What did you accomplish today?

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I grow four strains, and I usually rotate between them often for variety, and to stave off tolerance to any one strain. I also almost always smoke out of one of several clear glass bongs I own. But for the last couple of months I've smoked nothing but my DJ Short's Blueberry (Thanks to @StinkBud for the reco!) out of a glass pipe. It's also an indica, and my others are sativa doms. It's just SO frosty, purple and tasty, seriously tastes just like blueberries. It's so strong that I can easily smoke my brain out if I overdo it, and I am not developing any tolerance to it. Amazing weed...

I bet you'd like plushberry. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
@reddan1981 how's the dirt bike project coming along?

How's the grows coming along?

Last but not least, how's the hot tub business ((cumming)) along?

Hope you didn't think I forgot about you. Actually I did forget about you TBH. I was showing some pics in my phone to a friend. I saw yours and asked him if he'd like to see a funny looking Russian man. He said yes and we laughed at your misshaped head for around 12 minutes.

EDIT- almost forgot :finger:


Well-Known Member
So I'm going to help an older patient with his grow today....super old X military...poor guy is having trouble getting to his plants because he grew them between his garage and fence....he says they're decent size...I found it funny him calling me,because I knew he still had smoke for sure....he basically said he's been hiding these plants from everyone including his own family...I guess he doesn't trust them.....so he asked if I would come over and help him out....really cool dude .....so I'm guna go see what I can do to help him since my one and only plant doesn't need tended to today....he's a character so this should be interesting.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the ol bugga has some crazy rare beans stashed. You should ask him about what places he went. And what funky shit they got to smoke there.


Well-Known Member
So I'm going to help an older patient with his grow today....super old X military...poor guy is having trouble getting to his plants because he grew them between his garage and fence....he says they're decent size...I found it funny him calling me,because I knew he still had smoke for sure....he basically said he's been hiding these plants from everyone including his own family...I guess he doesn't trust them.....so he asked if I would come over and help him out....really cool dude .....so I'm guna go see what I can do to help him since my one and only plant doesn't need tended to today....he's a character so this should be interesting.
It's nice of you to help him out.


Well-Known Member
It's nice of you to help him out.
Dude what a cluster fuck that poor man got himself into.....he threw clones in a 3 foot gap between his fence and garage ....these poor plants are wedged between the two ....I didn't expect to see 8 foot monsters ....I literally couldn't even squeeze between the wall and plant to get back to the other 5.....he said he hasn't been able to access his back 5 plants in weeks ....he's just been turning on his drop system and hoping for the best .....so I ended up having to climb up on his shop then drop an aluminum ladder down off the roof into the plants....spider webs fucking everywhere...I hate spiders and ladders....so I cleaned all that shit off for him and tied some branches apart to open them up some ....the webs were everywhere.....luckily his little watering bucket set up has been working ....only other issue I saw was catapillar damage on one plant .....so I'm guna go back with some bamboo poles and apply some Captain Jacks this evening for him.....him being a war vet and a super nice dude it's the least I can do.....all the plants look healthy otherwise ...one of the big ones has a kinked main stem from the shear weight of it ....looks like it's been that way for a while with no ill effect to the plant .....it being wedged between the wall and the fence probably saved it from falling completely over ....I'm not guna try to correct it, I'm just guna put some big poles in to keep it from snapping or getting worse .......

One thing I've been noticing lately is plants seem to be doing weird ass shit this year .....Bud development seems to be very far along on some plants ....while others are on normal pace .....same exact strains that are in the same exact garden way ahead of eachother....I've visited my friends grows and same thing ....very very strange flowering this year ....and it's not strain specific either...plants that are grown regularly each year with no issue ....are guna finish weeks ahead of there sisters sitting rite next to them .....some guys are even saying there plants seem behind......super crazy ...same with dudes plants today ...weird


Well-Known Member
Dude what a cluster fuck that poor man got himself into.....he threw clones in a 3 foot gap between his fence and garage ....these poor plants are wedged between the two ....I didn't expect to see 8 foot monsters ....I literally couldn't even squeeze between the wall and plant to get back to the other 5.....he said he hasn't been able to access his back 5 plants in weeks ....he's just been turning on his drop system and hoping for the best .....so I ended up having to climb up on his shop then drop an aluminum ladder down off the roof into the plants....spider webs fucking everywhere...I hate spiders and ladders....so I cleaned all that shit off for him and tied some branches apart to open them up some ....the webs were everywhere.....luckily his little watering bucket set up has been working ....only other issue I saw was catapillar damage on one plant .....so I'm guna go back with some bamboo poles and apply some Captain Jacks this evening for him.....him being a war vet and a super nice dude it's the least I can do.....all the plants look healthy otherwise ...one of the big ones has a kinked main stem from the shear weight of it ....looks like it's been that way for a while with no ill effect to the plant .....it being wedged between the wall and the fence probably saved it from falling completely over ....I'm not guna try to correct it, I'm just guna put some big poles in to keep it from snapping or getting worse .......

One thing I've been noticing lately is plants seem to be doing weird ass shit this year .....Bud development seems to be very far along on some plants ....while others are on normal pace .....same exact strains that are in the same exact garden way ahead of eachother....I've visited my friends grows and same thing ....very very strange flowering this year ....and it's not strain specific either...plants that are grown regularly each year with no issue ....are guna finish weeks ahead of there sisters sitting rite next to them .....some guys are even saying there plants seem behind......super crazy ...same with dudes plants today ...weird

Yeah, mine are finishing way early, normal for indicas but not so with sativas. I suspect the ungodly heat we had all summer stressing the hell out of them


Well-Known Member
I was just assessing my leaf situation.

My big fall job every year. Takes a few weeks once they start falling. Be nice to have a dry fall to make up for wet spring and summer. Makes sucking leaves so much easier.
0914171326a.jpg 0914171326b.jpg

My 4 golden rain trees. From a tree my dad planted at the other place over 50 yrs. ago that's no longer there. Very prolific trees. These are now 29 yrs. old and still starting new trees.



Well-Known Member
Grafted some plum shoots onto my peach tree, and planted a bunch of avocado cuttings in the ground where I clean my aquariums out into.
It's like a super cloner that piece of earth. I just stick things in and they grow.

A grill needs to be made from a few bricks. Charcoal is a joke.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Oh come now, Odin's an asshole but he strikes me as smart :D after all you guys are on the ones doing all the work.
lol yea my homie is a G. But he is ignant as fuck. He chewed my French doors up! You know the part where both doors meet? He chewed that up. Like wtf Odin? Real gangstas don't do that to their homies bruh. Why you gotta hate on my French door game son?

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I was just assessing my leaf situation.

My big fall job every year. Takes a few weeks once they start falling. Be nice to have a dry fall to make up for wet spring and summer. Makes sucking leaves so much easier.
View attachment 4010244 View attachment 4010245

My 4 golden rain trees. From a tree my dad planted at the other place over 50 yrs. ago that's no longer there. Very prolific trees. These are now 29 yrs. old and still starting new trees.
View attachment 4010246
A yard full of leaves can be a pain, but I miss it. We moved to a house that is lined with evergreens on the perimeter, and that's it. Mostly just grass to mow. (I hate mowing.)
I've found that leaves make awesome fertilizer. If I mulched them into my lawn, it always helped it bounce back in the spring. Sometimes I would use my leaf blower as a vacuum, and mulch leaves into little bits (16:1). That shit worked *great* as a top dressing for roses. :clap: