Well-Known Member
Late to the mix, but great year here. Low precipitation, hot days. Sativa, indica and silver haze. A plthora of buds, suds and good waves. You have one chance at life-what will people say about you?
Line up this year:
Silver Lotus (Bodhi Seeds) X3
Santa Cruz Blue Dream (local cut) X2
Diamond OG (from seed from prior clone)
Sour Patch Kids
Sour Tangie (Dark Heart clone)
Super Sour Diesel (King Klone)
West Coast Sour Diesel
Go Time (TBA Subcool Seeds)

Line up this year:
Silver Lotus (Bodhi Seeds) X3
Santa Cruz Blue Dream (local cut) X2
Diamond OG (from seed from prior clone)
Sour Patch Kids
Sour Tangie (Dark Heart clone)
Super Sour Diesel (King Klone)
West Coast Sour Diesel
Go Time (TBA Subcool Seeds)