Aussie Growers Thread

lol im gunna have 2 admit im dumb i dont get youre reply man also i dont get whay its good like if id doasent add any meaningfull amount of nutes that how is it a good water suplement lol :dunce::confused: sorry for the dumb question
What do you mean by meaningful amount of nutrients? It's not meant to be used as a nutrient, if you think things need to have a high N.P.K value than you have no idea about organic growing.
lol im gunna have 2 admit im dumb i dont get youre reply man also i dont get whay its good like if id doasent add any meaningfull amount of nutes that how is it a good water suplement lol :dunce::confused: sorry for the dumb question
If you don't know what it does why did you buy it ?
Yes cops look at this site for one its a u.s.a site so normal police can't do fuck all besides contact the Australian FBI and do u think there gunna worry bout me and my 6 plants ? 2nd I could be offering the nutes for many a things chillies tomatoes fruits and so on just cause its a cannabis website does not mean we are growing cannabis
Wtf this is a cannabis website? I thought it was about rolling up our peppers and basil
What nutrients do u guys use ? Many years ago like 10 I use to be z dutch master gold guy then a mate put me on h&g till I got a job in in hydro store which lead to commercial lettuce growing were I meet a guy who put me onto commercial grow nutez now I have been using hy gen for 2 years and I love it
I use power feed and nitrosol in veg stage. Very hard to overfeed with power feed. And monstabud in flowering.
What do you mean by meaningful amount of nutrients? It's not meant to be used as a nutrient, if you think things need to have a high N.P.K value than you have no idea about organic growing.
i just dont under stand what id doas other then the npk like if its got no meaning full amount the what are the benifets this was an impuls buy from what i can remember
i guess its mother fucking tea time might just keep it simple and do one cup of castings in 10 liter i wan to keep it simple shit if im trying to multply microbes then ill need mollases ye all iv got os brown suger will that do how mutch do i put in with 1 cup castings and ten liters of water
i guess its mother fucking tea time might just keep it simple and do one cup of castings in 10 liter i wan to keep it simple shit if im trying to multply microbes then ill need mollases ye all iv got os brown suger will that do how mutch do i put in with 1 cup castings and ten liters of water
Why would you do that compost tea has no meaningful N.P.K value
Today I was standing in a creek bed laughing loudly like that crazy motherfucker drax off guardians of the galaxy. All I could do was laugh my ass off .stumbled across the holy grail of soil in that creek bed more soil then I could ever use ,soft , airy , beautiful red mountain soil washed into a corner bank.
okay iv red all 3 of those books teaming with nutrients mycrobes and fungi maybe i need 2 re read it again so those not meangfull levels of nutrients for the plant but good for the mycrobes ? Am i getting close