Aussie Growers Thread

If u are showing her reasons why u might want to do it...just don't.
I've seen the pain it causes first hand and you wouldn't want to wish that on your worst enemy
na bro ov ben there before when i was 17 was a hard time dont get me wrong i get super depressed and anxios that plus having adhd its pretty mutch been untreated iv probably been on like 10 meds for adhd i cant even remember neither can mum iv been there before when i was 17 i tried killing myself was a very stupisd thing i wosh i never put my mum thrue it i can still remember washing my sisters sheets and bed of the blood so my mum wouldent have to when my sister did iv done enough stupid shit tbh i think iv had depresion axiety and adhd ever since my hoke life iv felt this way never realized my dad was never around so i think thats where the deprasion stems but hes one of those harden the fuck up kinda dudes i wish i could so think from that iv always sub concionchesly
Y blokked how o feel and never really knew untill i started smoking i cuted when i was 20 around shit year that i turned 21 i was homeless on x mas and new years sleeping in hyde park i think shes starting to get that weed helps alltough i did smoke alot but i havent smoked since march exepth for a few leaves and still havent changed its fucked cuse i have days where i get stupid thoughts tbh if not for growing and the whole weed nerd thing im ashamed to say i woild have but shit man iv had problems my whole life but it either that want to help or dont know how or go deaf up untill i say i smoke and then i get treated like a junkie witch makes me wanna rip out there juguler with my teeth becous for five years iv done nothing but spend all day learning about what it doas for people but when the opertunety arrizes i cant remember or find the words i deal with it tho one day im gunna workmin the indastry like im sompassionate about it but at tje same time i have no attention span for the horticulture ceurse im doing about 3 months in havent even got passed the assignment but its all god ill get there nothing worth doing is easy like i heard if u wanted to get the same amount of iron from and apple in98 vs 1950s u would have to eat 26 in 98 this is what i was ment to do with my life fucken put monsanto outta buissnes but i havent chanbed in terms of how i act like i get axios as a motharfucker and pace n shit cant sleep for days illbe wired like im on coke but at tje same time im tired as death but its like i dont have any of those problems when iv got weed u know plus if i find the right strain i might even be able 2 leave the house and b able 2 study and what have u
na bro ov ben there before when i was 17 was a hard time dont get me wrong i get super depressed and anxios that plus having adhd its pretty mutch been untreated iv probably been on like 10 meds for adhd i cant even remember neither can mum iv been there before when i was 17 i tried killing myself was a very stupisd thing i wosh i never put my mum thrue it i can still remember washing my sisters sheets and bed of the blood so my mum wouldent have to when my sister did iv done enough stupid shit tbh i think iv had depresion axiety and adhd ever since my hoke life iv felt this way never realized my dad was never around so i think thats where the deprasion stems but hes one of those harden the fuck up kinda dudes i wish i could so think from that iv always sub concionchesly
Y blokked how o feel and never really knew untill i started smoking i cuted when i was 20 around shit year that i turned 21 i was homeless on x mas and new years sleeping in hyde park i think shes starting to get that weed helps alltough i did smoke alot but i havent smoked since march exepth for a few leaves and still havent changed its fucked cuse i have days where i get stupid thoughts tbh if not for growing and the whole weed nerd thing im ashamed to say i woild have but shit man iv had problems my whole life but it either that want to help or dont know how or go deaf up untill i say i smoke and then i get treated like a junkie witch makes me wanna rip out there juguler with my teeth becous for five years iv done nothing but spend all day learning about what it doas for people but when the opertunety arrizes i cant remember or find the words i deal with it tho one day im gunna workmin the indastry like im sompassionate about it but at tje same time i have no attention span for the horticulture ceurse im doing about 3 months in havent even got passed the assignment but its all god ill get there nothing worth doing is easy like i heard if u wanted to get the same amount of iron from and apple in98 vs 1950s u would have to eat 26 in 98 this is what i was ment to do with my life fucken put monsanto outta buissnes but i havent chanbed in terms of how i act like i get axios as a motharfucker and pace n shit cant sleep for days illbe wired like im on coke but at tje same time im tired as death but its like i dont have any of those problems when iv got weed u know plus if i find the right strain i might even be able 2 leave the house and b able 2 study and what have u
The right strain for you is anything indica.. Unless it's like with riddalin,you take it you slow up and focus we take it and we get a fast buz
