Well-Known Member
LOL !!!! gotta love that promethazine
Bro let me hell you a funny story.... My friend got me 2 baby bottles he said was "lean" well it turns out his buddy is a chemist who figured out how to cut it and make it stretch. So I poured up 3oz because I had a 2hr drive ahead of me. Finished it and didn't feel much. I only had another 2oz left so I'm like fuck it mine as well make another cup and finish it..... Finish that cup and didn't feel nothing. Go to sleep.... Wake up at 2am literally tripping my balls off! Wake my wife up because I'm face deep in the toilet throwing up and laughing at the same time because I'm riding the codeine wave. Finally fall asleep on the bathroom floor and wake up again at 10am still tripping balls! It finally wore off around 5 that afternoon. Worst part was her parents were in town that weekend and I had to play it off as food pick poisoning lmao!