How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

Ha. I've been fighting waiting and waiting year after year since 2008 you tend to say fuck it. For anyone who is changing address and waiting, I called in and my address was changed long ago. Why no paper work?
Dude I printed out pictures of your grow and I'm not going to tell you what I needed them for. Suffice it to say
that is the best bush I had all day. :weed:
If I had enough room I was going to do the 3 plants in 600 gallon pots or 1000 gallon but don't have the room. I would've had trees 3 times the size of the middle one..
If I had enough room I was going to do the 3 plants in 600 gallon pots or 1000 gallon but don't have the room. I would've had trees 3 times the size of the middle one..

Hahaha it's friggin awesome as it is man! Trees like that are amazing. What the hell do you feed them?
Well it's and organic soil with the amendments like bloodmeal bonemeal Oystershell bat guano worm castings and a few others. After mixing all that in, now I just have to water with plain old water all season. However I did water every now and then with a worm casting tea. Now during bloom the only thing I add is molasses and the last 2 weeks I mix brown sugar in the water instead of molasses.. This bud is absolutely AAAA Fire.
Not sure if you're familiar with sub cool the weed nerd but it's basically his recipe..
The other common mistake people make when growing cannabis is planting it directly in the ground which is kind of a no no because cannabis likes light airy soil, so planting directly into the ground is going to be hard for the roots of the plant to spread because it's so compact dense and hard that roots can't penetrate it.. That's why a lot of professional growers grow in pots. My pots are 200 gallons which means I have a 1 yard of soil in each pot. It boils down to bigger roots equals bigger fruits.
They say a GOOD grower can expect in between 2-5 pounds in a 200 gallon pot depending on skills of grower. 2 pounds for an average grower and 5 for skilled. They say a 1000 gallon pot will yeild 10-14 pounds again based on skills.So on so forth with different size pots. 600 gallon in between 6-10.
My setup has cost a pretty penny so I'm hoping for the best!! Probably close to a couple grand after soil and amendments along with basic supplies.
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They say a GOOD grower can expect in between 2-5 pounds in a 200 gallon pot depending on skills of grower. 2 pounds for an average grower and 5 for skilled. They say a 1000 gallon pot will yeild 10-14 pounds again based on skills.So on so forth with different size pots. 600 gallon in between 6-10.
My setup has cost a pretty penny so I'm hoping for the best!! Probably close to a couple grand after soil and amendments along with basic supplies.
I grow in hydro (ebb and flow), and have no real experience or knowledge with soil mixes. It is clearly something I need to read up on, do you have any links that have really helped you?
For outdoor !!.
If you have UTube and have 6 hours to spare lol. Or just watch in parts. It's called,
How to Grow "Mendo Dope" full series. Pretty good. And you can utube subcool weed nerd! Lots of info on organic.
Dude I printed out pictures of your grow and I'm not going to tell you what I needed them for. Suffice it to say
that is the best bush I had all day. :weed:

If I had enough room I was going to do the 3 plants in 600 gallon pots or 1000 gallon but don't have the room. I would've had trees 3 times the size of the middle one..

Sounds like you might be having some unwanted visitor(s) in the near future.

I pointed out in an earlier post to watch what information you disclose on this forum. Now these people know where you live and know when to pay a visit.

Not being a prick either, just letting you know to take precautions.
Sounds like you might be having some unwanted visitor(s) in the near future.

I pointed out in an earlier post to watch what information you disclose on this forum. Now these people know where you live and know when to pay a visit.

Not being a prick either, just letting you know to take precautions.
How do they know where I live? Did I leave my address? Please enlighten me.
How do they know where I live? Did I leave my address? Please enlighten me.

Central Ontario. Camera info embedded in the picture. You can even glean geographic markers from the photos. Take your second floor picture for example, it gives a good outlay of your backyard and neighbors. Then go take a look at the satellite view of your house on google maps.