loz sorry for the long ass rant needed to get some shit off mh chest it was a female teacher tip o the day boys one way windows arnt one way if its open a couple inces it was a female teacher who i had a crush on to a sup taecher who at one stage i almost smaked in the head with a golf club second time i got in trouble i got sent ro her office she was my teacher in year 8 and a bit of year nine but she ended ip becoming like a vice princeaple so ue got told to go to her office lol i was alwasy in trouble and as i walked in cant remember if i knoked but will be willing to say 100 percent i jeard saw that last half a second of zipping ip his fly plus he goas thanks for that and i smelled cum now im not the smartes of fellows but as a teenager i know what cum smells like fuck how i wanted her to suck mine fuck i shouldve just flopped it out least then i could say i tried i cant remember tje third to be honest man the music teacher a dude was fucken a chik at the time who was 16 i had a suspision but when u find out years later that there to gether yea pedo cunt lol not really thats fucked but ye i i remember asking her feor help the female teacher and she would be behinfd me and like lean over so she could see tje paper idk bu i could feel her boobs touch my back probably why i have a milf fetish now im not complaining fucken love milfs man i dont know what it is there just so fucken sexy i wont be apussy again tho fuck it mu aunties freand who i met at mums 50th was fucken hot never tryed so hard not to get a boner i all my life but it fucken spun me out when i found out her husbend left now tjere getti g a chance fuck it im maken a move nex time tjay com over and have a few how could she resist im no brad pit but iv been training with me fleshlight wich is tighter tjan all the hookers iv fucked and i can last in that up to 4 hours im a fucken stud lol and plus i forgot to add self medicate with grog i dont get hungover plus i aint just gunna have one fuck that ill drink tge whole bottle but fuck it i got 2 west coast ogs in the jiffys in the humidity dome on the heating mat witch i think pretty mutch an auto og but it says its good for adhd but fuck it this is the grow man im gunna grow some dankage
The right strain for you is anything indica.. Unless it's like with riddalin,you take it you slow up and focus we take it and we get a fast buz
i took mdma like 12 time years ago it affected me how it should but ye retalin really slows down and zombies me out probly why i cant remmember shit from when i was a kid
loz sorry for the long ass rant needed to get some shit off mh chest it was a female teacher tip o the day boys one way windows arnt one way if its open a couple inces it was a female teacher who i had a crush on to a sup taecher who at one stage i almost smaked in the head with a golf club second time i got in trouble i got sent ro her office she was my teacher in year 8 and a bit of year nine but she ended ip becoming like a vice princeaple so ue got told to go to her office lol i was alwasy in trouble and as i walked in cant remember if i knoked but will be willing to say 100 percent i jeard saw that last half a second of zipping ip his fly plus he goas thanks for that and i smelled cum now im not the smartes of fellows but as a teenager i know what cum smells like fuck how i wanted her to suck mine fuck i shouldve just flopped it out least then i could say i tried i cant remember tje third to be honest man the music teacher a dude was fucken a chik at the time who was 16 i had a suspision but when u find out years later that there to gether yea pedo cunt lol not really thats fucked but ye i i remember asking her feor help the female teacher and she would be behinfd me and like lean over so she could see tje paper idk bu i could feel her boobs touch my back probably why i have a milf fetish now im not complaining fucken love milfs man i dont know what it is there just so fucken sexy i wont be apussy again tho fuck it mu aunties freand who i met at mums 50th was fucken hot never tryed so hard not to get a boner i all my life but it fucken spun me out when i found out her husbend left now tjere getti g a chance fuck it im maken a move nex time tjay com over and have a few how could she resist im no brad pit but iv been training with me fleshlight wich is tighter tjan all the hookers iv fucked and i can last in that up to 4 hours im a fucken stud lol and plus i forgot to add self medicate with grog i dont get hungover plus i aint just gunna have one fuck that ill drink tge whole bottle but fuck it i got 2 west coast ogs in the jiffys in the humidity dome on the heating mat witch i think pretty mutch an auto og but it says its good for adhd but fuck it this is the grow man im gunna grow some dankage
The right strain for you is anything indica.. Unless it's like with riddalin,you take it you slow up and focus we take it and we get a fast buz

Goddamn that Ritalin shit. And fuck Dexamphetamines too. A kid in high school would ask me for my dexxies all the time. Even said he'd buy my bottle from me. I never let him have any. Didn't like the cunt anyway.

You really could do with some Indica bro. Shit'll slow you right the fuck down. Stop all those racing thoughts. And let you get the rest you need.

I know what you're going through. I've seen a lot of the same. I've got the adhd bullshit too. That's why Indica is good for us. Having said that. There's also good Sativas for us too.
  1. lol fuck some one get this gigle wigle cu t some indica so hell shut the fuck up agreed my bad boys i deleted that post ull cigure it out cuze its deleted sorry thanku for beinog cool cunts i posted it thinking well what happend to vn but u know what fuck sensi seeds fucj green gouse fuck em exepth for the dude that sied he was a good dude man lol any one know where i can uy hemp seeds i wan a plant em at the cop shop thats within 700 meters from my bouse 7