Well-Known Member
It is easy to blame the breeder for bad seeds. Mature cannabis seeds have high germination rates. So what happened? Many times it is the grower's fault. got high forgot to water, got high watered twice because the plants told you to. To hot, to cold, mold, fungus. All these are the growers responsibility. Ok, I got that squared away. Seeds still didnt sprout. I am going to with the mail system. Seeds could sit in a broke down truck cookin for 16 hours in the sun and then gets delivered in the morning and cooks all day in the mailbox till you get home at 6. Shit happens.
and just like your room and mine, shit happens too, adversely affecting seed production if thats whats going on. symptoms may not even show in the seeds till they sprout. not all growers test their germ rates, or sex rates. I've got a pack of 9 males before, this isnt coincidence, its breeder room fuck up. I've had packs that didnt germ at all, or the few that did were whacked from the get go, some predicative by the seed appearance alone=again breeder fault.
I trust my seed breeders to keep their rooms tip top, no excuses. When they dont I stop patronizing them, others catch on and they lose market share. Its cool that their success in 100% in their own hands when you buy direct.
Sure I take a hit here and there, but trends are easy to spot. When I pay blindly for seeds that may or may not even be viable I will except no excuses when they are not.
now...I sure would like to know specifics on room failures as they relate to whacked seed production. Like oops dehuey was down all weekend, rh through the roof, many male seeds, etc...