Trump unites NFL - against him.

Didn't Colin make an obscene amount last year or did he have a guaranteed deal for this year? Anyway Colin aint siftin sand. Talking heads say he's being "White Balled" They also speculate Trump has put him on a roster somewhere. His Future is in politics. Sooner he is out of football, sooner he will be a rep. then senator.
Kaepernick isn't a great quarterback or better said, has sucked the past couple of year. He's much better than a lot of team's current quarterbacks. Ever hear of Josh McCown, the 38 year old quarterback for the NY Jets? The famous Josh McCown who has been cut by 7 other teams over the past 15 years and began this year at 0-2? Basically, the Jets team owner snubbed his fans and chose to play with a third string quarterback instead of Kaepernick, who is only three years removed from nearly winning a superbowl.

It's probably true that Kaepernick could retire and never work again if he managed his finances right. Don't you think he knows that? He also knows that he's not working because of his protests. By staying active in search of a position, he's keeping the attention of the sports-obsessed fan on an important social issue. He's brave and pretty smart. He's not a great QB but better than many who are serving as starters, which only highlights the corrosive effects that racism has on society.

Kudos to Kaepernick. And you are right about a potential future in politics. He's going to have to work on communication skills, however. He's still an athlete and not a politician and it shows in some of his statements.
we need to start desensitizing trump supporters.

instead of allowing them to have their way, we must show up en masse INSIDE THE RALLY..lock arms and bend the knee there.

that's how to disrupt peacefully..protesting outside does MUST disrupt!

how? think flash mob..wear a trump shirt over mob shirt.

if we do this, his rally's will end.
we need to start desensitizing trump supporters.

instead of allowing them to have their way, we must show up en masse INSIDE THE RALLY..lock arms and bend the knee there.

that's how to disrupt peacefully..protesting outside does MUST disrupt!

if we do this, his rally's will end.
I don't mind locking arms, but you couldn't pay me to attend a Trump rally or take a knee during Anthem.
When I was in the 101st I fought for the right for my black comrades to kneel during a racist song that a young country embraced, they fought for my right to be an atheist.

If you don't think it is racist remember the third stanza:

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

I got a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart along with PTSD, I don't regret going I regret when some idiot says I was Iraq for reasons other then why I enlisted especially if that reason is for a song.

When some idiot takes away why I was there by saying it was for a song or that an American Hero like John McCain isn't a hero (or John Kerry for that matter). I say fuck you.
How about AMERICAN ANTHEM traitor porkchop prick.
Zedd lives in UK, derp

"get back in to your place, boy" you said it not him.

Trump said NFL owners should respond to the players by saying, "Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, he's fired. He's fired!"

He also said "Because that's a total disrespect of our heritage."

Whose heritage is that? What heritage is he talking about? The players are observing our heritage to peacefully protest legalized murders. The president of the US is trying to get African American football players fired for rebuking this country for protesting our heritage of institutional racism in police forces. They specifically protest police who are literally killing black men for no good reason. Trump wants them fired and he wants to show how he can use his racist followers to affect corporate policies regarding social rights activism.

How is what Trump said not telling these men to get back in their place.
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Kaepernick isn't a great quarterback or better said, has sucked the past couple of year. He's much better than a lot of team's current quarterbacks. Ever hear of Josh McCown, the 38 year old quarterback for the NY Jets? The famous Josh McCown who has been cut by 7 other teams over the past 15 years and began this year at 0-2? Basically, the Jets team owner snubbed his fans and chose to play with a third string quarterback instead of Kaepernick, who is only three years removed from nearly winning a superbowl.

It's probably true that Kaepernick could retire and never work again if he managed his finances right. Don't you think he knows that?
I'm confused, a word on "Don't you think he knows that?".
The elder retard Trump just pooped out a Tweet supporting the players who linked arms. What a fucking dimwit. They locked their arms to show solidarity against his idiot ramblings. Player safety is ruining the game this moron said and they reacted. Now he is claiming victory. The only people stupid enough to believe this are... trump supporters.

