutrients in hydro and go plain water the plant material does show a significant decrease in glucose, thus ridding the plant of these carbs. It still tasted strange so they dug up old tobacco tech and thus began the fermenting of their herb to do the more of the same. common garden herbs are not cured with fermentation before use. tobacco is smooth when fetilizer is tapered in the end. the plant produces less green of course, but its smooth as soon as the twigs snap..(sounds familiar)
jesus didnt
cure his kanah~bosem...he used the
dried flowering tops straight up
my authoritative 2cents