Trump unites NFL - against him.


Well-Known Member
The first post-Trump idiocy NFL game kicked off this morning in London when dozens of players from both teams either locked arms or knelt during the anthem.

I expect this to happen a lot more today except for the perennial cheaters the New England Patriots.

Hooray for all involved! They know what this country stands for better than President Pumpkin.
The first post-Trump idiocy NFL game kicked off this morning in London when dozens of players from both teams either locked arms or knelt during the anthem.

I expect this to happen a lot more today except for the perennial cheaters the New England Patriots.

Hooray for all involved! They know what this country stands for better than President Pumpkin.
"Taking a knee is disrespectful to the flag and the people that died defending it"

"Didn't those people die specifically so people back home are free to express themselves and protest injustice?"

I was talking to a guy recently (a veteran, airborne no less. He wears muscle shirts that are skin tight with matching pants and is somewhat hyper-competitive but not too smart) and raised my opinion that the NFL is in decline. I raised the fact that the local park district got 11 kids that signed up for football this year compared to well over a hundred five years ago - and this is a football obsessed state. He said something like, "yeah but that's here - there are always going to be kids in the inner city and ghettos that are going to be willing to take the risk for earning the kind of money they do in the NFL"

Well I guess the NFL is going to have to add censorship to all their contracts if they want people who grew up poor to be their wellspring in the future, we don't want to make these poor crackers angry while they watch their blood-sport.

If that doesn't work maybe we can just have poor people knife fight to the death over suitcases full of cash.
I was talking to a guy recently (a veteran, airborne no less. He wears muscle shirts that are skin tight with matching pants and is somewhat hyper-competitive but not too smart) and raised my opinion that the NFL is in decline. I raised the fact that the local park district got 11 kids that signed up for football this year compared to well over a hundred five years ago - and this is a football obsessed state. He said something like, "yeah but that's here - there are always going to be kids in the inner city and ghettos that are going to be willing to take the risk for earning the kind of money they do in the NFL"

Well I guess the NFL is going to have to add censorship to all their contracts if they want people who grew up poor to be their wellspring in the future, we don't want to make these poor crackers angry while they watch their blood-sport.

If that doesn't work maybe we can just have poor people knife fight to the death over suitcases full of cash.
I never really liked football, I always thought 2 men beating each other senseless for 25mins made more sense.
My interest in the NFL is the lowest ever due to CTE.

sure thing. we all believe you. no one suspects that you are following the racist dotard you worship in his racist culture war because you are an unfuckable old racist crank.




President Donald Trump’s assault on the NFL that started during a political rally in Alabama on Friday night has continued all weekend on Twitter, including a tweet on Sunday morning several hours before the day’s slate of games get underway.
So this morning, with the 1st NFL game of the day, almost all the players from both the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Baltimore Ravens took a knee during the playing of the national anthem in Great Britain.
It's nice to show the world that not all Americans are buying into Trump's BS, that there are some still standing up for their right to confront the mad man in charge.
All he did was allow more true Americans to show their rights as citizens to show how they truly feel about him, and his policies, and that ain't going to be pretty for him (he's going to cry)
I cant wait for the end of today's games to see how many more players are going to say fuck you to Trump,
just like the Golden State Warriors did yesterday, by saying no thanks, we'll pass on visiting the WH, and looking at your little puckered mouth.
All this guy is truely good at is making enemies it seems, and now the NFL hates him also, and that quite an achievement
Nice try at making America great again
So Trump is telling All Rich Owners it's ok to violate the Law and fire employees.
This is where trickle down works, in dividing a nation.
I'm glad to see some pushback from the NFL. I can get back in there corner now. (for the time being)
What law would be violated? Pretty sure free speech does not apply at work.
It would nice if sports were sports and politics were politics. Who really gives a fuck about these people not me.
It would nice if sports were sports and politics were politics. Who really gives a fuck about these people not me.
awwww, poor little trump worshiper is abandoning his savior.

remember, it was trump who stood behind a podium at a political rally and called kaepernick a 'son of a bitch' for peacefully taking a knee to protest the murder of unarmed black men by cops.

a much stronger condemnation than he ever gave to nazis like bugeye or arcticspaghettinoodle, who he calls "very fine people".

good luck winning this one. you retards got all offended by free speech after years of telling people their 'political correctness' was killing free speech. as if not using racial slurs is that hard for you old fat white losers.
Well then perhaps they will fire the hundreds of players who delivered a rotten egg to Trump's face today.

Whatever they do it is lose lose for NFL at this point, assuming rating go down. Maybe rating will go up though and the National Anthem will become THE time and place to air grievances.