Never underestimate ingenuity of the criminal element. It isn't fear mongering, I just don't want to see a post that you lost your stuff.
Fair enough! But I'm really not worried about it. If they can actually take it from under my nose then it is what it is. If I hear them I'll make the judgement call on calling police or hitting someone with a bat. Again thanks for your advice.. I was wondering where you been lol. I guess I'm not as paranoid as you.
Fair enough! But I'm really not worried about it. If they can actually take it from under my nose then it is what it is. If I hear them I'll make the judgement call on calling police or hitting someone with a bat. Again thanks for your advice.. I was wondering where you been lol. I guess I'm not as paranoid as you.

Not paranoia :)

They really are out to get you. Look at it this way. You are expecting 5-10kg or more which is an easy 10-20k. It would be easy to pick up on your daily habits to find out when you aren't home and then go clean you out.

Has happened more often than you would like to know. At least now with ACMPR you can get a police report to be able to file an insurance claim.

Oh I am still lurking around. Trying not to disturb the peanut gallery too much. Getting ready for winter and forum thumping.
They are out to get me eh?. We'll see about that.
Not sure who you are or what your intent is on this site but please refrain from replying to anything I say. It's just for my sanity thanks.
Not sure what history you have with Farmer J but you seem to bash him pretty hard on his blueberry cough grow.
So far I'm really not liking you.
Maybe you should try and be a little more helpful on the site instead of telling everyone they're going to get robbed or they suck at growing.
Not cool.
They are out to get me eh?. We'll see about that.
Not sure who you are or what your intent is on this site but please refrain from replying to anything I say. It's just for my sanity thanks.
Not sure what history you have with Farmer J but you seem to bash him pretty hard on his blueberry cough grow.
So far I'm really not liking you.
Maybe you should try and be a little more helpful on the site instead of telling everyone they're going to get robbed or they suck at growing.
Not cool.

So be it. However if you do lose you stuff I will not hesitate to remind you that I told you so. Don't expect privacy on a public forum and anticipate criticism.

I have been quite helpful. For example I just told you how easy it is for the folks here to come take your stuff. Considering I have been accused of being part of law enforcement in this sub-forum something like this might be something you take seriously. As a newer member I figured you weren't aware of these incidents and hadn't read the suggestions that have been posted in the forum to protect yourself.

Whether you like someone or not is irrelevant to me. You and I are just some people posting on an internet forum and nothing more. Take and use what information or advice you want to believe in since you are the only one affected.

As for that blueberry cough grow, sorry but it is disgraceful. Don't shoot the messenger, the emperor has no clothes, etc. My sympathy for the poor plants gets no respect from all you mean spirited savages.
They are out to get me eh?. We'll see about that.
Not sure who you are or what your intent is on this site but please refrain from replying to anything I say. It's just for my sanity thanks.
Not sure what history you have with Farmer J but you seem to bash him pretty hard on his blueberry cough grow.
So far I'm really not liking you.
Maybe you should try and be a little more helpful on the site instead of telling everyone they're going to get robbed or they suck at growing.
Not cool.
He's a pathetic little friendless jerk-off. Don't listen to a word he say's. This is one big duffus and just out to make trouble. It comes from a sick childhood of abuse and rejection. Can you say troll.....because he's the very definition of the word.
He's jealous of the relationships and comradery here. Put him on ignore if he disturbs you. The rest of us just laugh at him.
He's afraid of his own shadow and thinks the BM is after him. Which maybe they are who know's.
Anyway your instinct is correct. Now, what's that Latin word for dick head again?
My plants made it another night lol. Still here looking lovely. I will take extra precautions cuz Poo Flinger says their out to get me. Causing Trouble seems to be Poo Flinger middle name. Like Pokearoo shows up flings some shit around then disappears again..
He quotes Hot Water Karl wanting to use my pics to jerk off too as a sign that someone is going to rob me. Whatta twit.
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