Aussie Growers Thread

  1. lol fuck some one get this gigle wigle cu t some indica so hell shut the fuck up agreed my bad boys i deleted that post ull cigure it out cuze its deleted sorry thanku for beinog cool cunts i posted it thinking well what happend to vn but u know what fuck sensi seeds fucj green gouse fuck em exepth for the dude that sied he was a good dude man lol any one know where i can uy hemp seeds i wan a plant em at the cop shop thats within 700 meters from my bouse 7
I missed it wat got deleted brother ?
Nah he's sweet some shit is better to be talked about in private that's all I got no issues with what he said just where it was said
My daughter the so called experts said she had adhd years ago.
Ritalin didn't work she pulled her hair out behind her ears over 6 months strand by strand I kid u not
Dexies were next...kindygarten teacher said to us try one so you can see wat they do to a normal person...i did and I was fucken hooked on them for 3 yrs fuck her
Almost destroyed my life was taking 4-6 a day at the end before i ended up in hospital after overdosing on more than 60...yep tried to end it.
Turns out she had autism high spectrum not fucken adhd
So I know all about where a couple of you guys have come from and been thru.. ..
That's deep man. I didn't realize it's that Addictive. And we feed this shit to our kids . They just need to change the way they teach to the way these kids learn
My daughter the so called experts said she had adhd years ago.
Ritalin didn't work she pulled her hair out behind her ears over 6 months strand by strand I kid u not
Dexies were next...kindygarten teacher said to us try one so you can see wat they do to a normal person...i did and I was fucken hooked on them for 3 yrs fuck her
Almost destroyed my life was taking 4-6 a day at the end before i ended up in hospital after overdosing on more than 60...yep tried to end it.
Turns out she had autism high spectrum not fucken adhd
So I know all about where a couple of you guys have come from and been thru.. ..
i wish the best to u and youre family man ur a good dude man im sorry to hear about what youve been thru man glad u got off it that that docter should not be alowed to be a docter
That's deep man. I didn't realize it's that Addictive. And we feed this shit to our kids . They just need to change the way they teach to the way these kids learn
True story and I didn't really want to tell it for fear of being identified by someone
Dexies are legal speed no different to duromine which is even better in that regard....hooked on both for years drove me to madness between 99-05
Was more or less stealing those drugs from my daughter (Only the dexies)
Bad shit and that's what is getting fed to our kids with bad diagnose every day now...
Fuck I know a lot and been thru a lot guys in this regard.
Will prob delete that original post today...
Came out the other side with family intact but now when under big stress like the past week crazy fucken thoughts enter my head...
Like u will be at work 40 ft high and thinking it could be over in an instant...then shit your self cos ur worried u won't be able to stop your self
hey diggers, anyone know whats a good container size for a hempy? should be up-potting from cups in about a week. not growing big bushes, just 2 plants in a 3x3. From reading around 3 litre should be enough but I could just go 5 or 10 for the bigger rez? Want a quick(ish) grow for x-mas smoko so thinking smaller pots might be better.
hey diggers, anyone know whats a good container size for a hempy? should be up-potting from cups in about a week. not growing big bushes, just 2 plants in a 3x3. From reading around 3 litre should be enough but I could just go 5 or 10 for the bigger rez? Want a quick(ish) grow for x-mas smoko so thinking smaller pots might be better.
Not to sure cobber Ive only grown in 10 and 12 gallon ones before
True story and I didn't really want to tell it for fear of being identified by someone
Dexies are legal speed no different to duromine which is even better in that regard....hooked on both for years drove me to madness between 99-05
Was more or less stealing those drugs from my daughter (Only the dexies)
Bad shit and that's what is getting fed to our kids with bad diagnose every day now...
Fuck I know a lot and been thru a lot guys in this regard.
Will prob delete that original post today...
Came out the other side with family intact but now when under big stress like the past week crazy fucken thoughts enter my head...
Like u will be at work 40 ft high and thinking it could be over in an instant...then shit your self cos ur worried u won't be able to stop your self
I feel ya man. I was an intravenous speed/amphetamine user at 15 and was addicted by to the point where I was banging 4points of gear or about a g of rock and spending massive amounts of coin. It all came to a downward spiral that I got of In the end. I've been clean for 2 years but it still haunts me every now and again