The players grew up with systemic racism, they struggled through it and succeeded despite it. They still face it, though. And now, instead of kicking the ladder down, they are extending a hand to the millions of black people and acting in solidarity with them, leveraging what power and influence they have to try and mitigate or eliminate racial injustice by first heightening awareness about it.

Get it?
Kaepernick isn't a great quarterback or better said, has sucked the past couple of year. He's much better than a lot of team's current quarterbacks. Ever hear of Josh McCown, the 38 year old quarterback for the NY Jets? The famous Josh McCown who has been cut by 7 other teams over the past 15 years and began this year at 0-2? Basically, the Jets team owner snubbed his fans and chose to play with a third string quarterback instead of Kaepernick, who is only three years removed from nearly winning a superbowl.

It's probably true that Kaepernick could retire and never work again if he managed his finances right. Don't you think he knows that? He also knows that he's not working because of his protests. By staying active in search of a position, he's keeping the attention of the sports-obsessed fan on an important social issue. He's brave and pretty smart. He's not a great QB but better than many who are serving as starters, which only highlights the corrosive effects that racism has on society.

Kudos to Kaepernick. And you are right about a potential future in politics. He's going to have to work on communication skills, however. He's still an athlete and not a politician and it shows in some of his statements.

The guy that is kicking himself over this is RG3, he had better stats and right now is playing for the same team as Kaaepernick. Right now he is saying, "if only I were a little more political...."
'we need to bring them to heel..' who them? 'superpredators'..

THAT KIND OF THINKING IS CULTURE RELATED AND INGRAINED..PSSST! SHE STILL THINKS THIS..who was her daddy again? a southern republican you say? growing up in arkansas? goldwater girl?
I don't get your line of reasoning.

What Clinton said was wrong. She said it a long time ago and has apologized for it. It isn't for you to forgive her for saying that. She didn't harm you, white girl. She harmed the African American community, the wide majority of whom have accepted her apology and forgiven her.

What Trump said was wrong. He's doubling and tripling down on his racist statements to his racist base. It's not up to you to forgive him, it's up to the African American community to forgive but then again, Trump hasn't given much of a reason to do so. I think four have forgiven Trump, so far. And one Hispanic American.
Kaepernick isn't a great quarterback or better said, has sucked the past couple of year. He's much better than a lot of team's current quarterbacks. Ever hear of Josh McCown, the 38 year old quarterback for the NY Jets? The famous Josh McCown who has been cut by 7 other teams over the past 15 years and began this year at 0-2? Basically, the Jets team owner snubbed his fans and chose to play with a third string quarterback instead of Kaepernick, who is only three years removed from nearly winning a superbowl.

It's probably true that Kaepernick could retire and never work again if he managed his finances right. Don't you think he knows that? He also knows that he's not working because of his protests. By staying active in search of a position, he's keeping the attention of the sports-obsessed fan on an important social issue. He's brave and pretty smart. He's not a great QB but better than many who are serving as starters, which only highlights the corrosive effects that racism has on society.

Kudos to Kaepernick. And you are right about a potential future in politics. He's going to have to work on communication skills, however. He's still an athlete and not a politician and it shows in some of his statements.

Good point. He was really good but took a dive in the last couple years. I didn't think his protest would be his greatest obsticle only because it seems the NFL coaches, owners, etc. are sympathetic to the cause, but your post has made me reconsider.
The guy that is kicking himself over this is RG3, he had better stats and right now is playing for the same team as Kaaepernick. Right now he is saying, "if only I were a little more political...."
I don't understand your reply. RG3 has bad knees, can't play his style of running game and can't stay healthy. Kaep is healthy, he can still play a good running style of game. He's just not a great passer.

In any case, RG3 didn't have the courage of his convictions to protest when he was on a team.